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Everything posted by JE47

  1. I'd love to own some N class endlers or green neon tetras
  2. the stuff on the gravel is not moss looks like maybe an algae/sludge kind of growth. What kind of fertilizer are you using? I will tag @JoeQ @nabokovfan87
  3. Thank you for your response this is helpful information. I will for sure go the repashy route with fresh veggies sometimes. I was more asking about the northfin food out of curiosity and you have satisfied my curiosity.
  4. I was wondering if anyone has used the northfin kelp wafers for feeding the otocinclus and what was your experience with the food?
  5. I would think white clouds could be fun they are quite easy to breed as well which seems to be what your after
  6. Welcome to the Forum! Your tank looks really cool I love the rummynose. I lived in Wisconsin for a while myself loved being on the lake. I hope you will keep us updated on your fish keeping journey
  7. The first pic looks like a form of java fern which should be glued or at least secured to a decoration. I will see if @JoeQ can help you
  8. If you could upload some pictures of the guppies that would be helpful. In the meantime I will tag @Colu who may be able to lend a hand
  9. It looks really cool! Great job! I have yet to venture into livebearer territory but I will some day soon
  10. Quick question has anyone grown this without CO2 and gotten it to successfully carpet or did it die without the CO2 injection?
  11. @Lennie I cannot tell you how much this comment made me smile and laugh 🤣
  12. I wish you the best of luck removing snails. I had bladder snails that hitched a ride into my tank on some plants well I finally got them taken care of and low and behold ramshorn snails appeared I didn't try removing them. I'm sure the snails all had a good laugh about that one 😂 My point is that while its not impossible to remove all the snails it can be hard so don't be discouraged if it takes awhile to remove them all.
  13. I agree 100% with Vicki's wonderings but I one of my other wonderings is Whether I should change the stocking of my current 29 gallons....
  14. To answer question three generally speaking it is not a good idea to put male and female bettas together because they will attack each other the only exception is if you where attempting to breed them which is a whole other process and still you wouldn't keep the bettas together indefinitely. Unfourtenly I don't know any good small heaters hopefully someone else does. Keep us updated though on this tank and betta's adventure 🙂
  15. I would think it might be something to do with light intensity? @JoeQ
  16. So I have been excited to try my hand at keeping these fish but I had a few questions before I rush out to buy some. How big an aquarium do you keep them in to thrive? not just the minimum tank size to keep them in. What do you find to be the best number is to keep a group of them in? Thanks in advance for any tips
  17. I would not think them eating plants is the issue but rather something else I will tag @Colu
  18. Feeding time is always fun mine love little baby brine shrimp now again attacking them like there is no tomorrow 😂
  19. Welcome to the Forum! I look forward to seeing you around the forum.
  20. I love when fish do goofy things 😄
  21. Welcome to the Forum! Your tanks look great I am looking forward to you sharing your experiences.
  22. Add Ludwigia Repens Remove crinum
  23. Welcome to the party! This is a great place to grown your knowledge and get help for any problems that may arise in your aquarium.
  24. Yup they will continue to eat the egg sac until it is gone I wouldn't worry about feeding them until that happens
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