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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I'm going to tag @Colu also because Colu is familiar with a lot of fish diseases. Let's see if we can get any additional input, just in case.

    On 8/25/2022 at 10:02 AM, Elfgirl said:

    Thank you.  I’ll try the salt today.  Now I have a quarantine tank as I unfortunately learned the hard way.  I currently have some green neon tetras there for the last three weeks.  I guess they will remain there until I am sure my Cory’s are healthy.

    I went many years in the hobby without a quarantine tank.  So did my brother and Dad who also had fish tanks. Most of the time we were lucky, but sometimes not.  That was before the YouTube days.  I have learned a lot along the way.

    I've got a fishy in quarantine as well right now.

    Also, I forgot to say - welcome to the hobby and to the forum!  

    • Like 1
  2. When you cannot see obvious symptoms, it could be internal. Possibly parasites. Missing barbels could be caused by a substrate that is too sharp, or possibly fin rot as you suggested. One super helpful tip that I learned is quarantining new fish to ensure they do not infect fish you already have. Check out this video on how to make a simple quarantine tote.

    Here is another helpful blog post.


    Also, if you have no idea what you're dealing with (what illness it is), aquarium salt covers pretty much everything.  https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish

  3. I found this snail in my tank after adding moss. The tank was newly set up with only plants.  It has been peppercorn sized for 5 months and I don’t know what kind of snail it is. It’s cute though. His name is Nibbles.

    Can anyone ID him?







    (The mysteries were added to tank later)

  4. On 8/25/2022 at 8:44 AM, BAT said:

    Can I add algae wafers and other food to help my mystery snail?

    Look for a food called Hikari crab cuisine

    It contains calcium which is important for their shells.  They also love boiled green beans (NO salt).  That's their favorite!  Just split it in half lengthwise and remove seeds.  Other foods they like are boiled zucchini, carrot, cucumber, squash, and cabbage.

    Another thing you can do is float a piece of cuttlebone.  It will slowly release calcium into the water, and they will occasionally graze on it.

  5. So the one last night was fun.  It was about forum members and journals.  Every person on the forum had a breeder box in their tank, but inside these breeder boxes was air, not water, and no fish or critters.  Whatever journal I was reading last before I went to bed, I was teleported into that person's fish tank, but I was miniature (like Honey, I Shrunk the Kids), and transported into the breeder box where the fish were swimming around me.  The same thing happened to other forum members.  Whatever journal they were reading last before going to sleep, they teleported into that tank.  I ended up in @TeeJay's cory tank, and the cories were swimming around the breeder box and I could see all of their cute whiskers. 

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  6. Tupperware is the way to go. If left on the glass it can fall off or harden, and that had happened to some aquarists. In my signature line are some helpful resources. Congratulations! How exciting!

    Prepare yourself for the cuteness of baby snails.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 8/24/2022 at 8:04 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Scarlet badis. I just did the reveal in my journal. I’ve also wanted Ellasoma gilberti or okefenokee for a few years and 1soooo hard to find and 2 the live food thing kept me from hunting them down. So next goal. 😁





    Wow! They colored up very nicely since they were added from the specimen container! Beautiful!

    I second that, @TeeJay. Baby brine shrimp are very simple! I just used salt, an airstone, eggs, and a mason jar. Easy peasy!

    • Thanks 1
  8. I caved and ended the 2-day fast early because when I approached the tank this evening, one snail swung down Tarzan-style using a pothos stem to stick the landing perfectly in the food dish. Then he was vacuuming in there but the dish was empty, and I felt bad. Gave him a cabbage leaf to chew on. He chewed a hole in it as he stood it up vertically so on one side was him, the other side was this little “window” through which I could just see that little mouth goin chomp chomp chomp. ☺️

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  9. I am doing a gallon-per-day water change for 5 days. This will get us to a level 2 salt. Little guy had one brine shrimp today but refused to eat any additional. 

    I feel bad for him so I added a new plastic plant. (Yeah, I know about decorating when there’s illness. But I do a bleach disinfect after quarantines.) Here’s his new digs.



    He’s checking it out!

    This plant is actually small enough to stand up in there.

    The other one is too tall but I’m leaving it there for BB until he moves out.

  10. I continue the 2 day fast to try to get lethargic snails moving around. Most everyone was traveling yesterday, but today half are traveling and half are napping.

    After days of inactivity, Dot moved! Only 1 inch, but I’ll take it!  So she’s off the hook for the sniff test today. 



    And she’s not on her back. Finally.

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