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Everything posted by PonyPlantedTanks

  1. Pothos hanging out the back would be nice. Anything really fast growing and floating would work well. Salvinia, Pennywort, Pearlweed, Water Sprite/Wisteria, etc would all do the job I would think!
  2. Dang! That’s honestly awesome. It’ll be interesting to see what it does. I swear my spider wood is growing roots, but it’s also brand new and is probably just biofilm lolz. Wouldn’t be surprised if it actually is growing from the wood. Makes sense that it could sort of go “dormant” for a long time and randomly decides to pop up again. Wonder what could have triggered that though?
  3. Second pic looks like a thick lipped gourami to me. Very similar to honeys but get bigger.
  4. When in doubt, I usually give it a good squeeze because mine gets full of hair algae (which yours seems to have a bit of too!). I also go off of filter output - if it seems less powerful than usual, time for a clean. You’ll be surprised at how much the easy flow sucks in!!
  5. Everyone has their own opinions, and it’s basically just a giant experiment for what works best for you. I have my betta in a 10g, and I agree - he really gets around. In his old age he spends less time moving around and more time hanging out in the floating plants and resting on Anubias and Amazon sword leaves. I sometimes wonder if senior bettas are almost happier in a smaller tank because it’s less effort to get to the top and they don’t utilize as much of the tank in their old age. I don’t intend to ever move my betta though - he started in that 10g and I want him to live out his golden years in it. Anyways, many many people keep bettas in 5g tanks, so I really don’t think it’s an issue. If you keep them at a nice temperature and clean water with plenty of live plants and hiding places, I think that is better at the end of the day than a bigger tank with less ideal conditions. If you’re guy seems happy, don’t worry so much 🙂
  6. After you’re happy with the tankmates. So start with Pygmy Cory’s or anything else you’d like to add first, get them settled, then move on to adding the betta.
  7. Personally I think Pandas are a bit large for a 40 liter. As with most fish, they do best with larger groups and I don’t think you could fit more than 6 in your tank. Personally I would do some of the dwarf Cory’s like pygmies or salt and pepper Cory’s. Also something to note - when adding tankmates, it’s actually best to add the betta last. That way, he/she can’t establish a “territory” and get mad when other guys invade the territory. Just gives you a higher chance of success since Bettas can be super rude sometimes!
  8. A plain old sponge filter is perfectly fine and perfect for shrimp. No need for a HOB if you ask me!
  9. I recently started using Brazilian Pennywort and love it. Super cool plant and super easy. Also love water lettuce, guppy grass and Pearlweed (actually one of my favorites because it just creates a big “mat” which I think is awesome). There’s also a plant pack on Etsy with 4 different kinds of floating plants for 15 bucks I believe.
  10. Is she showing any other signs of stress? Like flaring, glass surfing etc? Because I almost wonder if her stress stripes may not be stress related.
  11. @Whitecloud09 maybe you should try some more floating plants to help give a little shade for the ones who don’t want a ton of light. And it might help keep the algae off some plant leaves too! in my 10g I have Pennywort, guppy grass and Pearlweed floating up top which all do a really good job shading out my Anubias (which used to be covered in GSA).
  12. Holy buce! You aren’t messing around!😂😂
  13. I like the black because I think it helps everything in your tank stand out a lot more. It makes everything appear brighter and your blue guppies really pop!
  14. Some people seem to like the Fluval Specs. A little out of budget but they seem nice. Honestly, doing the math I could set up a 5g using my own tank, filter, light heater substrate etc and keep it way cheaper than a kit. Might be worth looking into if you have the time!
  15. Same! I have one in my 10g and it legit sends out two pads a week. So pretty and I swear it’s invincible!
  16. Do you have a local club? Often times clubs will have auctions and auction off a gazillion plants for super cheap. My club always has a ton of massive crypts that nobody wants! Otherwise the only other thing I can think of is buying the “plant packs” that a bunch of people sell because they usually knock a couple bucks off which is nice. If you buy stem plants, I’d recommend floating them first to give them the best chance of success before planting them in the gravel. Gives them a little head start. good luck 🙂
  17. My dream tank - LITERALLY😍 those chilis!! How many did you put in there? Hoping to recreate something like that someday!
  18. I’ve used 1 Tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons and plants didn’t seem to have any adverse affects. I’ve heard plants like Val are more sensitive but mine didn’t care at all. I personally have never noticed a djfference in plant growth due to temperature, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens. Some plants are native to “hot” water, others are from cooler water. So some plants may not adjust as well to hotter or colder temperatures. 78 should be a happy medium for plants and fish, though. I think your slow plant growth is likely due to a different factor like lighting, fertilizer, etc 🙂
  19. Once your rank is a little more stable, I’d do something like White Clouds, Green Neon Tetras or similar hardy fish that top out around an inch. Chili Rasboras are amazing but they’re a little sensitive so not sure if they’re the best choice for beginners 🙂 Aquarium Co Ops website has a “help center” with tons of articles on stocking ideas for every tank. I believe the section is called Cookie Cutter Setups.
  20. Looks lovely. Your plants look amazing and you have almost no algae on the plants! Great work! Personally I would take out the SpongeBob decor and replace the background with a black one, but that’s just personal preference. If you like it that way, by all means keep it as is and enjoy it! Some Crypt Parva or Pearlweed would look great in the very front of your tank 🙂 Your guppies are beautiful!
  21. I think people consider algae as a pest because it doesn’t look good and, in large amounts, can prevent plant growth. But it takes up nutrients like ammonia and stuff from the water and is a good food source for some fish so it’s technically still beneficial to the tank ecosystem. But green hair algae isn’t any more of a pest than other algae’s are 🙂
  22. They’re not for everyone - but a Blackwater tank with the Rasboras and Sparkling gourami would be incredible. Their colors would pop like crazy against the tannins! Love the rock cave structure. Great idea!
  23. WHAT 👀 HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS Can’t wait to see this tanks rebirth! It sounds epic already!!
  24. I agree with pretty much everything @Lennie said. I think a 5g is really hard to fit both a betta and any tankmates in. I have a 10g with a betta and a nerite snail. He tolerates the snail but if he was in a 5g I think it would cause problems. Bettas can just be jerks and often don’t like to share their space lol.
  25. The Finnex stingray clip on light is pretty small, cheap and not very bright. It’ll grow low light plants like crypts, anubias, Java fern etc in small tanks though! You can get it on Amazon as well But the best light I’ve had is by far the Aquarium Co-Op Easy LED. It’s adjustable so you can dim it down super low and crank it up to grow alllllll the plants 🙂 Definitely pricier but it’s actually cheaper than most lights similar to it.
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