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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/3/2022 at 8:59 AM, Katherine said:

    might have snailbreak (jailbreak) photos to share later today. We'll see if I get to it.

    I had a bad dream last night that all my snails escaped, and there was a party and a lot of foot traffic where they could be trampled by people. Needless to say, I didn't like that dream.  Woke up and checked my lid.  Duct tape still there over the gaps. Whew! 🙂 

  2. I figured out they were snorkeling more after water changes.  I was doing instant mix of Prime & water and dumping in.  The fish don't care, but it seemed to bother the snails.  Some would jump off the walls and lay on their backs, which was alarming.  So I age the water at least 2-5 minutes now.  I just go wash the test tubes out or something while the Prime sits.  Now it's perfect. No one seems bothered whatsoever.

  3. On 8/3/2022 at 8:41 AM, Katherine said:

    And the tank has been running since...April? Lots of algae at the moment.

    Oh yeah, that's a good idea with the powdered foods @Guppysnail. I can't remember if it was you @Katherine or someone else that was swirling in just the Repashy powder.  And since you already have that on hand, that would be a convenient option.  But I would say let them clean your algae and when it's nice & clean then do powdery foods to coat walls.  Also you can coat objects (ie: coconut huts, rocks, etc) with Repashy.  Gotta do it right away when you mix it because it sets quick!

    When I moved the snails to the growout tank it had a bunch of brown algae, and they ate it all.  Even the hair-looking stuff.  They were a very efficient cleanup crew.  Only took them 2 days, but that was just a 10 gal.

  4. On 7/19/2022 at 8:26 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    For some reason I have a group of snorkelers today???

    Also found clutch 10. You guys saw that clutch 9 was found rattling around in the intake tube? Weird? Must have fallen during maintenance, and I didn’t notice. Recent clutches have been pretty small. 

    Dodger is doing well. Exploring.


    Like this team of snorkelers, @Guppysnail?  Is it like dumb & dumber?  I was like, ok whatever... 🙄🤪

    • Haha 1
  5. On 8/2/2022 at 6:55 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I joined that next door ap.  Made several posts about anyone interested in aquariums snails etc. nothing nada zip zero zilch 😟 I also could not find any posts at all on there anywhere near me on aquarium, tanks, equipment or fish. Sigh

    Aw. I clicked the + and then I clicked sell or give away an item, and then I put the listing under Pet Supplies because there was no Pets section. It think it took 2 weeks for people to contact me. Put some good photos and leave the post there. Eventually people will see it.

    Also I got an update already on the 2 adoptees! They are exploring.



    If that coral is real it’s a good calcium source, right?

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/2/2022 at 3:41 PM, FLFishChik said:

    So after reading through all these posts, I am now terrified to have any guppy! I have this mental picture of someone buying 3 little guppy to add to a 55 gallon tank.. and in 6 months... they have 6,000 guppies! 🤣. For me, it would be a nightmare.. not larger fish to naturally cull them... no LFS to take them to and no friends that keep fish tanks... So... NO on the Guppy!

    Hahaha right? I heard they are like bunnies. If you want them just get males only.

    • Like 2
  7. On 8/2/2022 at 2:31 PM, Nik_n said:

    I never bred mystery snails but have been planning to start in the near future. I thought you could just toss in a piece of zucchini or cucumber like I did with plecos. Would that work or do they require powdered baby food?   

    Powdered food is a first stage food, and they will graduate to veggies. They are about the size of sesame seeds when they are born.

  8. On 8/1/2022 at 8:19 PM, PineSong said:

    So funny that this old thread just popped up—last week I put some Soilent Green in my tank as straight powder and my otos were all over it right away— the first time I’ve seen them respond to food quickly. They usually will hop on a zuchini slice only after a few hours; and don’t react to other goods at all. Soilent Green for the win!

    Mystery snails really like soilent green too.  I add calcium carbonate powder to it for their shell health.

    • Like 2
  9. On 8/2/2022 at 9:51 AM, Katherine said:

    I believe I see an operculum on this guy too. Can you verify @Chick-In-Of-TheSea?

    I think you're right. The video is the best thing; I really can't see with the naked eye.  He doesn't seem to get over peppercorn size despite all the food being offered.  I suppose I could take him out and use magnifying glass if I get super curious.  He seems happy in there though.  Is there a snail that tends to stay peppercorn size?

    He also doesn't sniff out the food like the mysteries do.  He's usually off doing his own thing, but there have been some occasions where he joins them at mealtime.  I haven't really paid attention to what [provided] food he likes, besides that cuttlebone. And biofilm.

  10. On 8/2/2022 at 9:52 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Ok I just did a quick search of photos from the batch of babies my niece hatched. The ivories shell looked similar and did not color to pure ivory until they grew a bit more. Hers had white foot though. But she did have a blue one.  So perhaps your girl held sperm from prior to purchase blue/ivory shell snails?  

    Not possible.  The eggs were in a separate tank completely and hatched there.  The little guy was over in the growout tank by himself after plants were added.

  11. On 8/2/2022 at 12:21 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I broke it.... I have to dry out the modded basket, reattach the window cover piece that broke off and then let that cure. The fluval mech ceramic media did fit into the bottom of the tidal 55 without issue, didn't help one lick to stop the bypass on the window piece. 

    I'll have an update when I have some progress.

    Oh noes... the plastic got too weak in that area, you think?

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