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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/19/2022 at 3:00 PM, Terri57 said:

    If I end up losing everyone, I honestly don't know if I'll try again. 

    Don’t give up. This part of the hobby sucks. You just had bad luck. 

    There is a lot of joy this hobby brings when there is no illness.

    You will be able to come home and gaze at your fish tank and it will relax you.

    On 8/19/2022 at 3:00 PM, Terri57 said:

    boiled egg

    They do like it, but it fouls the water more quickly than other foods. I’ve fed it to my newborn snails on their first days. 


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  2. On 8/19/2022 at 2:22 PM, Terri57 said:

    I don't have a youtube account

    Google owns YouTube; if you have gmail or another Google service, it’s the same login.

    I’m sorry the endler isn’t feeling well. 😔 I hope all of this resolves soon for you.

    Say, what do you feed the snail? Did you know they like boiled veggies? Cucumber, green bean, zucchini, carrot, cabbage, all kinds of stuff. As long as the veggies have no salt. And snails need a calcium supplement (for their shell). If you go out for the gang valve you can grab a cuttlebone from the bird section and break off a chunk and put it in with the snail. Cuttlebone is natural. It comes from the cuttlefish. It will float at first. The snail will occasionally graze on it and it will sloooowly dissolve and add a little calcium to the water for the snail. Or there is a food called crab cuisine that contains calcium. 

    snails eating green bean:



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  3. On 8/19/2022 at 10:02 AM, Terri57 said:

    I'm still learning this platform and apparently I can't reply to a specific post, so here I go replying to all. I know you can stick quotes in here (I tried that - you may have noted the empty "quote" box somewhere above. LOL!) but have to figure this out. I'm a teacher in my last 5 days of summer vacation, and not digging the idea of reading about how to master this format yet. I will though!

    To quote a whole post, go to the bottom of it and click Quote. 

    To quote a sentence or several words, highlight the words and click quote in the pop up box.

    To share a video, upload it to the YouTube app, then share the YouTube link here.

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  4. I use this one when I’m not using prime. I only use prime if I’m having trouble with ammonia or something. This stuff is cheaper, and I just seem to have overbought on it so I’m using it up. Also if you go this route you want AquaSafe “plus” because I don’t think the regular AquaSafe neutralizes chlorAMINE.




  5. On 8/19/2022 at 2:19 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Fuzzy points towards a fungal issue. 

    Yeah, columnaris is bacterial and it is more like a gray discoloration, often in a square shape for some reason.  It is not raised up and fluffy like a fungus would be.  I can't tell from the photos you posted whether or not the issue is fluffy.






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  6. @nabokovfan87  I didn't medicate at all - I did the temperature raise + the garlic infusion in the display tank using the juice from fresh garlic cloves like in the video above. Still lost 2 of 9 fish, but it resolved it.  I don't think I changed any media either.  It was a successful experiment, if you will.  Controversial for sure, but Father Fish is a strong advocate of everything natural - natural tanks (soil, sand, plants, improved-upon Walstad method) and natural remedies, and I just happened upon his channel while I was having the issue.  (Also that garlic will stink up the tank room, and I got punched in the face with garlic smell every time I opened the lid.  P.U.  Husband walking in the room like, hey, did you make spaghetti?  I'm like, oh, uhhhh.. yeahhh... but I already ate it.  🤣)

    And I didn't know that about the dechlorinators w/ ich-X.  Thanks!  I didn't read anything past the directions. (duh)


    @Terri57 DON'T change your treatment method based on what I just said.  Stay on the SAME treatment that you are.  Continue through the course of meds, following the directions exactly.

    On 8/19/2022 at 12:27 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I would even add 2 airstones if you need to

    Absolutely.  I do this every time I have sick fish and am treating them.  Some of those meds change the viscosity of the water as well, creating the need for more air.

    • Like 2
  7. Ok here it is.

    I followed these instructions for heat; It was 86 degrees. Ich cannot survive at that temp. If you watch this you may want to click settings and speed up the playback speed. He talks kinda slow. He’s got 70 years of fishkeeping experience though. LOL


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  8. On 8/18/2022 at 9:06 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    the big thing here is just to keep in mind you need to sanitize / clean / dry out / or whatever other method of sterilization for the sake of "treating the tank" as both were contaminated.  You can use bleach, you can use a few things to do this.  I would do this to the equipment as well as the tank so you can start to set it up and re-cycle everything again.

    The prob is, it’s a display tank, not a quarantine tank. It’s the main habitat for the fishes. Any alternatives? Wouldn’t the meds kill the stuff in the tank?

    As a side note, ich is so not fun. I had ich in one of my tanks at the beginning of the year, and it caused some losses as well.

