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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 9/1/2022 at 9:46 AM, Odd Duck said:

    The aquascapers (salt and fresh) use pieces of new cigarette filters (apparently you can buy them on Amazon), and use liquid superglue, to add more surface area to where pieces of wood or rock are joined together.  The filter is stuffed in there, the pieces held where they are wanted, then the glue dripped into place to join everything.  They then use color matching dust - crushed aqua soil, sand, powdery sawdust, crushed coral, etc, to match the color of whatever they’re bonding, and sprinkle it over the filter/glue to stick to the glue and match it so the glue disappears.  Sometimes they add more glue just to make more dust stick to cover the filter part better.

    If you used a combination of techniques - rock or wood pieces around the cave/hide to stabilize it, and glued it all together using the filter bits for greater contact surface area, then your superglue should hold better.

    If no cigarette filters available, I wonder if filter floss can be used instead?

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  2. Can you put an upside down pot on the bottom, then put your cave pot on that.  Zip tie them together through the little holes, then turn the ziptie part to the back of the tank so the tie is not visible?

    I also saw this for ghost knives, but I don't know if there are any other colors.

    https://www.chewy.com/lees-aquarium-pets-ghost-house/dp/551142?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign={campaignid}&utm_content=Lee's Aquarium %26 Pets&utm_term={keyword}

  3. It's funny how I'm growing my pothos.  I have the dropped waterline so York (mystery) can go up there and lay her eggs, and Hampshire (nerite) likes to go up and enjoy air quite a bit too.  I use the sponge filter tube as a "vase" and it holds the pothos stem, and the leaves are emergent and hang out in the "airea" under the light. 🤣

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