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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Hmm. They usually grow fast. The three main things they need are protein, calcium, and vegetation. Crab cuisine offers protein and calcium. Sinking pellets (like the ones for cories) offer protein, and of course boiled veggies & algae wafers offer vegetation. Cuttlebone would be calcium only. Try to vary their diet a bit and see how they do. 

  2. On 9/3/2022 at 7:31 PM, TeeJay said:

    I think it is going to work out quite nicely. Mine is on order. He said less than a week build time since he had the one I needed already built. Just had to print it. So hopefully sometime this upcoming week 

    Neat. Be sure to take a pic. I think they all look a bit different, for the different models of filters. 

  3. On 9/2/2022 at 7:12 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I am very pleased to say Ziggy with his cracked shell is doing very well. His girl friend decided to lend a hand again and armor plated him some more. I find it cool how she reinforced the area around the exposed tissue. 🥰





    That’s very interesting. Is anyone else bedazzled or just him?

    P.S. He looks like a sesame seed bun. 🙂

    You’re running some kind of bakery over there, you got Cruller and sesame seed bun.

    • Haha 2
  4. Baffle applied. Easy. 2 minutes? Of COURSE I ended up cleaning the darn prefilter sponge and doing a small water change, because removing that intake tube to get the filter off made a mess. 😞 I couldn’t have my little buddies dealing with that in their home.

    The baffle was not as I expected though, so I had to mod the mod. Here’s a video for all the filter nerds. I did put the cam down for a few towards the end so you’ll see a black screen briefly, and then I resumed.

    @TeeJay @nabokovfan87

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  5. Caution: slight rant

    So I ended up getting a new tote vs a 10 gal tank on sale because cats. It’s going to be on the floor.

    Looks clearer than my other, older tote.


    But of course I had to put the lines on it. How annoying! I don’t know how you guys do it but I fill a gallon jug over and over, pour it in, then make the line. Most accurate way. But man, tedious. Second time I’m doing it.


    Fortunately I busted out the pump to get the water back out. That was the nice part.

    Then I did myself a favor. My present self made a template for my future self, so she will never have to do this 💩 again. Then in the future, my present self can be delighted and say, “wow. How considerate of my past self to make life easy for me.”

    I’m not going to get fishies today because I want to take the time to properly set up and let the accessories dry from their recent disinfection, but I think I will go ahead and get the baffle put on. But I refuse to clean sponges today. Not happening!  😡 



    • Love 2
  6. I would like to go buy some black neons today but I’m wondering if I should a) allow everything I disinfected to dry first (after bleach solution, I did 3x rinse in tap water), and/or b) grab a 10 gallon tank while they are on sale so I can keep a better eye on symptoms ( but, no stand, and have cats). Hmm

  7. Mating dances this morning. This is common when they’ve been fed, but I didn’t even feed them yet. They are just in the mood. (They never mated for years, that I saw, UNTIL I got live plants.)

    I have the new baffle and here’s my thought process. If I take the filter off to apply the baffle I might as well clean the prefilter sponge. If I have to clean the prefilter sponge, I will need some tank water. If I need some tank water, I might as well gravel vac. How does one baffle showing up in the mail turn into a ton of maintenance?! 😳☹️ *runs & hides*

    P.S. Here’s a cute ram.



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  8. On 9/2/2022 at 12:17 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I wonder if he hides when you get close to the tank..... if you treat it like I do my corydoras, if he will relax a bit once you're sitting on a stool for a little bit.

    He looks content, and I'm sure loves that floating cover.

    Yeah I think he has been acting kinda like the cories. Shy when approached. Doesn’t seem that the light was the issue, but the activity. So I try not to loom over the tank. If I am near the ground looking up at the tank, he’s fine. Same if I sit down a little distance away.

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  9. Dean made some cool fry containers that keep water circulating through also.

    @Fish Folk that really sucks. I’m sorry that happened. I can’t even imagine the emotional roller coaster.

    I will add that it is SUPER easy to overfeed fry and this could have happened to anyone. I had problems with parameters raising baby snails also, due to overfeeding. 

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