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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/9/2022 at 7:33 AM, Guppysnail said:

    here is an entire long running community thread for memes.

    Oh yeah, I spent probably 2 hours trying to look at them all but there were so many, I had to go back to adulting.  I need to back to it to look at more, especially today, because I've had a bad start to my day.   That thread is hilarious

  2. On 8/9/2022 at 9:09 AM, TeeJay said:

    Yes we had a nice storm come thru last night but I worked 12 hours yesterday so I was dead last night to get up and watch them. I need to set up my camera to watch the tank one night when it rains to see there reactions. The finally got frozen brine shrimp and blood worms at a local shop. First time since I have set up all my tanks over the past 6 months that I've been able to get them. 

    I believe some of the aquarium lights simulate lightning for breeding.  (That's too fancy for me.  I'd probably just flip the light switch on and off for the room I'm in and call it a day.)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. I keep a little "cop notepad" in with my test kit stuff.  I write the test results and everything else in there, livestock I added, ferts I added, what level of salt treatment, when did I water change, when I lose a fish, the current headcount, etc.  Nothing is organized, really, except by date.  If nothing special happened I might put a little entry like this in the book:

    29)  10        easy green                               (29 is the tank, 10 is the nitrate test, and I added ferts)

    10)   0    5                                                    (10 is the tank, 0 is ammonia, 5 is nitrate)

    QT)  .25  water change, level 2 salt             (QT is the tank, .25 is ammonia, then what treatment I'm doing)

    If a fish gets sick and you do a forum post, people will almost ask you, what are your water parameters?  That's how I know.  

    And sometimes I put instructions in there I want to keep - like how to mix the salt for a plant dip, or how to make medicated food for a certain illness.

    I was hatching snails so I was able to look back in the little book to see when I wrote "created incubator" and "snails hatched". ETC  Then I could help people here on the forum get an idea of when their snails will hatch.

    And for some reason the fact that the book is little and I can tuck it in my test kit box makes it convenient.  If it was a big notebook, I don't know why but I probably wouldn't use it.  Handheld = simple.

    • Like 2
  4. On 8/8/2022 at 11:59 PM, Cinnebuns said:

    Yeah I was kinda confused top because my high bottomed out and my low topped out and neither are ever entirely accurate so I'm just placing it around 7.6. That's better for most species than 8.2 so I'm happy. Also it's still high for keeping those snail shells healthy. 

    Oh I was talking about nitrates

  5. On 8/9/2022 at 5:13 AM, Damo.Lo said:

    @Guppysnail If I can jump in, Is it necessary to intervene in order for the snails to hatch or does this just increase the survival rate? 

    I lost 22 snails on the clutch I DID NOT crumble. They weren’t able to get out of the shells, the eggs had hardened too much because the humidity was not ideal.

    Once a snail hatches, that means the shells are at the proper hatching consistency and I suggest crumbling at that stage for greatest success.

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  6. On 8/8/2022 at 7:12 PM, TeeJay said:

    Just checked on the clutch and put a fresh dry paper towel on top and wiped of the condensation on the inside of the lid. Best I can tell they still look good. The same color they have been since I found them so I'll take that as a good sign. Just put a tiny smidge of bacter ae in the 2.5 gallon to help for when there ready to go. 

    Clutches start out off white, then they change to gold. They usually feel firm to the touch. As they develop, colors in the clutch will start to change. So you may then have some gold eggs and some white eggs, and some of the white eggs might break open with nothing inside (don’t worry, that’s normal, as some eggs could be infertile). No big deal. Then the clutch is going to start to look moldy. @Guppysnail recently posted in her journal what that looks like. It’s ready to hatch when it looks like that, and it should be gently crumbled into the area where you will raise them.

  7. On 8/8/2022 at 6:47 PM, Katherine said:

    I was wondering about that since Chick's others are so much larger. I've got a few still absolutely tiny compared to most of my hatch as well.

    I am wondering if the little ones were outcompeted for food. 

    This one I am not sure will make it. He spent the whole day on his back in the same spot. That’s the whole reason I took him out- lack of movement for long durations. When I did the welfare check I saw him put the thin feeler out, but not much else. I have him in the breeder box with a little piece of food and moss.

  8. @Guppysnail @Katherine help. I noticed an inactive snail and I let him go for a few days, but he remained (suctioned) in the same spot (on moss). Fearing he is ill, I gave him a 10 minute air bath under observation, ensuring he stayed moist. I used my magnifying glass and it looks like he has a cracked shell. Does it look that way to you? What can I do? VERY small snail, peppercorn.



  9. On 8/8/2022 at 2:15 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I am just thrilled they do windows 🤣

    Me too.  The algae on my glass would NOT come off when I used the magfloat, then I tried to use a paper towel but it is the strong stubborn non-scrubbable type. But the nerite chews right through it, no problem.

    Also, not to enable you or anything (*wink wink*) but you were trying to collect all the types of nerites, now you know you're missing a type sooo... new mission?  hehehe...

  10. Button did a great job cleaning the tank corner overnight. 

    I feel a little depressed. I fed a little chunk of zucchini after yesterday’s big adoption, and only 4 snails came to the dish. 😭 The other 4 mysteries + Button + Lil Guy were cruising around. The tank seems so different without the big gang!

    I did get an update from the couple who adopted the largest number of snails. 4 at first, then another 10. The snails are all hanging out in a 55-gallon but will eventually be divided between a 160-gallon and some other tanks, I think several 20 gallons. Here’s where the snails are now, and everyone is doing well. I love when I get updates. ☺️




    They said one mystery adventured onto the HOB outflow, cleaned it, then took a ride on the waterfall to the bottom of the tank. 🤣  

    • Like 1
  11. On 8/7/2022 at 9:43 PM, Cinnebuns said:

    Tested my tap and the ph drop was because my tap ph dropped. I ain't mad cause 7.6 is pretty much ideal. 

    The issues was my nitrates were much higher than I thought. The API test gets pretty inaccurate above 40 I've found. All the reds look the same. It took me 3 water changes to get it to start to look dark orange so I figure it originally was pretty high. 

    Ya know I never know which orange matches the card on that darn API nitrate test kit. I just take my best guess of the reading based on how it looks. 

  12. On 8/8/2022 at 8:31 AM, Darth Mollusk said:

    Sorry, work has been a nightmare! And thanks for asking!

    The Snursery isn't really a Snursery anymore, so much as just a tank full of snails! I started finding empty shells for all the smaller ones for the first time. But the bigger ones are doing great--all jade. 

    Nice.  I did have some casualties when they were very young.  Seems the tiny ones are the most fragile.

  13. On 8/8/2022 at 8:20 AM, LilBoot said:

    Went to Aquashella this weekend, loaded up on plants, a few fish, and of course found the shrimp for this project. I went with the Red Reli shrimp, they looked nice, i had not had them before, and most importantly they were in my budget. I performed a water change early in the day, did a water acclimation, and finally a drip acclimation. I added a s. repens, a flamingo crypt, susswassertang, hydrocotyle japan and some red root floaters all that i got from show.  Also floating a piece of cholla wood i got as well. When i went to bed i had noticed no casualties. I will see what they look like when i get home from work this afternoon. Grabbed a tiger nerite snail as well! I will post update. Hopefully i can clean this tank real nice in a few weeks once it balance out and and the plants grow in a bit, get some better looking tank shots. 


    Yup, i had one big chunk leftover from when i rescaped my 29 gallon a few months ago. 

    Ah Aquashella!  I've never been but hope to go when it happens in my state; I think next spring.   The type of snail you bought is a Zebra nerite.  

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