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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I bought live brine shrimp. They sell it in bags at the register. How convenient is that for those of us without a hatchery?  My tetras were so excited to have a live treat.

    Also bought spiderwood.

    On 5/14/2022 at 3:23 AM, MAC said:

    The other day I went in for frozen foods and some homemade algae wafers and came home with a special order of something I'd been on the lookout for. 

    Just picked up a group and they are starting to get settled.PXL_20220512_173213826_MP.jpg.543053f6658c046226ed4cef25ca3cdf.jpg

    What type of fish is it?  Looks betta-ish?

    • Like 4
  2. They need some calcium for their shells. Look for "Snello" recipes online for DIY ideas. Some people powder eggshells (bake them first) to put in the tank, but I have found that to be too messy, and it's hard to get the shells into a powder. You want a powder so that the snails don't cut themselves on sharp edges. It is easier to drop a piece of unflavored cuttlebone (sold in the bird section) into the tank for them, but you may have to weigh it down with a rock if it wants to float.  I also give my snails algae wafers or vegetables. The mystery snail likes zucchini, squash, carrot, red cabbage, green beans (canned, no salt, organic if you can find it). Any fresh vegetables will need to be boiled 15-20 minutes because they need to be very soft for the snail to eat.


    This is the only time I ever saw the nerite eat anything besides algae or glass slime (he is eating zucchini).


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