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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/31/2022 at 9:47 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Here is my successes so far

    pothos, bamboo, syngonium, monstera, Calathea, philodendrons, fitonia, anthurium, spider plants, peace lily, red mangrove, inchplants, snake plants, Purple Heart, polka dot plants edit forgot dracaena

    i used YouTube videos for plants that do well with wet feet through water propagation, Plantlife Project and a few others.  My original list when I went searching included close to 30 - 40 types that should theoretically do well in fish tanks. 

    See, I was doing it wrong.  I managed to get some pickerelweed for free, but I killed it because I tried to grow it fully submerged.

  2. On 9/1/2022 at 8:16 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    😂 Well I guess the little guy earned his name!

    Maybe there is heat coming off the light? Maybe the lid is so tight that is sucks out the oxygen or something when the light is on?  Definitely a strange issue. I would run a test to see.... Next time the light comes on and he's breathing heavily, open the lid and see if that changes behavior in terms of rapid breathing.

    I haven't kept the light on for more than 5 minutes with him.  That's not enough time for heat build up or oxygen deprivation.  I also tried it on very dim as well as different colors.  He goes and hides.

    On 9/1/2022 at 8:16 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Well I guess the little guy earned his name!

    He probably should have been named a long time ago.  I've been a fool of a Took for not doing it sooner!


    sketch credit: https://captbexx.tumblr.com/post/129443809254/treebeard-merry-pippin-sketch

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  3. I started posting a little bit about this on the snail journal but decided this is a better spot for it. This little fish has been in quarantine 3 times. Once when he was bought, once for columnaris (with a friend that time) and then again for columnaris after being returned to the main tank where he was mercilessly bullied. He’s been on his own for awhile now. ☹️


    Finally after a cycle crash in the quarantine tank due to level 3 salt treatment, I’ve moved him into the snail tank where he seems to be doing well. However, he hides and starts breathing heavily every time I turn on the light. If the light is off he happily swims the whole tank. I think this tank is good for him right now since the anacharis are getting a little crazy. Since he doesn’t like “the spotlight”, and he’s the scrawny kid who didn’t pull the lead role, yet he is tough and courageous when he needs to be, I call him Pippin. ⚔️ He was even featured in Tuesday’s paper!



    Currently there are 3 black neons in the main tank (used to be more. Ich..). I have a few choices for Pippin.

    a) I could make the 10 gallon where he is into a black neon tank (add 5 buddies) - in which case snails would move out to the 29g.

    b) Have a larger school of black neons in the 29g and include him (maybe like 10?). The 29g also has 5 pristella tetras that all get along, but I’d add one or two more just to get to recommended school size, to help prevent future conflict with the black neons. 

    What do you guys think?

    P.S. To give you an idea of where we started, here’s Pippin’s quarantine friend from a past quarantine (this is his fat picture - he pigged out on brine shrimp before his Kodak moment) 😳😂 They both had symptoms like this. For more on Pippin’s story, click the qt link in my signature line.



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  4. On 8/31/2022 at 9:36 PM, TeeJay said:

    I got a new ten gallon from the pet store and just did a tank swap. I just couldn't tell for sure. I knew I wouldn't sleep tonight if I just let it go until tomorrow

    Good move. Tank cracks are something I don’t experiment with or “wait and see”. 

    Better safe than sorry. You can’t always be around. What if it gave out while you were at work or sleeping?

    Those little lives depend on us. 🐠 🦐 🐌 

    A few months ago I had a leak and everyone got moved out to a tote. The “aquarium stand” was made of cheap fiberboard (why do they do this?! - it’s dumb.) but painted somehow to look like it wasn’t, like a paint with a slight texture or something- and over time, you guessed it, it swelled. Then the stand wasn’t level anymore and ruined my tank. I replaced it with the Aqueon Forged (all metal). Which has a second shelf for a 5g tank.  (Soon.. 🙂)

    I almost kept that stand and used it as an end table but then I figured I would eventually forget what happened and try to put another tank on it. So off to Goodwill it went.

  5. Remember that tote you bought for snails? That’s your emergency bailout. Also what you can do is try to slide a piece of paper under the tank. Is there a little gap that the paper can slide under? And if so is the paper wet?

  6. On 8/31/2022 at 9:43 AM, Odd Duck said:

    ORD but this is pure gold!  😂  It could definitely be worse.  I’ll stop complaining about always being “behind” on my water changes.  😂 🤣 

    @Odd Duck I’m not sure if pun was intended or not, but that’s what they’re doing- mining for gold dust. The debris gets sucked up and ends up on a little conveyor belt on the boat/surface that kinda shakes it around to pan for the gold. Even just a little bit of gold flake is ridiculously valuable.

    @4:02 you can kinda get the gist of what they’re doing


    • Haha 1
  7. On 8/31/2022 at 1:01 PM, FlyingFishKeeper said:

    Hi, I haven't used reverse respiration personally as the way my tanks are setup they doesn't allow for it, however from what I've seen it does warrant consideration. As for peroxide I'm currently using it in my 5.5 gallon with black beard algae. As I understand it after some amount of time it will break down into water and oxygen. I just turn the lights out for an hour with the hydrogen peroxide in the tank then have them turn back on. So far I haven't noticed it affecting my fish, shrimp, or snails. Girl Talks Fish has a good segment in one video that explains the method I use as well as limitations of it. Hope this helps! 



  8. On 8/31/2022 at 1:37 PM, sweetpoison said:

    It really does look so different doesn’t it I really like it!  And thank you but I haven’t put water in it yet I’m just afraid to I don’t know why…

    If you're afraid about messing up the aquascape, maybe just put a plate or a bowl in the tank, and dump the water into that so it doesn't disrupt anything.

