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Everything posted by PonyPlantedTanks

  1. Any super glue should do. Super glue gel is easiest since it won’t accidentally run off. Or you can also use sewing thread to tie it on. Once it grows enough roots to stick to the hard scape you can cut the thread off.
  2. You definitely have a few options there! Water sprite does really well floating (and you can break off a chunk and plant it as well), Pearlweed is super cool and makes a nice big floating mat, and one I’ve recently been living is Brazilian Pennywort. It’s actually super easy to grow and I think it does better floating. It’s a very unique looking plant! All your other plant choices look great! Can’t wait to see this progress! If the tank isn’t filled up or at least not all the way filled up, it’s pretty easy to do with your hands 🙂 And plus, Java fern and the Anubias don’t require planting. You just attach them to your rocks and wood. If the roots are super long, you could also trim them if they’re making it hard. Yep!
  3. Any chance you know what kind of crypt your massive bronze one is? I'm looking for a tall crypt like that to put in the back of my 29.
  4. I love the beastly size of your plants. That monster crypt in the front is absolutely amazing! And your hoard of Pogo looks like a dream!! Im still battling hair algae in my 10g. From what I’m gathering, lowering the light and upping the nutrients is helping? I have an Easy LED at 20% and am dosing Easy Green three pumps a week ish.
  5. When you think about it, most fish really don’t swim up and down - they swim back and forth. I think the only fish I’ve heard that likes a little more vertical space would be angelfish. But they still need turnaround room!
  6. That’s crazy! Is that just from all the inbreeding in the hobby or are wild caught considered non-true pygmies or pandas too?
  7. It’s pretty hard to get rid of without using meds. I had it pretty decent in my 10g and even with manually removing every last speck I could see, it still grew back. It’s an annoying algae. I’ve used both Maracyn and Fritz Slime Out with snails and they were fine both times. I don’t however have shrimp, but I assume you’d be safe for them too 🙂
  8. I want to join so bad!! That post for real got me hooked 😉
  9. What kind of seeds are they? You may have gotten scammed 👀 Theres this specific kind of seeds that people often sell to put in tanks. They grow and look amazing for the first little while but then they quickly all die off and leave everything looking like a barren wasteland. Not trying to be negative… just probably check what kind you have before throwing them in a tan😂 But anyways. I would think the fridge would be fine!
  10. If you’re wanting to dip your toes into botanicals I would try the Catappa Leaves from the Co Op. If you add a few they slightly tint the water and are easy to remove when they start breaking down. I use them in my betta tank but since I only have one snail to munch on it, I usually take it out when it starts getting holes etc
  11. Chili’s are awesome. You could easily add 20-30 of those bad boys. Their bioload is pretty much nothing! The hardest part of those is honestly getting your hands on them, but if you have a LFS that carries them then that’s perfect!
  12. This is epic! Chili Rasboras are #1 on my bucket list fish to keep. They are so darling. Can’t wait to see them color up for you 🙂 And the bowl looks great! Not so sad indeed
  13. Do you have a local fish store (LFS)? That’s the most fool proof way to make sure you’re getting a female, by picking it out yourself. I don’t personally know of any online shops that will hand select males/females but others may know.
  14. You and me both… hence the term “jimmy rig”😂😂 But the pool cover is actually a genius idea!
  15. This sounds like the most epic idea ever. A BILLION cherry shrimp in a 600 gallon pond?? Heck yeah! Then you’ll probably have a million shrimps to give to your local store by the end of the season, too! Win win! I feel like every livestream I listen to Cory always talks about how his shrimp literally live in 2 inches of frozen water so I think you’ll be fine. But I agree with whats been said that it would be ideal if you could jimmy rig some sort of heater for the winter.
  16. Anubias Coffeefolia has the cute ruffley looking leaves. Buce Kedagang throws a nice pop of red color in the tank 🙂
  17. Seiryu stone (spelling ew) dragon stone and lava rock are cool
  18. I think it depends on what you like. I vote rocks bc I don’t personally love the look of tannins (and it seems most types of wood leech a ton of tannins, especially in a small tank).
  19. I would go for a simple black background and black gravel as well. I think the black gravel brings out any fish colors. But for my next setup I think I want to try light colored gravel to hide the fish poop better. Black gravel definitely requires more gravel vaccing if you want it to look nice, but in the end it’s worth it to me! For the black background on my 10g I picked up a matte black poster board from the Wally World and taped it to the back of the tank. Works perfectly.
  20. I suggest crypts as well! Mine have defied all odds in my super shaded areas of the tank. Wendtii and Lucens have done really well for me, but Lucens stays pretty small in my experience.
  21. I second the moss! The shrimp will graze on it all the time. And the roots of floating plants will also give the shrimp sometbing to graze and hang out on! Plus, they’ll provide a little shade for your Anubias and Java fern (since both are slow growing and tend to collect algae on their leaves). I think both are sort of “bonus plants” 🙂
  22. Look on Aquarium Co Ops website for more easy plant ideas in thr “help center”. Has tons of great advice for everyone starting out 🙂 Good choice shrimp tank! Some other easy plants would be any crypt variety, Pearlweed, and dwarf sag! Best of luck!
  23. A good centerpiece fish for you might be a honey gourami or a Bolivian ram. I would definitely use gravel so you can grow plants! I would highly suggest you buy a light that is adjustable - makes things much easier in the long run. One product you can use to help start your cycle is Fritz Zyme 7 beneficial bacteria in a bottle. But you’ll need to feed the BB with a source of ammonia. This is assuming you don’t have any other tanks to pull filter media from. good luck 🙂
  24. Pretty soft, but I remineralize with seachem equilibrium. Super high pH - like 8.2 +
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