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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Ok those are definitely bubbles. Post a photo of the aquarium if you are seeking further help.
  2. How long has the aquarium been running?
  3. @Ryan1988 sounds like a solid setup. Just be aware that if pairing off occurs, that 75 will turn real small, real fast. Luckily the Sveni take forever to grow. Post photos of the Sveni whenever you get them. I just acquired 5 that are growing out in my 180.
  4. @Ryan1988 that’s plenty. How many Sveni you got going in there?
  5. @knee no worries, I’m very interested so please keep us updated.
  6. @knee yes and even if a reinfestation occurred, it still wouldn’t explain the cloudiness. Did you ask Ron if he has had adverse reactions to the combo? It may be a game of percentages. I’m just tossing stuff at the wall and hoping something sticks. Good luck
  7. @knee have you been gravel vac’ing every 2 days? I've also used and swear by that medicated food. I’ve never had any issues. You’ve got me very curious.
  8. Did you add water conditioner/dechlor?
  9. @jwcarlson that’s what I figured. Are we no longer allowed to mention aquahuna? Seems ridiculous but you never know.
  10. I have a bunch of these that I do not use. PM me if you’d like them.
  11. You could do this in Florida and see a ton of stuff, but the alligators are a buzz kill. Is it better to have access to a spot and not be able to enter or not have a spot at all? Mysteries of life.
  12. @AtomicSunfish you then have it figured out. Good luck.
  13. You can do what you like but @anewbie nailed it for you. On this forum, you learn about first hand experiences. Online references are great, but are generalized and many factors come into play.
  14. I’ve had shellies for years and they are little bulldozers. Personally I’d remove some of that substrate, it’s a bit excessive. Use it for another tank or future tank.
  15. @Little Guys you may want to look it up in the disease portion of the forum. You’ll most likely find the answers you need or you’re more likely to get a thorough response in that section.
  16. Sounds like a swim bladder issue.
  17. Why not buy 1, see how you like it. It’s really bright on its highest setting. Then if your plants need more, then add another.
  18. @macdaddy36 could be, but honestly you can’t compare the 2. They focus on very very different things.
  19. I wonder how this will work out since it is a conflict of interest for Cory who also sells plants.
  20. @johnnyxxl how does silicon hold up backgrounds? Only 1 surface it touches is glass, yet it works.
  21. Im not 100% sure but that looks like insect eggs to me.
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