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Everything posted by Craziiininja

  1. yes there is only 1 angelfish. I got her from a hardwater breeder and i've kept her in my hard water for over a year with no problems. She has been with other fish and she is laid back.
  2. I have 1 angelfish in a 75 gallon planted tank. I want to add 6 turquoise rainbows. Would this work out okay? Any insight would be much appreciated.
  3. Ok thats what im going to do. Thanks 🙂
  4. yeah i saw that video. Im just trying to crowd source and see if i should upgrade to 75 gallon or wait til i can get another fluval 3.0
  5. does anyone have only one 48 inch fluval 3.0 on a 75 gallon? Does it put out enough light for most low to med light plants? I'm NOT doing high light and co2 injection and all that just low to med light easy plants
  6. ok im just trying to make sure before i go spend the money on the 75 gallon. On aquarium co op it says two 48 inch fluval 3.0 for low to med light for a 75 gallon but i cant afford another light right now so i only have one.
  7. Is one 48 inch fluval 3.0 enough for low to medium light on a 75 gallon or would i need two lights?
  8. I had a betta with fin rot that passed. How long should i let the tank run without fish til its safe to add new fish?
  9. Ok i use easy green, aquarium co op root tabs, and eco complete.
  10. jungle val, italian val, anubias coffefolia, anubius gold coin, windelov java fern, amazon sword, and red dwarf aquarium lily. Ph is 8.2
  11. Ok i have soft water with 8.2 ph so i wanted to raise my hardness to keep rainbows and guppies just wanted to see if hardening the water would hurt my plants
  12. Can you grow most plants in hard water or is soft water much better for plants?
  13. I ordered amazon sword, anubias coffefolia, anubius gold coin, italian val, jungle val, windelov java fern, and dwarf aquarium lily from the co op. Do these plants listed tolerate hard water well. I ordered praecox rainbows and would prefer to have harder water but my water out the tap is soft so I can do either. Thanks for any help.
  14. Ph 8.2 Gh 2 Kh 12 Does this mean i have soft water or hard water?
  15. That should work. You could get a 24 inch stingray that will be medium light
  16. When should i remove these baby java ferns from the main plants?
  17. They should arrive tomorrow and that will be day 8. I ordered corckscrew val, tiger val, italian val, and pennywort from lrb. I hope they make it but we'll see.
  18. How long can plants like vallisneria and pennywort live in shipping?
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