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Everything posted by PonyPlantedTanks

  1. I’ve never actually tried betta flakes anyways. They’re just kind of a mess and less convenient honestly😂
  2. The best thing you can do for your betta is variety. You can for sure have your staple pellets/flakes but try to have a couple foods on hand to mix it up! I like Xtreme Betta Pellets. My betta likes them a lot and they’re small enough for pretty much any size betta. I’ll also rotate through Hikari Vibra Bites and Hikari Freeze Dried bloodworms (sparingly, not to be fed every day). I’ve also heard that Fluval Bug Bites can be a hit with bettas, and they’re a great protein source. If you’re feeling adventurous you could try feeding frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp once a week or so too!
  3. Same here, from what I can tell they look to be chilis
  4. I had no idea those even existed! Quite genius though😂
  5. Keep us updated how the temple plant does. I’m eager to try that one of these days! Have heard it’s pretty easy to get going.
  6. To me, the top one looks kinda like Hygrophila Corymbosa (temple plant). Not sure what the bottom one is. Nice Cherry barbs😉
  7. I bought a little ring off of Amazon for literally $5. Just put in floating aquarium ring and a few options should come up. Or Etsy has the same options. I agree, the airline tubing works in a pinch but it doesn’t look quite as nice, and sometimes doesn’t hold the floaters as reliably anyways.
  8. You could try buce, it’s similar to Anubias and stays pretty tiny! It’s also a rhizome plant so you can glue it to your rock again. Something that helped my Anubias in direct light was adding a floating ring full of floating plants right above it. Helps shade it out and keep it happy and algae-free!
  9. Looks like some sort of weird deficiency to me? I haven’t ever had problems with plants up against the heater before so I don’t think the heater is the problem.
  10. Yes that’s a nerite! Looks similar to the ones I saw in the tank when I bought mine.
  11. At the end of the day, it all really comes down to the personality of the betta. But yes, with your setup, I think you’ve got a great chance at having it work out. Females tend to be a lot more laid back than males. I’ve heard a lot of success stories of females in community tanks, so I’d say go for it! if possible, when you go to pick out your betta, you can try holding it near other bettas or a different tank of community fish to see how they react. If they seem chill, that’s usually a sign they’ll do well with others. If they start flaring or reacting, may not work out so well. I saw Irene from Girl Talks Fish use this method and it worked out well for her. Best of luck!
  12. This is so extremely relatable it hurts my soul.😂
  13. That’s interesting that you’ve had them for a while and they still aren’t acting normal. I agree with @Tony s. I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, but I don’t have a ton of experience with mystery’s so I’m not much help😂
  14. It usually takes them a minute to adjust to your tank. How long have you had them? Usually they don’t feel very safe at first. I’m not sure about how age affects them, but I’d give them time to get used to their new place!
  15. I don't know a ton, but I’ve been in the hobby for about a year so I’m glad I can help a little! Oh I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing Bettas is about the worst loss in the hobby I think. Sounds like Sonic had a wonderful life and was very loved!🩷
  16. This is another random thing: I’m not an accomplished pumpkin-carver by any means, but I try to carve something unique and fun every year. This past Halloween this is what we came up with!! Next October I’m for sure doing an aquarium pumpkin carving thread lolz
  17. Hi all! I’ve been on the forum for a while now, but thought I’d properly introduce myself (and my tank). I’m Emry from Utah! I have one tank, a simple 10g Betta tank with a Nerite. I’ve learned so much from this one tank already. It’s been running for a little over a year now. MTS is sneaking in on me and I’m itching to get my hands on a bigger tank (likely 20-29 gallon)!😂 Anyways, meet Merlin🐠
  18. Tank looks amazing! And that’s a pretty handsome betta you’ve got there🤍
  19. I second this. I’m still battling hair algae (which looks like what you might have) and by decreasing the intensity/period of light time and increasing fertilizer, the hair algae is slowly depleting!
  20. This is the most random niche thing, but I’m actually an equestrian by day (I ride horses) and fish keeper by night😏 I don’t do rodeo or things like that. I ride English which is basically jumping horses over sticks to put it simply😂 So meet Ditto the grey hippopotamus🩷
  21. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/background-plants here’s some good options 🙂
  22. I got a pack of a bunch of different varieties off of Etsy! If you can’t find any from your LFS of course 🙂
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