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Everything posted by johnnyxxl

  1. Still not fully done with my fish, just started you will love the next batch I have planned. It's a 4 footer when I calculated the volume it was 78 gallons so I think it was sold as 80
  2. In the past I have fed some frozen foods as treats like bloodworm and stuff like that. Maybe breed your own baby brine shrimp 🦐?
  3. It's probably diatom algae which will just keep appearing until the silica is eaten up by then. Bladder snails and pond snails love that stuff.
  4. What are your water numbers and how long was the tank setup etc.
  5. I used to have a tank with guppies and the guppies ate a bunch of the young fry
  6. They are super cute I have 6 in my bathtub of a tank
  7. I say go for it. Patch the crack, or find a piece of glass. It's plate glass maybe you can find a glazer that has a piece big enough that you can get or something.
  8. Some fungus can be treated with salt, maybe someone with a bit more knowledge can chime in
  9. I use oil for everything metal,but I worked in a machine shop for a while.
  10. Take the fish out rearrange the decorations and make lots of hiding spots then reintroduce the fish all at the same time. This will help cut down on some of the violence.
  11. Many fish that people say are aggressive it can be easily averted either by stock numbers, or by having lots of cover. You could get a nice school of angels they are easy going in a tank with cover, and really pretty. I am partial to barbs but I also have acidic softer water. Go with Cherry Barb, endlers, platties,etc. But go big school's lots of just random colours. Just throwing ideas
  12. Cap the ends and make floats for blocking flow
  13. I was going to buy pool sand but they only had Clorox brand, so I used playground sand and pea gravel
  14. These bits are why I like having old fish books for references
  15. I would just get some stems and let them fill the area in for your gourami to have someplace to hide. My tank is looking a bit erratic but it is easy to rearrange most plants if you aren't happy but how tidy is nature if that's what you want.
  16. I was just looking into that as an option for them. The kit for filling the windshield voids were cheap when I bought the last one less than 20 dollars.
  17. You can drill into anything with the right drills for your drill driver.
  18. If you are only filling up part way then you can wait. But the faux trim tanks are great mine is from that vintage.
  19. Easy now you have a new project replace the piece of glass and replace the silicone.
  20. There is light on that end from something because the algae is only concentrated on that end of the tank. I have the Hygger light and the blue light hasn't caused any algae growth. My light runs the default daytime setting. It's been going for around 40 days
  21. I would have suggested either endlers or killies
  22. They need something to hide in, or among, like tall plants or wood
  23. I am working on a tank that is big like that, I am running sand and pea gravel for substrate, propagate my plants from the cuttings of the stems, for fish I have added so far panda Cory's and otocinclus catfish along with kulhi loaches planning on tiger barbs one of the variations of them a nice big school/shoal
  24. Make one out of polycarbonate sheet from Lowe's Easy DIY project
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