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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Today is cucumber day.  My mom gave me a salad to take home the other day so I thought I’d share it. They also got some banquet block. 


    The small, pale guy was upside down 🫤last night next to the sponge filter so I put a piece of crab cuisine next to him for when he was ready. Well, a big snail sniffed it out and ate it, doing circles around it and steamrolling little snail like 5 times!  Eventually little snail righted himself and moved, just a little. I guess that’s one way to do a welfare check. 😳

    Today the little snail was hard to find, but was eventually located next to the same sponge filter. He had moved 1/4 of the way around the base and then half burrowed into the sand. Not sure what’s going on with him. 😔

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  2. On 8/17/2022 at 2:26 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Yeah, moving the little one to the snail tank makes sense to help keep him from getting picked on.  When you add to the size of the school try to move things around in the tank and it'll reset territory for the tank as well. 

    There’s a whole bunch of anacharis floating around in the snail tank and it’s kinda messy, but maybe he’d appreciate the cover. Might make him feel more secure.

  3. On 8/17/2022 at 10:51 AM, Guppysnail said:


    Yes. They nibble as well. Not a large quantity but they do nibble. The pandas more so than the Pygmy. 

    I didn't even recognize that the Pygmies are catfish!  Because they are mostly midlevel in a school in your video, just like regular schooling non-catfish.  How cool is that?

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  4. @nabokovfan87 @Colu  What do you think I should do with this guy after treatment?  He's little and gets picked on, and my school is not big enough I guess.  To increase the school the next guys would have to go through quarantine for a good while.  Think I should put him in the snail tank?  He'd be the lone fish in there for a bit but at least I could keep an eye on him (can't see him through the tote, and he's been through quite enough medication already) until the next gang is ready to go to display tank. 

  5. Today is lettuce day ☺️





    Got an update on the first little one I adopted out. Goldie is doing well. My friend said it’s like having a baby; Goldie just eats and poops! Of course I reply, “but isn’t she cute?” To which my friend responds, “Absolutely.”

    Also Goldie delighted her with parasnailing this morning.

    Now she’s off to the store to buy some green beans. ❤️ 



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  6. On 8/16/2022 at 9:39 PM, TeeJay said:

    Ok so I'm waayyy late to the game. But better late than never. So I have gone over everyone's posts and I think there are a lot of great ideas. After looking over everything I think I would go this route. Get a very small pond pump. I found one in Amazon that only does 65gph for 13 bucks.Attach a hose then one of those nifty tank filler 9000 gizmos to the other end of the tube to diffuse the water gently. Bam! 

    No obviously that size pump wouldn't work larger water changes in bigger tanks. I'm only dealing with 1 29 gal and 1 ten gal. So I think that would be the easiest cost effective back saving way for me. For around 30 bucks I'm sold.Screenshot_20220816-212928.png.3907d5ea0a12a0ebc310d0fce76083f8.png


    There is a bit of a calc when choosing a pond pump. Distance of hose, flow rate of faucet, and height of tank. I will try to find the info for you; it’s in a video I had watched before my pump purchase. And I believe I sized up, just in case.

    Pump size guidelines - @ approx 2:00 in vid.


  7. Husband walks into the kitchen. Sees small pot of boiling water. Meanwhile I’m making a sandwich.

    He asks, “Whatcha got goin on in here?”

    “Not much, just making a sandwich.”

    “What’s with the little pot of boiling water? Is that for the snails’ sandwich?” Has a big grin on his face.  (4 different small veggies are in a dish aside the stove.)

    Guilty as charged. LOL.

    At least he’s coming around. I was told on more than one occasion not to say the S word. 😳 Apparently my snail talk was getting excessive. 😬  But he did get a kick out of the little video of York riding the bubbles up. 🫧 I think he’s starting to notice their little personalities.

    (Thank goodness for the forum. I can snail talk all I want here.)

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  8. On 8/16/2022 at 7:11 PM, TeeJay said:

    That would be enough to last me for 6 months lol. But I'm sure your feeding more tanks than me.

    I was feeding quite a bit but now I’ve adopted most of the babies out. I have the little cubes in the freezer now and just take some out when I need them.

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  9. I don’t think I will feed asparagus again. Dodger didn’t like it and the babies stayed on it for awhile, then got bored with it. If it were a green bean, they’d stay on it until it was gone. York, however, loved it.  But she loves everything. Except maybe the calcium chip.  Seems everyone is turning their snoots up at those lately. Some different flavored ones are sold on Crayfish Empire.  Might be something to consider later. I've got plenty of food right now!

  10. On 8/16/2022 at 3:01 PM, Cinnebuns said:

    Oh wow 103!!  I will share this experience I've had with adding ice cubes. IT TAKES A LOT!!! I put a whole tray in a 5 gallon tank that was at 93 and it still took about 3 hours for the temp to get down to 78. Also, keep in mind to declorinate for the ice cubes too!

    I takes me a large cup of ice to get from 89 to 78 (24-ish ounce cup), but I have to do 2 cups of ice to take it from the 103 down to the 78.  I just do that in a 2-gallon bucket.  That works well for changing the 10 gallon tank, but for the 29 gallon tank, I would do 2-3 buckets worth.  All this only takes about 5 minutes (per bucket) for the ice to melt and for it to get to the right temp. I use an instant read meat thermometer to check.  I'm also adding the ice while the faucet is filling the bucket.

    It's better for me to do water changes in the morning before it gets hot. Then I don't have to mess with ice.

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