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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/15/2022 at 1:52 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Is there a "bush" where the neons can go hide in away from the others.

    I just added some anacharis and it seems to help.  Seems the aggression is only at feeding time and then everything is cool again.  If I add sinking food and floating food at the same time, this seems to help because while some are at the top, others can mid-feed.  Also the one that seemed to be getting picked the worst on was the sick one.  I don't know if he just got sick again or if the picking on him made him sick again due to stress.  Either way, he's back out in quarantine.  Since he's been moved out, one fish will nip, but then the fish that got nipped will go nip a different fish, and they take turns.  But again, only at mealtimes.  Seems they were pretty merciless all ganging up on the sick guy though.  I think they were trying to "get rid of the liability".  ☹️  Once he recovers he might go into the snail tank.  I don't know.  At least until I can get more of a school going.

    On 8/15/2022 at 1:52 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    every time I'd go into the big box store they would have 3-5 in stock.

    After an ick situation, I had one black neon left.  Seemed fine, it was schooling around with the pristellas, but I felt bad he didn't have any of his own kind.  I had SUCH a hard time getting any.  I went to 5 stores.  None.  And these are common fish.  My friend found some while she was in a store and called me.  I told her to get 4 because I didn't want her to front a bunch of money on my behalf.  I might just order some via mail - never did that before, not looking forward to it but I need to a) wait for it to get cooler (it's often 100 degrees), and b) free up the QT tank.

    On 8/15/2022 at 6:20 AM, Guppysnail said:

    When my original group of CPD lowered from old age attrition the in fighting got much worse and the injuries increased. Having fewer there were not enough of them to keep themselves busy and distracted.  If you intend on keeping them beyond natural attrition I would add more. To lessen the bullying of the neons you may want to move one or the other to a different tank during attrition however this may cause the pristella to nip at one another.  I decided to keep mine so added more and the aggression abated. 

    You know, I started out with swordtails!  Then pristellas got added to my tank when my friend's landlord said he wasn't allowed to have an aquarium in his unit.  Then pristellas ever since.  I think I added the black neons on my own at some point.  I don't remember.  I guess I'm rolling with it, and will go ahead and increase the schools.  If I were to do over from scratch, I'd start up a cichlid tank again, but these guys are "home" now, so I will make them comfortable, the best I can.

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  2. The snail I feared is sick was still in the same spot in the moss this morning. I ruffled the moss a little around him and no reaction. So I turned him a little to check his shell. Seems ok, kind of clear though? This left him on his back. He stayed like that.


     I walked off and did some stuff to get ready for work. Checked again and his operculum was opening and I saw the skinny feeler out and moving around. Ok. Good. He’s checking things out.

    The only thing I could think to do is get him to nourishment. I put Repashy in the dish and I squished some and put him immediately next to it. He rolled on his back and stayed that way for some minutes.


    I walked off to get ready again. Came back, he’s walking around! He must have had a bite and got some energy!



    However he’s not out of the woods yet. Also he has a bunch of stuff on him. I didn’t know if it would hurt him to remove it so I left him like that. Also he pooped so his digestive system seems to be working ok.




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  3. On 8/14/2022 at 7:05 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Yeah.  You'd be shocked to see someone mix up 5-10G of saltwater and to see exactly how much it takes.  For context, there's a video of Cory doing the ich-X+Salt on the 800G for ich and it's just a cartoonish amount.  It's not entirely what you'd use for straight salt water either. 


    Oh yeah, you’ve posted that link before. Probably earlier in this thread. That was insane. I couldn’t imagine dosing such a huge tank!

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  4. I took a break and when I came back more activity on the asparagus. 


    Also this guy is not doing well. He’s been in the same spot >24 hrs. The same behavior that was exhibited by the last little one I lost - attached to Christmas moss for a long time.

    I moved a little of the moss next to this one to have a look, careful not to touch him, and he felt the movement and retracted, so he’s alive.  

    I regretted handling the last guy that acted like this- maybe that caused too much stress, so I am going to leave this guy alone and just do this moss check each day to ensure he’s still attached.

    Water parameters are showing no concerns. 0/0/10.


  5. On 8/14/2022 at 7:21 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Sounds like you are taking really good care of your little guy. Carbon fills quick but how fast is entirely dependent on how much it’s filtering from your source water, feeding, fish waste etc. to remove meds I always use a fresh bag to be safe since I can’t test but I’m not certain it needed. 
    it does fill much faster than 30 days. The 30 day mark is something companies invented so they can make a reliable sale every 30 days with the normal floss cartridges. If they said weekly or biweekly it would deter folks as they would see the money sink those cartridges become. 
    All that said give it a go after a large water change. It should still help and your water changes will eventually dilute any leftover so far it does not matter. 

