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Everything posted by JE47

  1. Yes, the goal would be to breed them but I will attempt that in about a month. I am taking a two week trip soon and as much as I love my family I don't want them to have the task of feeding and ensuring the fry survival if I am succesful.
  2. I did forget to mention that my male loves to play in bubble stream comes up from my sponge filters. My female won't go near the bubble stream but he likes to dive into the stream get carried up and then come back down. It's quite amusing to watch 😂
  3. Well in the end both male and female needed separation from each other thankfully I had another tank available for such a case. Most available articles state you can keep male and female together however I have not found this to be true. Even after adding several handfuls of java moss I have been growing out and four new caves creating many hiding spots which the female did use I realized keeping them together would not be an option. The front part of my tank has an open swimming area which the male would constantly swim in and when the female tried to use the same space he would chase her until she vanished into a hiding spot. Until all the female did was hide not even at feeding time he would chase her away from the food. I felt that I need to help her and step in. After separating them the female has started to make regular appearances to the front of the tank and seems much more relaxed not to mention able to eat with out being chased. I don't know if the male appreciates it or not but it wasn't for his sake the the separation had to happen. I will put them back together for breeding purposes but not in a permanent housing setting. I will say that though the male chased the female constantly he did not nip her fins or cause her any physical harm. I would give this warning to other people wanting to keep this species that while you can put male and female together keep an eye on them and have an extra tank handy that you can separate them into. Now for the fun part some photos I was able to snap yesterday.
  4. I would have to agree putting a betta with any fish is a gamble that you need to have a backup plan for
  5. Nano tank suggestions for fish -Chili Rasboras -Pygmy Corydoras are a great option -Green neon tetras -Celestial Pearl Danios - a betta
  6. I do have floating plants in there they are taking a second to fill in. Yes, the light is a little bright for them I have since turned it down to the lowest it can go and added more hiding spots. I had to order more decor for them to hide under and in but the package took its sweet time in getting to me. Thanks for the advice! 😀
  7. Here is a video link to a video I took of the male chasing the female Sorry for the bad video quality the shaky camera, and the loud air pump in the background.
  8. That is so cool I am glad you have joined the forum 😄
  9. I am so sorry that this has happened I am surprised to that seriously fish had misleading information usually they have pretty accurate info.
  10. Your fish are beautiful!
  11. The female tends to hide much more than the male but both can be difficult to spot because their brown bodies blend in so well with the all the brown wood. The male will tend to come out an beg for food when I approach the tank and he is not afraid to take the bloodworms from the tweezers. Again the female is more shy and will not come out as readily to feed.
  12. Had some time today to get a few pics of the male he has just started to develop these deep ruby red bars on his cheeks they show up okay in the pics. His fins have also developed more of black rim and the blue he does have has started to become more iridescent. The female I will try to upload some pictures tomorrow has had her gold bars on her cheeks become more shimmery and has developed dark brown vertical lines across her body. The male has also started to put together that when I come close to the tank he is most likely going to get food 😂 Sorry for the bad photo quality will try to get better one tomorrow.
  13. I would agree with this I kept three amanos in a twenty-nine gallon and they made use of the entire footprint. I would suggest keeping one kind of shrimp and maybe two large schools of the schooling fish you have listed. Let me know what you decide to stock it with
  14. I would also say be cautious in keeping keeping other fish with bettas they can have unpredictable temperaments. I find that for fancier bettas with longer fins like Rosetails, Double tails, Halfmoons, and the like a smaller tank is actually much better for them. However plakats or crowntails which are bettas with shorter fin types I have found are better for larger tanks they also move much quicker. If you are going to have tank mates I suggest to add the other fish you are going to have first and then add the betta last. Tetras could add some of the that red and blue to your tank.
  15. This is a very cool tank can't wait to see your tanks new inhabitants
  16. Those are gorgeous! If they are ever available for sale let me know they may cost a mint to own but when one can own something as beautiful as that then it is worth the money investment. And if they are never available I will continue to be content to see your post of these beauties.
  17. Your betta splendens section looks great the only thing I would add to your betta care section that female betta sororities should not be attempted by beginners if you are an intermediate fishkeeper and have already kept a solo betta and gotten to understand their care and behavior. Then you could start to venture into the betta sorority territory. But I would heavily stress that if you are going to attempt this you need a backup plan if it goes wrong and it might not go wrong right away that is why being prepared is important. Anyways this guide looks great super excited
  18. I think buy from a big box pet store is hit or miss for the longevity of the fish. I would think it is nothing you did but rather the care that was administered at the pet store. Unfortunately there was probably nothing you could do. May the minnows rest in peace.
  19. JE47

    Betta ID

    Sounds like fun I hope the breeding project goes well 😀 Maybe create a journal I would love to see your progress
  20. @Kunersbettas Under the section Livebearers I would put Mollies, Platies, Swordtails, Guppies, and Endlers Livebearers this kinda covers all the bases of the more common livebearers you would find in a pet store. Under Labyrinth fish I would put Bettas and Gouramis again fish that most beginners will encounter quickly in the hobby you could also divide the section for bettas into mouthbrooding bettas and bubble nesters which could add variety for some more experienced beginners that want something unique.
  21. Thanks for the advice @Schuyler I do have another tank I could move her to. I actually don't think there's eggs yet I just need to create more hiding spots for the both of them. They are definitely giving me an excuse to buy some new toys...
  22. JE47

    Betta ID

    Oops! Sorry @Meep556 I didn't read the post quite right my bad. To answer for real your question I would answer yes you could breed your female to your friends copper Alien betta. Both are part of the splendens group so they are compatible for breeding however I could not tell you what the offspring would look like if you bred them. Hopefully this helps.
  23. JE47

    Betta ID

    Looks to me like a more of a female but I would wait to let other chime in
  24. Day Two Second day of having these betta in my possession and I think I might need to buy a breeder box or some more hiding places. Let me explain I have been watching the fish today and the male seems to be consistently chasing the female she doesn't seem to have taken any damage but will keep a close eye on his aggression. The theory I have is that the male might be holding eggs not that I have seen them spawning but today the male has constantly been expanding and contracting his cheek pouches so... Eggs? Other than that they are still doing well. I will snag some pics and videos later tonight.
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