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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/5/2022 at 3:25 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Java does awesome it loved seltzer for me. Looks like your hubby gets to use a paper plate tonight 🤣🤗

    That’s his problem. 😈😂

    • Haha 3
  2. Doing some tank maintenance and well, arm was already wet. Might as well pull the diatom plants out for some RR. Candidates are red ludwigia (which is green because I’m too cheap to buy iron) and Java moss. Updates to follow.












    I’m particularly interested to see how the Java moss turns out. That’s been coated for too long.

    • Love 2
  3. Yeah the nano banquet blocks are good; they are slow release, so that is a good option for you.

    On 8/5/2022 at 11:10 AM, Alec said:

    This is the set up I have for this so far. I have some crushed coral in with them as well. 16597121581094830042843807002221.jpg.ac2f6bb4e436955d725c720c841f6931.jpg

    I like your setup. It's simple, but it works.  I have something similar for quarantine but I don't even have a light on it.  Yours is cooler.

    I wouldn't recommend transporting snails by the way - the changes in temperature are going to be a problem, plus filtration, air, all that.  It's less risky to let them stay at home and just prep the best you can. They are still small so I wouldn't worry too much about bioload from them, just the food quantity.  I too would recommend the green beans, fresh, boiled. They don't really affect water quality.  Open up the greenbeans at the seam and take the seeds out.  And the banquet block as mentioned earlier, for a time-release food.

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/5/2022 at 9:59 AM, Alec said:

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Unfortunately that would be too much for my grandma. I might have to see if I can take them along.

    Do you know any local hobbyist friends?  Maybe you can drop them at their place?

    @Guppysnail what do you recommend?

  5. On 8/4/2022 at 9:14 PM, TeeJay said:

    Yes I could never seem to find any. I just got lucky with my snails. I been looking for suswassertang as well with not much luck. And even if I could it would be to hard to order right now with how hot it is in Ohio. Any future plants I may order will have to be put on hold until at least end of September. Unless I want a pile of mush in a box when they arrive.

    Try to find mom & pop LFS, you may be surprised what they carry.

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/5/2022 at 9:42 AM, redfish said:

    Interesting.  I ran into the QT being too low for easy siphoning but I made it work.  I need to find another solution too!

    I was considering one of those fountain pumps for water changes as an alternate idea.  The little ones they use for pet fountains, connected to tubing.  I figured I could just keep it in the tank, and throw a check valve on the tube when not in use.

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/4/2022 at 9:28 PM, Alec said:

    My snails are a week and a day old now. They're doing great and have probably doubled in size. Right now they are in a 3 gallon tub with a filter. I am going on vacation next week and plan to have a relative feed my fish. I'm worried the snails will be okay. I would have my relative feed some powdered food and algae wafers. Will this be enough for them without any water changes for a week?

    At minimum I would try to have your relative siphon out the uneaten food with a turkey baster each day.  You don't want uneaten food sitting there to rot or that could kill everybody. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. On 8/4/2022 at 3:23 PM, Goldie Blue said:

    ALL.THE.TIME!  Actually last night I had a nightmare, totally thought it was real. I have these disgusting rhabdocoela worms in my newest tank, and I dreamt they were all over my pillows, but the dream felt real like I was awake. In my own bed and all. Yeeeesh. 🤢


    Don't tell @nabokovfan87 that!  LOL


    On 8/3/2022 at 2:03 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Yes. These worms really made me unable to sleep for a little bit. LOL.

    When the tank has issues, or when I know things need work it's hard for me to sleep.  Not that I'm "worrying" but I've always had the mindset of get up, get it done, get the fish happy.  When that isn't possible and you're forced to wait and resolve the issues.... that's when you have worm dreams.


    On 8/5/2022 at 12:57 AM, Wrencher_Scott said:

    I have lots of "stress dreams" I think they call them. 

    Yeah, I think the the stress dreams are when you are trying to solve a problem, but you can't ever seem to do it.

    • Like 2
  9. On 8/4/2022 at 10:44 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

    I recently picked up a 7” Striped Raphael Catfish and he is living in my 90g with a bichir and assortment of New World Cichlids. I’m worried about him getting food, the cichlids are quick eaters and not much gets down to the bottom, and he doesn’t seam to care about moving for what does. I had the same issue with my bichir at first but he is far more active and quickly learned to just swim to the top at feeding time. Any suggestions on how to get a lazy cat eating?

    Does he seem to like a particular cave or something?  You can mix food with tank water, suck it up with a turkey baster, and send it down to him that way.  Or use aquascaping tongs to put food in front of him.

  10. I was looking around for a 5 gallon quarantine tank because the stand I bought accommodates a 5.5 gal on the bottom shelf.  This is pretty slick!  As we know, with quarantine tanks we have increased water changes.  Also I would NOT be able to use a siphon on a bottom shelf tank. Has anyone tried one of these out?


    • Like 1
  11. Money saving food hack.

    Sometimes when I cut up a hard food like a banquet block, it creates a bunch of dust and pieces that can’t really be handled. Or sometimes I realize I put too many Repashy chunks in the tank. 

    No problem. Ice cube tray or candy mold, food (suck it out of tank with turkey baster if you already fed it), tank water. Freeze.



    Later, let thaw in a little dish or ramekin. Suck up that food liquid with turkey baster, gently squeeze out baster into the snail dish in the tank. Add more tank water to the ramekin if necessary and use turkey baster again to get it all.

    (Won’t work in tanks with current)


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  12. Today I tried feeding a banquet block for the first time in this tank (for snails). Well, the ram decided it was hers and she did not wish to share. Funny thing is, she didn’t seem to be eating it or know it was food. When I first put it in, I thought maybe it was too close to her cave. So I moved it to the other side of the tank, but she followed it and defended it there too.

    I ended up breaking it up and serving 3 pieces, and that solved it. Also one large snail was taking a long nap in the ram’s cave, so that could have contributed to the issue.

    I guess the whole bottom of the tank is for the ram. So much for cories! 😂

  13. The ram is still instantly going to her cave at mealtimes, whether or not she sees me placing food there.  She is very smart, and she remembers what to do; no flashlight needed anymore. 

    She is always at the front glass to greet me anytime I approach. ❤️

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