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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. It's got to be the eggs, rather than the fish, that survived in drought, and when you added water the eggs hatched.  The eggs were probably attached to the equipment you are using. 

    Congratulations on your babies!  Time to get a plastic tote so they can have more gallons.


  2. Very possible they are limpets (microsnails).  Grab a magnifying glass and check for movement.  My advise is to let the plants soak in seltzer water in the dark for 12 hours (weigh them down so they don't float). The carbon dioxide will benefit your plants but kill pests (even if they are not limpets) and algae that hinder the plants.

    Check out the Reverse Respiration thread for more info.



  3. On 8/11/2022 at 2:29 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    awwwwww. 😞  I'ma clean a filter RIGHT NOW just for you.

    I'm still trying to figure out why you like cruddy, nasty filters so much.  🤣  At the same time I'm happy to have a filter expert that seems to always have answers.  

    I'm happy to report that, since I made that recording, the biowheel is spinning happily along.  It was only half wet when I recorded that, and now that it is fully wet, it's going like a champ.  

    I do have some silicone grease as well.  Seems we divers always have that on hand for our o-rings; it prevents dry rot to ensure a proper seal between our regulators and scuba tanks.

    Some people bash biowheels, but not only are they a cute little waterwheel, they also provide aeration.  The aeration make the bacteria that live on the biowheel happy.  Meanwhile other people are hacking their filters by putting airstones into them.  In my opinion, Marineland's got it figured out.

    On 8/11/2022 at 2:29 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    This sponge here, I don't think you need

    Which sponge where?  

    While we are on the filter subject, I made a baffle this morning. I am about to add 2 fish back to the tank that have been hospitalized for the last month. When my eyes opened this morning, I was thinking about the last time they were in the tank. I remember them “playing” in the current.


    I worry I misinterpreted that. They separated from their school and were swimming against the current under the outflow. Maybe that stressed them. Maybe it wasn’t the same 2 black neons that got sick. AM I WORRYING TOO MUCH?! 😭Either way, I want to do my best to ensure a comfortable environment for them, and they’ve been thriving in the qt tank with a sponge filter

    Here is what the baffle looks like. I used a VOSS bottle for a nice clean look. I’m rather happy about how it turned out. Water comes out the holes I punched as well as out the sides, so there is still a nice surface agitation. One sponge filter and an additional airstone also provide surface agitation. 






  4. Love it!  
    You are doing the right thing. Probably there are differing opinions on this, but I would skip the water changes and just let the bacteria do its thing. Not much reason to change water unless fish/inverts are in the tank and some kind of parameter exists at a level that is unsafe for them. Also live plants will consume ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate to some degree. Live plants actually like that stuff.*

    *source: Ecology of the Planted Aquarium

  5. On 8/4/2022 at 4:43 PM, Katherine said:

    The babies are 2 weeks old today and all over the tank.




    Look at that cute little face!


    Penny (mom) pushed the baby off the calcium block right after this picture. 😂 But look at how small they are next to her!

    Photo 3 there are spiky things along the edge of the shell. That means shell growth spurt occurring.

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  6. On 8/10/2022 at 3:53 PM, Bertman35769 said:

    OK quick update = It has been 5 days since my last update. I bought the RO buddy for my water changes and I've been able to keep my GH and KH around 4 most of the time. Also I am using CO2 injection as have been monitoring the levels and all is good there. My plants seem to be doing good. I did see my Nitrates are staying around 10ppm. Is there anything else I may be missing or not looking at that you guys can point out? I still have NO fish right now and I believe my cycle did complete as I monitored the ammonia levels daily and all of that appears in low parameters. Anyway, Thanks for reading and guidance. 


    You want to be checking “the big 3”. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.

    You've already had ammonia, and if you’re not getting readings on that, you’re on at least phase 2: nitrite. You’ll want to be testing for that.

    Generally once the presence of nitrAte is there we’d say a cycle is complete or nearly complete, however, you are using fertilizers and those add nitrates. Therefore we can’t really say it’s bacteria that is creating the nitrate. If you are consistently getting zeroes on ammonia and nitrite though, you’re on the home stretch!

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  7. One time my tank gravity drained because I left a hose in the tank and went outside to rinse sand.  Came back & fish were swimming in 1" of water and filter was running dry.

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  8. On 7/28/2022 at 10:47 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Oh my no! Don’t tell but encourage mopani. When they see the dark illumination and how active the fish become and fall in love with it…you get to secretly gloat over you friends new love of tannins 😍🤣🤣🤣🤣

    She got the mopani.  No complaints except the pleco doesn't touch it!  She said he's always in his cave.  Are plecos nocturnal?  I wonder if he's out and about while she is sleeping?

  9. On 8/10/2022 at 9:25 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I don’t preemptively medicate fish.

    Me neither.  Not only is it costly, but I don't want to stress them.  They've already been transported a few times and I know that's hard on them.  I wouldn't be opposed to a level 1 salt treatment, but last time I got new fish I just went with observation. 

    On 8/10/2022 at 9:25 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I throw away more expired unopened meds than I have ever used but having it here to use in minutes of seeing anything is worth the expense. 

    Agreed.  You don't need it until you need it, and if you aren't keeping it stocked, your fish suffer longer with illness while you go shop for it or wait for it to be shipped, etc.  (or they don't make it)

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  10. On 8/10/2022 at 9:01 AM, caylentor said:

    Thread follow up, just in case anyone else has similar issues.


    So flubendazole seemed to work really well - all the fish recovered, and have been fine. Unfortunately two are currently coming down with symptoms again. Do I really need to repeat the dose monthly? Catching the shrimp and moving them to a backup tank every month is going to be a nightmare.


    One of the fish that isn't eating has a little bump in her belly, when I saw this last year the fish ended up dying after around two weeks, so hopefully another treatment will head that off. It's just very demoralising to constantly be going through this, let alone the impact on the aquarium inhabitants.

    Why not leave the shrimp stay and then move the fish out?



  11. On 8/10/2022 at 7:13 AM, Guppysnail said:

    and I found a few hidden clutches behind my bamboo so threw them in an incubator.

    Because you don't have enough snails already 🤣

    On 8/10/2022 at 7:13 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I’m wanting Microglanis iheringi- Bumblebee cats, Hara jerdoni- Asian stone mini cats, and Danio erythromicron-Emerald dwarf rasbora.

    You're going to need bumblebee nerites to match your bumblebee cats.




    Oh my @Guppysnail.  You've got a lot going on!  Do you usually keep plants in QT tanks?  Don't the meds harm the plants?


    On 8/10/2022 at 7:13 AM, Guppysnail said:


    Me too.  I get a bummed out feeling when I put meds in.  I have some finishing a medicated quarantine now.  It's been probably a month and we had to go a few different routes with meds til it was determined what they had and the first course didn't work.  Started off treating for fungus but issue was columnaris.  Gave them a break, then switched off to Jungle Fizz & Kanaplex, gave them another break, then a bit of a mild salt treatment.  I'm proud because columnaris can kill a whole tank in 2-7 days, and I had no losses.  I quickly got these guys out when I saw a problem, and they survived, and no one in the display tank got the disease.

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