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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/22/2022 at 11:12 AM, Guppysnail said:

    My snails like to hang at the water line and “read the newspaper” leaving these lovely “gifts” 🤣

    What's funny is when my tetras start to do the feeding frenzy over it and then put the brakes on like, oh wait, nevermind.  Abort! Abort!

    • Haha 2
  2. On 8/22/2022 at 10:45 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I learned how to suck start a siphon without inhaling water years ago 🤣

    Well yeah, didn't we all - but I don't always get it right 🤣   and good thing I have tile because if I get a mouthful I instantly spit wherever my face is pointed (one time into the QT tote which is sitting on the floor - sorry lil fishies [don't worry, they were fine; I helped them with extra bacteria, heh.])      *pptooey*

    I quit sucking roundabouts the time I got detritus worms in the tank...

    On 8/22/2022 at 10:45 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Hubby says I’ve sucked fish into my brain rip that swim around up there from years of manual starting 🤣



    • Haha 2
  3. On 8/22/2022 at 10:38 AM, Guppysnail said:

    This is not diy but what I use in my 29. Small/tall. The opening is skinny and gets around things well. Here is mine in front of the 29  no wet armpits 🤣



    With a tube that long, wouldn't it be a pain to get the flow started?

  4. On 8/22/2022 at 8:52 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Mine are also less active at 77 in guppy tanks. Heat increases metabolism burning more calories.  Think of it like sitting vs walking. Walking increases your metabolism so you will tire out quicker. 

    I'm not following.  Would they be less active in cooler temps?  

    I could give a Wondershell a whirl - thing is, shells look healthy. Except Dot's shell, which is paler than the rest.  Couldn't hurt though, right?  Would I need to keep an eye on certain parameters when using a wondershell?

    On 8/22/2022 at 8:52 AM, Guppysnail said:

    If you use any fertilizer (I’m not a chemist so I’m not real clear on this) potassium somehow binds, gets rid of, negates 🤷‍♀️ A bit of calcium. 

    Currently using Easy Green in there.

    I'm confused because up to this point, I had a lot of activity.  

    I could try fasting them.  I wonder for how long?  Some people do like, a 2 day fast before shipping snails out.  Maybe I could try that too.

    Do you use any kind of liquid minerals @Guppysnail or just the wondershell?

  5. I have a 29 gallon, and quite frankly, I'm tired of getting my arm wet. At the same time, most gravel vac intakes are too big to get around my big ol' piece of spiderwood.  I'd like a longer and more narrow tube so I can spot clean in crevices around hardscape, as well as a bulb to get the flow started. Has anyone found or made a product like this?

  6. I need a little help understanding mineral needs for snails. Dot remains on her back. Other snails are starting to hibernate/burrow or something or are slow or perhaps unhappy. The big 3 are 0/0/5. The others are

    PH 7.

    KH 80

    GH 180

    temp 78; it’s a self adjusting heater that stays at the 78, but I do ck the thermometer anyway to be sure.

    Is there anything else I can do for these guys? Been trying to do better job of detritus cleanup on the substrate, although parameters are not impacted by this. Plant growth has really taken off in there; lots of plants, esp floating anacharis.

    I don’t test calcium. I figured I have hard water so I’m ok there?? Also I provide cuttlebone and calcium rich foods.

    I thought about wondershell but my water is already really hard. Isn’t wonder shell for people with softer water? But could I be missing minerals, I don’t know.

    Any thoughts?

    @Guppysnail @Katherine



  7. On 8/21/2022 at 4:31 PM, TeeJay said:

    I'll take the turkey baster and suck up all the leftovers on the bottom

    Recommending to place what you remove into a dish for inspection before you throw it out. Suuuper easy to suck up little snails; I needed a magnifying glass to tell food apart from snails, at first. Mine were soo small, like sesame seeds.

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  8. On 8/21/2022 at 11:24 AM, TeeJay said:

    Ok 75 percent of the clutch just easy fell apart the other 25 was harder so I'm sure we have snails. I dunked the towel into the tank

    If you are not able to crumble that hard part of the clutch put it into the incubator again. It should not stay submerged.

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