We have started breeding several of our egg laying fish. Each type of fish has its own tank and I either siphon out the eggs to an egg tray until they hatch, or remove the adults and see what hatches in the next few days. Once the fry are big enough they all go together into a small fry grow out tank, and then when they get big enough to eat the newcomers, they go into a big fry grow out tank.
I now have three Melanotaenia trifasciata (at least they look very much like it) that I raised from eggs, now about 1+ inches long and starting to get some nice colors. Funny thing is, we don't have any and have never had any adults of this species. We have been breeding Black Emporer tetras, Blue Eye Gertrudae rainbowfish, White Cloud mountain minnows, Emerald tetras, CPDs, and Cory cats. So the parents are one of these types of fish. I thought they were baby Black Emporer tetras at first, as I thought those were the parents, but it could be any of them.
Is this even possible? The only thing I can think of is some fish (Black Emporer perhaps) were interbred with Melanotaenia trifasciata and some of the offspring looked like black emporers but were half Melanotaenia trifasciata, and so when I bred them, some of the offspring were fully Melanotaenia trifasciata. Have you ever heard of this happening before?