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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 8/7/2022 at 7:05 PM, nabokovfan87 said:


    Even directions are all different. Some say replace monthly, some "as needed", and some say every 3 months.  😞

    I tend to always forget, but once you start to see deficiencies it's when I add more.  Am I awesome at plants... NOPE.  Thank goodness Anubias doesn't need any.

    Yeah I’m keeping track of enough stuff, I don’t need to put root tabs on the schedule too. I will be doing the same. If it needs it, I will add the root tabs.

  2. On 8/7/2022 at 3:53 PM, TeeJay said:

    Oh shoot it's. Only about a 1/3 of what it used to be. I'm pretty sure it went into its dormant stage about a month ago so it has slowly died back. Hope once the weather starts to cool down a bit it will come back like it used to be. At one  me time you couldn't see any of the sponge filter or pre filter on my hob behind it.

    At 4:12 Irene says the dwarf lily is a very heavy feeder and she puts a ring of root tabs under it once a month.


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  3. Meet Button, the newest recruit to the family. Button is a nerite snail (olive??). I think the black trim on her whorl is so pretty. She is going to help with tidying up the growout tank. There are plenty of algae noms in there for her. Even a little bit of green hair algae has started growing on one of the pots.


    She’s very spunky, and she tried to escape her bag during drip acc! Hard to drip acc something that doesn’t want to stay in the water! I will need to be extra careful with this one- checking all the lid gaps are sealed every day! She got a little shell rubbing in my own tank water, as I did with Dodger, to help ensure no nasties enter the tank. She was out the whole time I was handling her. Not a shy one at all. 



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  4. Finally decided to get the biowheel going again (the actual wheel). Older one ripped when I tried to clean debris off. But hey, it went strong for 11 years +. No complaints at all. Plus biowheels look cool.

    Anyway, what a pain to get the water flow just right to get it to spin. Quickly figured out there NEEDS to be a gap before the wheel. Also was trying to keep my gap in the back, so had to make the coarse sponge thinner. That was fun. Cutting coarse sponge and it springs back into shape and flicks tank water on my face. After my shower too! 😐

    Anyway, made a gap with the ceramics but the water would gradually push the sponge and floss toward the wheel anyway and wheel would stop. 

    I think I got it resolved now. I needed to make 2 coarse sponge “spacers”. 

    Filter maintenance. Heh. My most loathed thing. 🫤

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  5. On 8/7/2022 at 7:23 AM, Fish Folk said:

    @Chick-In-Of-TheSea You may be able to soften your wat by inserting peat moss in a mesh bag in your filter. I also add a load of botanicals - Catalpa leaves, etc - which help soften water as well. I've seen with many species of fish that light substrate = lighter colorations; darker substrate = darker colors. I'd say this applies less with vibrant fish like Discus or African cichlids, but applies more with New World Cichlids. 

    I don’t know that I’d want to soften it @Fish Folk. The tetras and the snails in there are benefitting from hard water.

  6. The couple with the 120 gallon are coming by again today. At first they wanted 6 snails and then after a few minutes they messaged again to ask if I have 10. I do. 18 was the last count. Boy is the tank going to be bare! 🥲But I know these guys boil the veggies and spoil the snails, so that’s ok. Some of my snails are still small!  I wonder if that is because they were having trouble competing against the big ones (some are nickel sized or bigger) for food. For example, look at this big chonker!


    I will continue to raise the small ones and take down my ads.

    Look who is at the food dish today, eating the scraps! I almost didn’t see him; he blends in! 


    The anacharis I put in the tank is making neat hanging roots. I like it. Also the snails reach for them and slurp them like spaghetti. 🙂


    See all the algae back there? That’s a limpet buffet. I see a nerite in my near future. 🙂

    York has laid clutch 14 and is now taking a nap on the front glass.



    Lastly, Tony advises everyone the correct way to spend their Sunday.


    That’s all for now!


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  7. On 8/6/2022 at 4:33 PM, redfish said:

    You have convinced me that we need a York in our aquarium also!  I'll keep an eye out at the LFS to see what I can find.  I saw a local add for someone selling them.  Most were purple but the price seemed very reasonable.

    You will love your snail! They are mesmerizing to watch (and sometimes just plain silly).

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  8. On 8/6/2022 at 11:40 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    but based on what I'm seeing right now I am screwing up the technique somehow

    Keep it in the dark, weigh the stuff down so it is fully submerged, and don’t put a lid on the container. I usually do 16 hours but that’s because that’s what works with my schedule.

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  9. On 8/6/2022 at 11:52 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Feed more caratenoid-rich foods, and those red & pinks will increase! Baby brine shrimp . . . Xtreme Krill Flakes . . . etc.

    She eats baby brine shrimp and Xtreme Krill flakes, and Hikari Gold sinking cichlid pellets. We were talking about substrate color the other day, how the lighter substrate might be muting her colors?


    On 8/3/2022 at 11:52 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Found this on a thread about ram color.  Think this is true?




    On 8/6/2022 at 11:52 PM, Fish Folk said:

    But Bolivians should love any soft water

    I have hard water.

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