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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. It’s been one week since the last checkup. Here they are today. I’m really not sure when to return them to the tank. I assume this is scarring. Otherwise if they had an active infection still they’d be dead, based on the timeline of this disease. Yet I still worry the disease could spread. @Colu @nabokovfan87







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  2. On 7/28/2022 at 12:09 PM, IanB said:

    My algae-covered, in progress 75 g South American tank.

    EDIT: So sorry! I didn’t realize that I was weeks late! Congrats to @Mmiller2001 and everyone else who submitted on time lol!


    Your tank is beautiful!

    • Like 1
  3. Me: "Check out these blackwater tanks. Aren't they cool?"

    Friend: "Uhhh.. no?  The water's all brown.  It looks dirty!"

    Me (showing photo): "Yeah but look at the aquascaping on these!"

    Friend (hesitantly): "I guess it's ok.  But I wouldn't do it."

    Next week - text from friend - 

    Friend: "Guess what!  I bought Indian almond leaves!  Look how big they are (shows photo - leaf size of hand)!  I'm going to put them in my tank!  I read that the axolotl likes these!  Let me know if you want some; I have extra!"

    The next day.... text from friend:

    Friend: "I guess I will be having one of those blackwater tanks after all."  😂


    (This is also the friend that's about to add driftwood for her bristlenose, in the other tank.  Dare I tell her?)

    • Haha 3
  4. On 7/28/2022 at 12:18 AM, Brandon p said:

    There is nothing like having white powder on a digital scale and there is a knock on the door.

    LOL!  The thought did cross my mind when I thought about digital scale and separating out maracyn.  If there's a mirror, a razor blade, and a dollar bill, go the other direction!*  🤣

    *note: I only know this from movies! (ie: pulp fiction, scarface, etc) - Just sayin!

    • Haha 1
  5. Congratulations! Mystery snails are so much fun!

    Hard boiled egg yolk is a great starter food. It won’t take much. Just a bit on the end of a bamboo skewer, swirl that around in the breeder box. Repeat until it looks like a light powder coating on the walls and floor. New babies usually seek out biofilm. Algae wafers are good too because they soften quickly. Break them up into little bits and scatter in the breeder box. You’ll want to get them onto a calcium rich food or supplement right away, for their shells (banquet block, crab cuisine, etc). I kept food in there at all times.

    Breeder box should be cleaned daily. I used a turkey baster. The journal link in my signature line will take you to a lot of info.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  6. On 7/27/2022 at 2:51 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Only if you have something to eat them.... If you know what they are..... AND if they are not something that can harm me when caring for the tank!

    Very cool video though 🙂

    Yeah definitely open to opinion. Hehe

    I was culling a bunch of limpets the other day. There were just too many. It was ridiculous.

    • Like 1
  7. Your parameters are good.  Being that the fish are so new, it's very likely that this fish could have arrived with an illness, despite not showing outward symptoms.  Do you have the option to move this fish out to a quarantine tank?

  8. I have a tank stand that accommodates a 10 gallon on the top shelf and a 5.5 gallon on the lower shelf.  Would it be feasible to use a 5.5 for quarantine?  Anyone tried it?  Up to this point I've been using a tote, but I have to take the fish out to examine them. I cannot see progression of disease through the plastic. I realize dosing would have to be precise, maybe use a digital scale?

  9. On 7/27/2022 at 12:35 PM, Katherine said:

    Or in bags with your fish when you get them. I was given a 10g with fish that had never seen a live plant and it was overrun with detritus worms.

    Makes sense because they are free-swimming whenever substrate is disturbed (and sometimes when it's not).


    On 7/27/2022 at 12:37 PM, MattyM said:

    I plan to cull a bit with a glass wipe and small water change. 

    Gravel vacuuming helps to cull them.

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