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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/30/2022 at 9:59 AM, sweetpoison said:

    I agree but I’m getting them all at once so they will come home and go to the main tank~ that’s the quarantine tank😂

    Yep, that works well if there's nothing else in there; no other critters will get sick. Sometimes I do have an issue where the meds (especially salt) kill the bacteria on the filter though.  

  2. On 8/30/2022 at 9:40 AM, Guppysnail said:

    This is why I tell folks CPD are not the best choice for a 5 gallon tank. Yes the fit and will survive but their personality and activity do not fit. This is a 40 breeder. Not an inch wasted. 

    Todays feeding







    See, and I thought they would be good for a small tank due to their size, but I've seen a few posts now indicating aggression. (The shrimps swimming around are adorable.  The one at :14 is a character, going across the whole tank.  Loves the spotlight!)

    Is this the last day for the snails?  I cannot believe how BIG they are!

    • Thanks 1
  3. Here’s today’s test = .5 ammonia. Based on the neon’s last checkup, I decided I’m not going to chase around this nitrogen cycle with all the extra water changes etc, so I moved him out to the snail tank about a week earlier than planned. There’s lots of cover in there; obviously the anacharis are happy in that environment. With no one to bully him, I think he will do ok. Lights off for today. 

    This is what the snail tank looks like now. Most snails were adopted out. Just a few remain and are keepers. 





  4. I mean fortunately bare bottom and @TeeJay has a sponge filter so they should be easily found. I had detritus worms in my snail growout too because I was always feeding the snails. They went down into my sand and I don’t even know if they are there anymore. Haven’t seen any in awhile. They didn’t bother anything. They just enjoy snacks and actually are a beneficial cleanup crew if you can get past the fact that they are worms. 🙂

  5. Welp, bound to happen with that much salt. My bacteria is dead. ☠️ 


    Not the first time this has happened to me when doing salt treatments.

    Haven’t tested in a few days because I’ve been changing water daily to get to the level 2 salt, which has now been accomplished. I figure, if I’m going to change the water anyway, why test? If a test shows something bad, I would do what? Water change. LOL. Anyway..

    Unplanned water change today due to the reading.   w/ Prime dosed for whole tank volume + Fritz Zyme 7.

    Will be testing each morning now to see how we’re doing.

    Afterwards, offered a flake to the fishy but he refused it. 🫤

  6. On 8/29/2022 at 5:55 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Nope, just normal maintenance.  I follow the Rachel O'leary / King of DIY method, I'm totally not sure if that's a thing.  The sand is relatively new so it hasn't had a chance to take in too much junk.  I have two sponges on that tank so it's very easy for the tank to hold muck on the surface of the sand.  I feed red rood on white substrate too, I always see the little bits.  On camera, I think I just got the shutter / Iso and all that setup a certain way where it looks blown out.  But, generally speaking, it's just new.  If you're having issues with mulm / sand just gravel vac it.  If you have issues with the vac in particular or technique I can send you some stuff.


    Ah yes, I’ve seen this one. I do vac it sometimes, not every time but when it gets the line.

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  7. On 8/29/2022 at 4:14 PM, Scot said:

    only necessary over the long term. A few hours of driving doesn't require aerations and gas exchange. Otherwise we couldn't ship fish across the country and around the world.

    This trip is 6 months, but I am not sure how much of that is driving and how much is stationary.

  8. On 8/29/2022 at 3:44 PM, Scot said:

    If you are going to do it, evacuate ANY AND ALL air from the container.

    This sounds good for slosh prevention, bad for fish.  Fish benefit from surface agitation, air stones, dissolved oxygen, and the like.

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  9. On 8/29/2022 at 2:52 PM, lefty o said:

    i sort of agree, i have a 37 and it is bordering on too tall. the 29 is fairly close to ideal. its tall enough to have more room in it, yet not so tall you are in it up to your armpits during maintenance.

    Eh. Seems I'm always wet up to my elbows w/ the 29 which is getting annoying. Ordered a long siphon to resolve the wet arm during maintenance, but I still get wet for target feeding and for scaping, sponge filter maintenance, etc. 

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