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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/23/2022 at 9:12 PM, TeeJay said:

    Yes I think after I go thru my stock of store bought brine shrimp I'll try hatching my own and freezing them. So that little gizmo will work great

    Oh yes, it works awesome for brine shrimp!


    I prefer to feed brine shrimp this way because if I put the whole block in, most of it falls to the ground and they ignore stuff on the ground.

    You can get the irrigation syringe at pretty much any drug store. 

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  2. On 8/23/2022 at 9:06 PM, TeeJay said:

    Yes I'll have to get one of those. I usually use the pipettes from this co op to fill my test tubes and measure ferts. But that would work good for foodies.

    I use the turkey baster for food because it has a bigger opening. But I use this to just move tank water into the ice cube trays, or into the test tubes.

  3. On 8/23/2022 at 7:34 PM, TeeJay said:

    So I know @Guppysnail likes to use feeding dishes alot and @nabokovfan87 has been test one out with his Corys.

    I’m on Team Feeding Dish too! Makes for easy cleanup if there’s leftovers. Turkey baster it up and nothing falls in the substrate. If I realize I’ve overfed right away, I suck it up and freeze it in tank water. Like this. Later thaw out and turkey baster it back in. Saves $$$. 




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  4. On 8/23/2022 at 4:35 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I got 4 assassin snails

    Those assassins will also eat Pygmy eggs. The assassins are pretty snails.

    On 8/23/2022 at 4:35 PM, Guppysnail said:


    Very cool!   You will love cichlids!  They’ve got great personality and love swim throughs and tunnels! Be very careful to check ANYTHING you remove from the tank, especially when redecorating. Eggs might be on things and you won’t even realize it. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. So I made a thing? Friend gave me a resin kit for Christmas two, maybe three years ago. I didn’t know what the heck to do with it so I let it collect dust. It has molds in it to make, I don’t know, flat discs that you can embed stuff into. (?) And a bunch of pigments and glitters. Again I’m thinking like.. ???

    Anyway, I was going to list it on eBay but thought, eh.. maybe I will just “try” something. 

    So I made this koi pond with pool filter sand and some stuff I collected from the yard. I don’t know how it will cure. I will know in a few days. 

    It’s little. This is a ramekin.




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  6. Dot is on her back still, in the same spot. She’s all tucked in tight. Sniff check. Ok. Left her on the cuttlebone. Ordered Wondershell since LFS doesn’t carry it, but the shipping time wasn’t great. Fasting them today to see if that helps with activity level. It seems to so far because everybody else is busy “cleaning their room.”

  7. On 8/23/2022 at 12:16 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Orange and red bell peppers as well as carrots fed give you a Christmas tree ornamented tank 🤣


    Here’s some carrot snowflakes they left as gifts. Sand before:


    Sand after:




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  8. On 8/23/2022 at 10:56 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I know time is the big one. Is the little one getting any special foods?

    50% water change on the 18th or?

    Typically I won't dose salt back to back to back like that. I might add a % dose based on the water change. But not a full dose.

    25% on the 18th

    20% today

    All while adding back the necessary salt to stay at level 3.

    I know that left him with some diluted Maracyn but a mesh bag of fresh carbon was also placed on top of the sponge filter after treatment. 

    Food extreme krill and frozen brine shrimp. He eats a little. Seems to lose appetite after about 3 bites.

    The first bite or 2 though, he seems excited and charges the food.

    On 8/23/2022 at 10:56 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Typically I won't dose salt back to back to back like that. I might add a % dose based on the water change. But not a full dose.

    Dose is based on water change. Ie: 2 gal water replaced means add 2 T salt back. 

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  9. My husband and I have been together for 16 years but married for 3. This month we hit our 3rd anniversary. There are traditions for each year. 1st year paper, 2nd year cloth, 3rd year leather. I got him this teepee. It was handmade in New Mexico. It’s an ornament. See the smoke? Lol





    He said he got me something too but it didn’t arrive. (He never gets me stuff. Christmas, yes, something small, but he doesn’t do the Valentines or anniversary thing or whatever. We just go to the steakhouse, and that’s cool. They make a good, smoky Old Fashioned there.) So I’m puzzled what he has up his sleeve at this point. Anyway, he had it shipped direct to a store. So he went to the store to pick it up and here they had sold it to someone else! His order! He was venting about it and said he had them reorder it and it was suuuper late getting here (anniversary was the 9th). Today it arrived USPS. He had me open it. It was this wallet! I want you guys to know I’m a Walmart girl. I never had any name brand thing like this before, nor do I yearn for things of status and prestige. I love simple and frugal; that’s how I roll. Functionality is what’s important.

    But wow… this is adorable. I love it! I will use this until it falls apart! 😍 Also I like little purses anyway, and he noticed that preference as well.



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  10. My nerite, Button, was taking a ride on a mystery snail today. The mystery snail did NOT appreciate it and fell off the glass, then laid there awhile.

    I had to pry the nerite off the mystery - the nerite had industrial strength suction!  Put her on a cuttlebone in case she was looking for a calcium fix.

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  11. On 8/22/2022 at 1:49 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done this.  I hear weird water trickle and wonder where it’s coming from then….OMG that’s my bucket 😝

    Lately I've taken to holding onto the side of the bucket, keeping a finger in it so I can feel water.  It's not my favorite thing to be bent over while vac the tank, but we do what we gotta do I guess (p.s. doesn't work if your water level indicator finger has already been in the tank and is already at tank temp.. how do I know this..)

    Sometimes I put the bucket on a stepstool so I am not bending as much.  If I'm not lazy, and actually get the stepstool (which is right next to the tank..)

    • Haha 1
  12. I ordered a custom baffle that will stay on despite a fat snail trying to squish herself behind it. It looks like this. This guy custom makes baffles for TONS of filters. Can’t beat it for fifteen bucks.


    Also the other morning when I was zoning out vacuuming some detritus, I overflowed my bucket. Good times, good times. 

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  13. On 8/22/2022 at 11:28 AM, RockMongler said:

    Remember, you can get a siphon started by filling up the tube with water, holding the whole thing like a U shape, then you flip it over, and as long as you have water over the top of the rim, the siphon will start, no muss no fuss.

    I learned how to do this in grad school in a chemistry lab, because starting a siphon with your mouth is a no go in a lab, and the contamination you might get from a bulb is also a no-go.  It's super easy, and you have zero chance of sucking in poopy fish water.  You can also do it with just a piece of plastic tubing, even like your airline tubing.

    This works well with the smaller siphons, but we are wondering the best way to get the extra long siphon going.  The rigid part is quite tall and awkward.


    I might try to do something with this, as that siphon bulb by Python is expensive for just a bulb.  Might attach to an undergravel filter riser tube so I have a more narrow intake.



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