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  1. Thanks guys. Today she looks a lot better. She's swimming around relatively calmly and her stomach has broadened back out a bit. Appreciate the advice.
  2. Hey my female Molly isn't looking good after giving birth today. Is this at all normal? Is there anything I should do to help her? Worried she may be a goner. She was a trooper. Dropped me over 50 babies today. Thanks
  3. Hi guys... wondering if anyone would know what's going on with my albino female in this picture. She's behaving rather stressed and I have a feeling she won't last much longer, but I'm interested to hear what this might be and if it could be transmittable to other fish in the tank. Thanks, August
  4. I know some fellow hobbyists who deliberately don't use dechlorinator as dechlorinator removes oxygen and chlorine may have some antibacterial benefits for the health of the fish. This was a pretty standard water change for me, but I think from now on I'll use dechlorinator just to be safe. Thanks!
  5. Hey guys. I did a 25% water change on my 20 high fancy guppy tank and within 3 hours 4/5 adults and all 3 juveniles were dead. I'm not sure what the issue was and now I'm pretty afraid of ever doing water changes. They just seemed to drop dead with no major symptoms. The water temp dropped by about 2 degrees but I figure that's too small to matter. I tested and the tank and tap pH are identical. Only possibility I see is chlorine or chloramine as I don't use dechlorinator, but I've never encountered this issue before. Please feel free to share your thoughts on why they may have died. Thank you!
  6. Since Aquarium Coop currently only sells 25 watt heaters, I'm not sure what brand of aquarium heater it would be recommended to get and where I can find one? I need heaters for a 125 and a few smaller tanks whose heaters have stopped working properly.
  7. Unfortunately I think the problem is linked to my YouTube account, not my browser as I encounter the same issue on my phone and multiple computers. 😞
  8. Hi. I'm a member of the Aquarium Coop YouTube channel and I haven't been able to chat in the live streams in months. I believe I got spam blocked by YouTube for asking the same question repeatedly. Is there any way this can be undone? At this point I'm considering making a new YouTube account and cancelling my current membership so I will be able to chat again. Thank you, August Duwell
  9. Hi, I recently hatched about 20 Corydoras Paleatus and am attempting to raise them in a specimen container. Currently I have tried feeding crushed Omega One flake, frozen baby brine shrimp, live baby brine shrimp, and a powder food similar to Golden Pearls my local fish store gave me. Do you think this feeding regimen is adequate? Hope I can get a high survival rate. I'm doing 50% water changes daily. Thanks!
  10. So I would say its a Corydoras Aeneus...a beautiful one at that. I regret spending $25 a fish for Venezuelans. They're a little more orange, but not worth it in my opinion.
  11. So from what I understand based on significant research into my Orange Venezuelan Corydoras, I believe they are simply a selectively bred form of Corydoras Aeneus (Bronze and Albino's general species). I'm guessing the eggs aren't infertile, or if they are the cause is not incompatibility of species. Based on how hormones stimulate Corydoras to breed I don't think they would attempt to spawn if they would not be genetically compatible. Would like to hear @Cory opinion but those are my thoughts. Good luck!
  12. What is the exact level of your nitrates? They'd probably survive at 40ppm but greater than could mean any value and they could be harmed by it depending on the level.
  13. Any Amazon puffers left in the shop? Saw some beautiful ones last week but thinking they sold out with how good they looked.
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