    I can just use fresh. I have more in the carton and I don’t use it for anything else. 



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  6. On 8/13/2022 at 8:50 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Plants up to 1:05 are untreated. Everything after that (wood and rock) is treated on that "2nd treatment".

    Interesting stuff.

    Took me a few days to get CO2 dialed in, seeing some changes to the algae and the stuff on the rocks is staying smaller than others.

    Boy that stuff is stubborn, eh?  What’s the white stuff at 1:45? Is that algae also? Treated algae? Looks almost like lichens you’d see outside on a tree.

    Cute pudgy shrimp at 1:30. 😍

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  7. Woke up this morning in a bit of a panic. I qt the fish but didn’t medicate it. My logic was that I wanted to do two more water changes (did 1 yesterday) before starting salt, JUST IN CASE there was still salt in there from last time. So I thought, what if this is a fast progressing illness and I failed to treat? 😳 Rest assured, the fishy is fine. 

    Did the last water change and did level 3 salt. Sheesh. Looks like SO MUCH SALT for one little fishy. 

    Yesterday I had taken out the carbon pouch I made and set it on a rag on the floor to dry. Couldn’t find it this morning? Well, seems like a cat had fun with it and dragged it under the kitchen table. Lol. Think the carbon is still effective? It had 2 weeks of use. Carbon usually remains effective for one month, right? I’d like to use it again after Maracyn.


    Added the Maracyn at the same time as the salt. Dissolved in a cup of tank water first. Apparently I inhaled some when dumping it in the cup. For anyone that’s wondering, it produces a bitter flavor in the back of the throat. Fun. Huffing Maracyn at 5AM. Fortunately I’m only allergic to the ‘cillins, not the ‘cyns. Maybe it will keep me healthy. 

    Did a baseline ammonia reading and got a zero. Cool. Yesterday I did add some Fritz Zyme 7. Seems medication always kills bacteria, and I had ammonia readings last go around. If that happens again, and I fully expect it to with an antibacterial and a truckload of salt, I’ll do the usual Prime band-aid. Frowned upon by several folks, yeah. But imagine how much meds I would go through otherwise to keep the appropriate level. And then the dosing with fresh meds whereas some meds would have already diluted in the water, etc. Could OD the fish. I’m not chancing it.
    It’s a 5 day treatment, so it’s not forever.

    Lastly, I put the lid on the tote and made sure the extra airstone was on the other side of the tank.

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  8. On 8/5/2022 at 2:54 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Doing some tank maintenance and well, arm was already wet. Might as well pull the diatom plants out for some RR. Candidates are red ludwigia (which is green because I’m too cheap to buy iron) and Java moss. Updates to follow.












    I’m particularly interested to see how the Java moss turns out. That’s been coated for too long.

    Since I was asked for another update. Ludwigia doesn’t look that great. 






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  9. These neons both had what I believed to be scarring. If you scroll up a few post to their last photos in the specimen container you will see the marks but they were almost gone.

    They remained in treatment for a few extra weeks to see if it would resolve. During this time it got better. But now one of the neons that was added back two days ago looks worse (spot brighter white, raised) and has been removed. 

    @Colu Do I do level 3 salt at this point or something else?


  10. Well, great. The little neon presented symptoms again. His patch became brighter white and raised up. He was moved back out to qt. What now? 

    The bigger neon is doing well and is even being bossy of other neons. His patches look the same, maybe even more faded.





  11. On 8/12/2022 at 7:52 AM, TeeJay said:

    Yes I have a good supply of the nano blocks already that I had purchased awhile back for my snails. They never seem to take to them. I don't believe I have tried one for the shrimp since I got them. I sure do hope they will like them since I have about 30. You know those Amazon deals lol.

    The mystery snail babies should like those too.

  12. On 8/12/2022 at 12:31 PM, JettsPapa said:

    It could be that the fish don't feel secure due to too few of their own kind.  I know six is often given as the minimum number for shoaling fish, but I'm pretty sure fish can't count, so it's difficult to say where the threshold is.  I prefer eight as a minimum, but there isn't a magic number.

    If you don't already have hiding places and sight breaks (tall and/or dense live plants are good options), adding some might help.

    Thanks. I picked up some tall plants today to try to break up the middle area where disputes happen. Oddly enough everyone is very peaceful now, in the afternoon. So, I’m thinking feeding time is the main problem. I plan to get more tetras but they are going to have to go through quarantine. 

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