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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Colu


    Have your notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly that would indicate a parasitic @VanDogh
  2. That doesn't look like ich I could be the start of epistylis that feeds off gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures the most effective treatment is to dose the tank with malachite green active ingredient in ick X and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days
  3. Colu

    Angel fish

    How old are the angelfish have you noticed any spawning behaviour because angelfish can get very aggressive when spawning and attack other fish in the tank have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy loss of appetite @shenberry
  4. If the grey patches spreads or he develops redness to the body or mouth I would start treating with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such kanaplex or maracyn2 look out for loss of appetite rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly resting on the bottom of the tank he's how you can tell if your fish has ich @CorvidaeMP
  5. Swim bladder issues can be caused by the fish over eating and stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder or a bacterial infection of the swim bladder or a parasitic infection first I would try Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder if after 5 days of epsom salt baths your seeing no improvement than I would do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days @Bidadash
  6. Clear edges to fins can be a sign it's starting to heal i wouldn't recommend treating with more antibiotics I would just keep Indian almond leaves in his tank and as long as you seeing no redness to the fins or the fins start to recede i would treat with kanaplex @Vonz1
  7. The grey patch could be due to an injury natural colour change am not seeing anything that looks like ich in your pictures have you noticed any change in behaviour any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy lose of appetite @CorvidaeMP
  8. Could be epistylis that feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures the most effective treatment is to dose the tank with malachite green active ingredient in ick X and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days if there not eating i would dose the tank with maracyn2
  9. You what I would do is dose prime it won't have a negative interaction with maracyn2 and dose Fritz bottled bacteria daily during treatment
  10. Colu


    Looking at the pictures I would say the start of a tumor nothing treatment wise I could recommend other than keeping stable water parameters and monitor it will eventually spread to the point were you will have to consider humanly euthanizing him with clove oil that's further down the road @Gideyon
  11. If it were columnaris the most effective treatment I have found is kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment @blyatboy
  12. Colu


    Possible tumor really common in Betta's due to low genetic diversity or an intestinal blockage that less likely with lump on one side if you can get a side on picture that would help with a diagnosis @Gideyon
  13. Looking at the pictures it could have a bacterial component kanaplex isn't effective in food as very little of the medication is adsorbed by the intestinal tract so not a lot of medication makes it into the blood stream what I would do is dose the tank with kanaplex and do a course of metroplex in food for a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment feeding a small amount of metroplex twice a day for 7 days and add an extra air stone during treatment
  14. Liquid test kits are more accurate the test strips are quick and will give your a good Idea of what you KH and GH is and are better value
  15. That looks like poop in the video the picture with the piece on paper towels looks different possible you have a combination of tubifex worms and snails poop
  16. You might get away with larger aggressive south american cichlids that can hold there own or bottom feeding string rays or the larger pleco i recommended I don't think your tank big enough for them most of information I have seen recommend keeping them on there own due to there predatory nature
  17. I don't think copepods are big enough to create that kind of movement
  18. I think they would be a snack you would need large species of catfish such as sailfin plecos royal plecos common plecos
  19. Can you update load the video again I can't see it
  20. From what I have read there likely to attack or predate most tank mate you could probably get away with armoured catfish like common pleco you would need a bigger tank to accommodate them
  21. Colu

    betta fin rot

    Your water parameters look fine now just keep an eye on your ammonia during treatment just in case you get a spike
  22. Colu

    betta fin rot

    Yes I would do another water change and add the medication
  23. I have tubifex worms in my tank and they don't lay on the surface they just poke up though the substrate and wave in the current in groups could be blood worms
  24. Low KH can effect shell growth I would definitely invest in a KH and GH test kit or test strips
  25. Colu

    betta fin rot

    With API test kit i find it difficult to tell if it's 0 or 0.25 if you going to do another course of antibiotics I would do another water change and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any possible ammonia present before treating eating is a good sign hopefully he will make a full recovery given time open the test tube looks down with tube on the white background I find that easy to tell with API test kit what colour it is if your using prime that can give a false positive for ammonia with API test kit @ka47
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