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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Thanks was def wondering about that!
  2. If u have stress coat use it. I not add some hides and make him comfy. He will be fine I’m sure soon!
  3. Oh wow! That’s crazy. I am going to get my WCMMs today so I will post some pics for you!!! So excited
  4. I love corys because the way they look mainly but great and awesome fish for sure!!
  5. Yeah I have had anubias for maybe 2 weeks and doing great! Java fern died but that was totally on me because..long story! 🤣 It didn’t really…die but I had to get rid of it
  6. Yeah, you def won’t overload the 55. But the 29 seems fine IMO. Idk if u wanna add more to the 29g but like @Tony s said, a lil bit higher maintenance and making sure ammonia is 0 u will be just fine. No expert here, but have read a lot on stocking because trying to figure how many minnows I will put in my10 gallon I have Ya I have heard that but I don’t have a big enough tank I think for those sadly. I love them though!
  7. I guess what I mean is, mine are not. The API kind IMO
  8. Hope everything turns out great and I know it will! Good luck 👍 @Charestv
  9. The test strips, they are not accurate at all. TRUST THE TEST KIT AND U WILL SUCCEED ON KNOWING THE PAREMETERS! It is true. The test kit is almost spot on on my nitrates, nitrite, ammonia, ph. The strips are not the greatest. I would say maybe the gh and kh is the only consistent thing IMO. But, anyways he should get better soon! Great job with what you have done btw!! @VioletT
  10. I haven’t seen that option. I set mine to once per day notifications but it doesn’t work and your talking about this website correct?
  11. Yeah it is the meds prob. Well, it isn’t looking great but don’t stress, these bettas are very weird in the sense, why do they always get sick? I know my betta right now might have a tumor…so does she hide a lot or just move slower @Janel R?
  12. Oh ok gotcha. Thanks. Yeah never have used it. Ya @Odd Duck is super helpful!
  13. Wow. Thanks a lot! Never knew!! @face! Thanks for the time for all that! Thanks that is good news! I am getting the fish tomorrow hopefully!
  14. I have a good one for ya!
  15. Thanks a lot! I am glad about that! Now I am finally going to get my minnows soon this week after almost 2 months 😄
  16. I am very sorry about how all Thai happened but don’t give up hope! I like Thai hobby and u should too I hope! It will end up good I know👍🙂 @Charestv
  17. How she doing now? @Janel R Just curious about how her health is doing..
  18. So, currently have a kh and gh of: kh, 40 ppm which is like around 2 dkh or whatever that is (so confused on that) and gh of 60 ppm which is probably 3 dkh (what is that dkh or am I saying it wrong) the minnows I am soon getting (WCMMs) need a kh and gh of around 4 to 8 dkh. Do I need crushed coral? If I do? How much? Or no. Is this a big concern? Also input on importance of this will be helpful if u can help me on any of these things thanks a lot!!
  19. No, what technically is it? Like what brand? Never heard of it… definitely interested. @Markp2483
  20. Hello and same as @Guppysnail, what fish and fish tanks do u have? Hopefully u can post some pics.
  21. Ok thanks for all the help u gave meA! @Odd Duck I appreciate it. I will continue with daphnia and hopefully…he will do better…
  22. Yeah he is but he will only eat for a lil bit @Odd Duck. I have no chance to go somewhere for the live daphnia and today his stomach is HUGE HUGE HUGE! Help!
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