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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @Scaperoot 30 gallons may be a bit too small for angelfish. You could possibly do a pair, but then what do you do with all the fry? I just moved from NYC, tell him to go to Monster aquarium in Queens, it’s the best retail location in NYC by far. Good luck
  2. @mountaintoppufferkeeper congrats buddy, that’s one hell of an accomplishment. Good for you, enjoy
  3. @Beardedbillygoat1975 I’ve never kept Aves Creek, but I have kept Aytinjo strain and they were gorgeous. The Aves Creek specimen photos I’ve seen shows them being very light but in a really great way. I have an open 75 that I’d love to add some Goyder River Trifasciata to, but I must wait for the better weather for shipping. Are you planning on keeping the Upper Tor as a specimen only tank or do you mix communities? PS excellent idea on the rainbow nerm post, great job buddy.
  4. @Beardedbillygoat1975 The speckling is very real. It’s a spectacular sight. Looking back, I probably should of gotten a dozen Kamaka’s because of the shortened life span, but I am super happy with them. @TheSwissAquarist Marcel is a high quality rainbow fish breeder/collector in the states. His lineages are very high quality. He’s extremely popular in the rainbow fish nerm circles.
  5. Here are a dozen Pseudomugil Gertrudae Aru 2 from Marcel. My photo skills are awful. They share a 40B with a dozen longfin white clouds. Both of these species have spectacular courting rituals. I added a pond flower for good measure.
  6. @Goldie Blue My gold white cloud mountain minnows have exactly that. It started small and now 2 of them are basically fully black. There’s a total of about 4 with less black but still more than the 0% it should have. I posted about this a few months back and got nothing. I can tell you that it doesn’t seem to impede in any way, they are actually some of the larger specimen. With that said, I’d love to find out what it is. I’m assuming it’s a water quality issue, but that’s simply an assumption.
  7. I’ve read these can be a bit of a gamble as many do not live long. Good job
  8. @Guppysnail I have A few that have a closed bottom with various small openings for water to pass through. Eventually you’d probably have to trim the roots that’ll pop out but it’s much more limited than an open bottom concept.
  9. @Guppysnail I don’t know of a hang on back easy planter, but I have bought 3D printed pothos for planters that hang on the side of my aquarium. My HOB is full of sponges, a sponge filter and a pothos holder thingy and I never experience water quality issues ever. Check Etsy…
  10. @Godzilla68 They make it nearly impossible to shop anywhere else. IMO, the best overall company in the hobby by farrrrrrrrr. Glad everything worked out.
  11. I’ve done both, having a lid has too many pro’s and not having a lid has too many cons and risks. I’d always go with a lid from the get. Hope this helps.
  12. @KittenFishMom plop and drop should work fine. What kind of fish are arriving? The only main concern I’d have is are the fish packed in breather bags? If so, do not float the bags or you will suffocate the fish. Not many use these, but some do. Mainly, enjoy the excitement! I still get really stoked when I have fish arriving, I literally turn into a child. Enjoy and good luck!
  13. I’ve kept a ton of cichlids in the past, dwarf and large and nothing comes close to a flowerhorn. You could house a short body FH for life in a 40B. The personality is ridiculous and they will summersault for food or simply cuz they’re happy to see you (in reality, they’re alwaaaaaays hungry). Good luck
  14. I had a 125 a few years back and it was as easy to work on as a 75. However, I despised working on the 90 gallon planted. It was beyond annoying. Hope this helps
  15. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well.
  16. In my experience, Flowerhorns have the best personality, just a ton of fun. However they can only be kept alone.
  17. @Brainsponge 100% If you go that route, Tractor Supply has another brand Tuff Stuff that comes in 40 gallon and 110. They’re cheaper and house everything with no problems whatsoever. If you want to go the 300 gallon route then the Rubbermaid is the way to go. I have both and love them both, but 300 gallons is 300 gallons.
  18. They’re beautiful. Good luck with them. I have fancy goldfish and they’re way too fragile. You get the best of both worlds, beautiful goldfish and sturdy as a tank.
  19. What I used to do was move the 150 stock pond indoors. When it got a bit warmer, I moved it back outdoors. I was lucky enough to have the room to do so. If you can figure something out like this then you only have to buy once. Although having an extra tank is always convenient. 😎
  20. @Colu @Patrick_G @nabokovfan87 that’s basically the conclusion I came to as well. I just needed it stamped. The Endlers will go into an open 29 and the pseudo and lf wcmm will be in the 40breeder. Thanks again, Manny
  21. Hello all, So I have a bit of a poll question. Here is my predicament. I have a planted 40 breeder. It houses a dozen Pseudomugil Gertrudae Aru 2, a dozen long fin white clouds, and a long fin green dragon bn pleco. In a separate 10 gallon I have a mini colony of Staeck Endlers. Should I have them join the 40 breeder community? Or do you think it would look too crowded? Any and all feedback is appreciated.
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