  9. On 8/31/2022 at 12:21 PM, sweetpoison said:

    Super glue all over one hand and cuts on the other but I’m having fun!  Somebody here used to always tell me to have fun I forget who it is ~ I hope they are still around🙏

    OK I’m putting them in the tank of motor gravel around them I’m so excited!

    they are so little of this tank is little too but it’s long😂😂


    Now THAT's a forest!

  10. Glad you asked!  🙂 I had made a little care sheet about snails a few months back; the link is in my signature line.  Here's the section on food.  


    Mystery snails will help clean your fish tank, and if you have live plants, you will find that they carefully clean the algae from the leaves but leave the plants alone (unless the plant is dying; then they will consume the dying pieces).  Tank algae is not enough food to sustain your snails. Just as you would feed fish on a routine basis, your mystery snails should also be fed. They should be offered food that contains vegetables, protein, and calcium. The calcium is particularly important for shell growth and health. Snails can smell food through the water, and it won’t take them long to find it.

    Some foods they love are:

    ·         Hikari crab cuisine

    ·         Algae wafers

    ·         Boiled green bean, halved lengthwise, seeds removed (20 min. boil time)*

    ·         Boiled zucchini slice (10 min. boil time)*

    ·         Cuttlebone (sold in the bird section) – break off a piece and drop it into the tank, and the snails will occasionally graze on it. It will also slowly release calcium into the water which benefits the snails and is harmless to fish and plants. Cuttlebone will initially float.  It can be left to float or can be weighed down with a small stone, a plant weight, or tucked under the edge of a decoration.

    ·         Snello (a recipe that can be made for them)

    Boiled vegetables can be weighed down with a little rock or an aquarium plant weight if they want to float.

    • Thanks 1
  11. @Katherine said snails like sweet potato. Yep!




    See the fishy in the background of 2nd pic? That’s Pippin. He looks wimpy but he’s tough and brave when he needs to be. He just got out of quarantine for the 3rd time! First time qt when he was bought. 2nd time columnaris. 3rd time columnaris relapse because he got bullied and stressed after being returned to main tank.

    I need to increase school size before he goes back to main tank or they will bully him again, most likely. 

    Closer look at Pippin:



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  12. Tried to use lights today on the 24/7 cycle (gentle sunrise, etc) but he was stressed by them. His quarantine tote never had any lights so I’m sure he got used to that. When I turned the lights off, he began swimming the whole tank, and he did eat a little breakfast. Not much. The snails ate his leftover flake. He’s also fairly shy when I approach but he’s kind of getting used to it.

    Hard to get his photo but if you zoom in here you can see where his columnaris spot is almost healed. 

    For all he’s been through, he needs a tough name.




    …GOT IT. I will call him Pippin. The scrawny kid that didn’t pull the lead role; he doesn’t like the [Hygger] spotlight. Looks wimpy, but is tough and brave when he needs to be.


  13. @nabokovfan87 thanks! These are things I’ve collected over the years. The long hose is from a Python. However I did away with the mechanical piece on the other end because when I moved a) it didn’t fit my faucet, and b) the hose faucet outside kept seizing up from calcium/corrosion, plus I was not as likely to do tank maintenance in inclement weather. And no temp control.

    On 8/30/2022 at 7:45 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    and ice cubes

    You noticed that, eh?  Yeah. Summertime in southern U.S. w/ pipes running through the attic.  Ice not needed if I do maintenance in the morning, but today I wanted to try out the new gravel vac in the afternoon. One thing not pictured is the digital meat thermometer. I use that to get an instant read on the bucket water: the water that’s being pumped into the tank.

    I bought the lid prop because the guy who made the blue dispersion piece (which I love so much) sent me a coupon code afterwards, and I wanted to support his small business. You know what works really awesome for keeping a hose from whipping out of a tank*? You probably already have the stuff. A binder clip and a rubber band. As such:



    The binder clip fits rimmed or rimless tanks and the rubber band is KEY. That is what creates friction against the hose. That hose will NOT slide against that rubber band. No way. The two materials against each other are super grippy.

    If I’m in more of a hurry, I’ll just dump 2 buckets into the tank and not bust out the pump/hose contraption at all. But I’d use this dispersion doodad instead. 




    I hang this on the side of the tank so it doesn’t move when I pour water into it. The binder clip could also be used to hold it in place.


    *yeah, that happened. More than one occasion.. 😳

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  14. On 8/30/2022 at 7:02 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I’m so glad you like it. I can’t do without mine. I use the small talk on the 29 and 40 and just small on the rest. I’ll never use the other types I tried again. Pythons are to easy 

    Oh and also the fish were very calm. To have a clear tube in there (vs an arm AND a tube) was no big deal for them.

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  15. On 8/22/2022 at 10:38 AM, Guppysnail said:

    This is not diy but what I use in my 29. Small/tall. The opening is skinny and gets around things well. Here is mine in front of the 29  no wet armpits 🤣



    @Guppysnail @nabokovfan87 I got the Python Small/Tall and I LOVE IT!!!! 😍❤️

    The rigid tube is thinner diameter, the flow was not too fast, no wet arm, soft hose so easy to crimp to stop flow, and it went the perfect speed to get the whole tank vac’d. Which is great because tank water gives my arm a rash. 😳

    To give you an idea of how great it worked,




    Pair that with the tank refiller and lid prop, easy peasy maintenance!




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  16. Snails will eat the algae off of plants.  Are you finding that the plants have been damaged.  Also keep in mind that snails need to be fed regularly; they eat more than you think!  They cannot be treated as cleanup crew. That's not enough for them to eat/survive.

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