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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/21/2022 at 11:14 AM, TeeJay said:

    I just went back to look and this is what I found now. I can't tell if the two little bits off of it are snails they haven't moved yet but in the pic I think I see a couple open eggs that look wet and shiney! Ah idk what to do lol




    @TeeJay those are snails! Congratulations! Crumble the clutch into the tank and dunk that paper towel in the tank so everyone goes to their new home.

  2. Dot was on the sand at the edge of the food dish today. S/he was right side up until I did a water change, then she stayed on her back. 🙄

    I waited 3 hours then gave a little puff of water with the turkey baster and she retracted. 

    Her lethargy is driving me nuts. I never know if she’s ok.

    Meanwhile in the main tank, York and Dodger are enjoying carrots while C-3PO cleans floating plants. He really likes the waterline. He was doing laps around the tank at the water line all day yesterday. He bumped into Hampshire earlier also. 



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  3. On 8/20/2022 at 5:38 PM, Guppysnail said:

    It looked like the swirly fiber would have been where the spire should be. They are more contained so I should be able to tell on the next baby if the shell hardens after birth. It makes sense that it would not be hardened inside the mother. Possibly why it stayed on moms shell trying to use her shell as a calcium source?

    Though I’m sad at what happened these are the interesting tidbits I enjoy learning. All the stuff you don’t read in the internet or see on YouTube 

    It’s fascinating.

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  4. On 8/20/2022 at 9:02 AM, Terri57 said:

    Yes, Arby loves Bug Bites.

    Another question (aren't you glad you responded to my post? LOL!!): I have done 2 30% water changes since finding my dead neon and removing him from the tank. Nitrites the last 2 days read around 0.25. I did a quick test strip test this morning and it's still high, so I"m getting ready to do another water change in a few minutes. Do you have any experience with this?

    Yep, keep doing water changes daily to get the nitrites down. Meds can crash the cycle as they process through the filter. You’ll want to use a dechlorinator such as Prime when you change water because it renders the nitrites nontoxic.

    This video is a great breakdown of the cycle if you haven’t seen it yet.

    And yes! I’m having a great time in your post. We are getting things resolved one day at a time, and side chatting about snails and crabs! ☺️


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  5. On 8/20/2022 at 7:29 AM, Terri57 said:

    Or they will eat some, but then zoom up to other pieces all excited, smell it, and swim away. Any ideas?

    They might think they want to eat but they realize they are full, the flake might be too big and spitting it out and eating it again makes it smaller for their mouths, or they don’t like it. Sometimes my fish eat a piece of dead plant leaf that is floating and realize it’s not food and spit it out. Many people on the forum feed Xtreme Krill flakes. That food seems to be widely accepted.

    York carrying her carrot around. She is rooting for Greg.


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  6. The food dish is popular today. The little snail that’s been unwell (second photo) has been there all morning; he was there when I woke up. Then Button, and now the darker little guy is there. Green beans and algae wafers are on the menu. I tried to give an algae wafer to Button, but she went around it. 




    Oh also I found out how the baffle comes loose. 



    • Haha 2
  7. On 8/20/2022 at 12:40 AM, redfish said:

    That’s really cool.  Neat you saw it happening.

    This is her 17th clutch and the first time I actually saw the egg laying. She does it in private. I’m usually not awake at midnight and just so happened to check the tank. Also if you click the link in @Guppysnail’s signature line you can see a video of the process.



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  8. The wood looks cool @Guppysnail.  Cichlids are really fun. When mine would mate they would circle around each other really fast and they would be cycling through different colors while they did that. Ie: the bright yellow one would turn navy blue, then purple. My brother said they were doing the Yin Yang, because that’s the kind of shape they would make in their dance. Also certain cichlids carry babies in their mouth to protect them. I had mbunas that did that. 

    Here’s a video that I followed for swim throughs. Making these is really as easy as it looks in the video. 


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