    Raising the temperature in the tank will also help rid the tank of ich. I forget how high to go. I think I went to 86 when my tank had ich (Don’t quote me on the number. something to look into though).

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  9. On 8/18/2022 at 4:14 PM, Terri57 said:

    I had no idea about how these guys are raised

    Yeah, maybe that was TMI.  I was trying to demonstrate that there's a lot of things that could make them ill, and it is probably not anything you did/didn't do.

    I was watching hermit crab videos the other day!  It was fun.  I learned a lot about their care, which is oddly the opposite of what the hermit crab salespeople tell you.  LOL  

    I liked watching people pamper their crabs and build them little jungle gyms and stuff in the tanks.

  10. On 8/18/2022 at 3:56 PM, Terri57 said:

    I even went out and bought a 2nd bucket, more nets, and syphon so each tank has one

    That's perfect.  That's what I did too.  I have a red bucket for quarantine/med tank. Red=bad.  Or STOP.  However you want to look at it.  The color helps me to know.


    On 8/18/2022 at 3:56 PM, Terri57 said:

    I swear, I've watched HOURS of videos (Corey, Prime Time Aquatics, KG Tropicals, Kaveman Aquatics, Girl Talks Fish) and I swore I did everything right. But alas... carnage. 

    Don't let it get you down.  You really are on the right track and you are doing your research to provide the best care.  The critters go through a lot before they even get to our homes.  They often start in big ponds, the ponds are dredged with huge nets, then they are transferred into concrete "burial vaults" - they await shipment for a few days there. Then they are bagged and sent to the store through whatever kind of transportation; jostled around in the process. Then the store puts them in with whatever other critters, with whatever kind of water quality, maybe it's not even well suited to them.  Then they get netted and bagged and taken on a trip home, and all of these things together stress the fish.   Stress leads to illness.  This happens to all of us fishkeepers - you could have done everything perfectly but it could just be what they've been through up to this point.  

    For pretty cheap, you may consider picking up a gang valve like this.  It lets you split air between tanks if you don't have the cash for another air pump.  Or you can split the air between 2 airstones in one tank, etc.  https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/4-way-metal-gang-valve


    Sometimes they are green, like this: https://www.amazon.com/Lok-Tite®-Regulator-Gang-Valves-Aquariums/dp/B0002564O4/ref=sr_1_7?crid=3TI7PAMU75OH8&keywords=2+way+gang+valve+aquarium&qid=1660853663&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=2+way+gang%2Cpets%2C89&sr=1-7

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  11. On 8/18/2022 at 11:32 AM, sairving said:

    Last week Wednesday I had an accident outside, fell and broke my left shoulder. Its a serious fracture that's skirting surgery. I tore the bone off that the rotator cuff attached to. The sling will be on for 5 more weeks at least. 

    Oh no!  Are you ok?  Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Adding some more plants (ie: hornwort, water sprite, anacharis, etc) - just toss them in and let them float around in there - they will help with water quality as you recover.

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  12. On 8/18/2022 at 9:23 AM, Terri57 said:

    my snail is no longer doing well.

    Snails do not tolerate fish meds well.  He should be moved out to a med-free tank to help him recover.  You can even use a plastic storage tote, if you have a heater and filter for it.


    On 8/18/2022 at 11:35 AM, AnimalNerd98 said:

    We might not see it because the fish’s immune systems and slime coats are strong enough

    This is so true!  They might look healthy at the store, but then the trip home might stress them, different water conditions, different tank mates, etc.  Then their immune systems weaken and they present symptoms.


    On 8/18/2022 at 9:23 AM, Terri57 said:

    it was taking me, a beginner, HOURS every morning to do so

    What does your treatment plan consist of?  With meds, it is generally just add the meds and let the fish soak in them for a period of time, making sure there is no carbon in the filter, and keeping lights off if possible to keep stress down for the fishes, and so as not to degrade the meds with UV light.  Is it the water changes that are taking so much time each morning?  Maybe we can help you to get your maintenance time reduced.


    One other tip is to add an extra airstone to any tank you medicate if you are able to, as some medications make it harder for the fish to breathe.

    So sorry you are dealing with all of this.  Your tanks look nice!  You are in the right spot here at the forum. We will help however we can.  I have found everyone to be helpful and they like to share knowledge.


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  13. On 8/18/2022 at 9:51 AM, Guppysnail said:

    When my beardie passed away I had tons of insect colonies thriving. I actually though of getting a fish large enough to eat them but decided not to.  My epic failures with several other live cultures put me off from trying them again. 

    The vinegar eels seem like they could be easy?

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