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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Did I tell you that once I started doing nice stuff for aquarium snails, snails have been showing up at my door? Either next to the front door or the back sliding door, on the glass or the screen. One snail will show up at a time.  I have to move them to the garden or they will dry out. (For example, I cooked food for 1 aquarium snail. And then garden snail shows up at door next day.)

    So last night I set up the mystery snail incubator, and this morning I wake up to TWO snails on the back door! I think this is a sign. I have a fan club, and I’m meant to hatch these mystery snails.




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  2. A rarity- I moved my HOB filter today. Actually I took it to the sink to do maintenance. Anyway found this clutch of mystery snail eggs behind the outflow and I want to know how I can tell if they are viable? They could have been there for months or days.

    i also should mention I only have ONE mystery snail. And one Nerite. Hmm…



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  3. You guys... I am over the moon🌙 about this mom & pop shop product!  The shop, though, is on Etsy.  I know, I know.. we said "physical" mom & pop shop (and I shop at my LFS too, don't worry).. But still!  This is a water diverter!  How cool is this?!  When you use a hose (such as Python) to refill your tank, this protects your aquascaping by dispersing the water. Before, my tank refills would dig a hole in my sand, even if I kept the hose end up near the top of the tank.  And the snail was not impressed by these dust storms if he was in the vicinity 😜.  I bought this product, tried it, and it works like a dream. Less disruption to the fishes and snails too; nobody gets pushed around. The seller uses fish safe 3d printing medium (pla) to make these.  He also sells a lid prop, a test tube holder, and other stuff that makes our lives easier every day in our fish rooms!

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  4. Nah, you’re good. I have the same. The sand forms a cap on the gravel and it is even extra filtration which benefits your tank. Just don’t siphon like you would plain gravel. You should angle your gravel vac so it sucks just the detritus off the top of the sand.


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  5. Hard boiled egg yolk is a good fry food. Mix with a little bit of tank water and feed the solution to them. Some of the yolk may remain in bigger chunks. Do not put the chunks in the tank. Only the stuff that suspends in the water mixture.

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  6. I had the same thing happen last night 😳. Tank sprung a leak and I realized the stand (which was indeed designed for aquariums) had bowed in the middle and the tank wasn't sitting flush on it.  Or maybe the tank was cheap.  I had the container to make one of these dealios, and that's what I ended up doing last night. The cat likes that she can sit on the floor and watch the fish now too. Heh. 😸 

    Once a tank starts leaking, I don't trust it anymore. That's just me.  I had a bad experience once where a leak looked minor, but then the bottom gave out (fortunately only substrate & decor were in the tank at that time). 

    This is just a quarantine tank, so I think I will just leave the fish in here until they complete their month and then they go into the display tank. No sense moving them again and stressing them out.

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