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I am really getting tired of the noise level of my HOB filters. I have 3 tanks running 4 HOBs in my bedroom. Its mainly from my 55 gallon with the seachem Tidal 110 and a secondary top fin 20 HOB im running. using an app on my phone i measured 55-60 db from the filters. So I ordered a Penn Plax Cascade 1200 cannister filter in hopes of acheiveing a nights rest without having to get earplugs. But I saw quite a few people complain about the noise level of that filter in forums so I might return it if it is too loud once it arrives. 

Does anyone have a good recomendation for as close to silent filter for a 55 gallon tank? 


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There are two types of noise - the noise of the flowing water and the noise of the motor. You didn't really specify which noise is disturbing you. I mention this because one option is sponge filters - you can get a near silent air pump (there is a hum) and the sound of bubbles going to the surface. My eheim 2217 is not very noisy but I'm not sure i recommend it. Also I run hamburg matten filters:


As long as the jetstream is at water level water sound isn't too bad and again you have to pick a silent air-pump. If the jet stream is above the water level you can get a bit of water trickling sound.


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28 minutes ago, GreenWrld said:


I am really getting tired of the noise level of my HOB filters. I have 3 tanks running 4 HOBs in my bedroom. Its mainly from my 55 gallon with the seachem Tidal 110 and a secondary top fin 20 HOB im running. using an app on my phone i measured 55-60 db from the filters. So I ordered a Penn Plax Cascade 1200 cannister filter in hopes of acheiveing a nights rest without having to get earplugs. But I saw quite a few people complain about the noise level of that filter in forums so I might return it if it is too loud once it arrives. 

Does anyone have a good recomendation for as close to silent filter for a 55 gallon tank? 


I have an Aqueon HOB in my 55 and it is quiet.  You could also do sponge filters, maybe one on each end.

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5 minutes ago, anewbie said:

There are two types of noise - the noise of the flowing water and the noise of the motor. You didn't really specify which noise is disturbing you. I mention this because one option is sponge filters - you can get a near silent air pump (there is a hum) and the sound of bubbles going to the surface. My eheim 2217 is not very noisy but I'm not sure i recommend it. Also I run hamburg matten filters:


As long as the jetstream is at water level water sound isn't too bad and again you have to pick a silent air-pump. If the jet stream is above the water level you can get a bit of water trickling sound.


well both types of noise bother me. the noise is better when the tank is full but not by much. Sponge filters aren't for me as I need more mechanical filtraion in my 55 gallon and I havent come across an air pump that wasnt obnoxiously loud. where can i get silent ones? might consider for my 20 gallons.


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Also it seems a lot of peoples standard of quiet is different. I got the Seachem Tidal 110 because I saw youtube videos saying they are very quiet yet mines making 55+ db. from my research it seems the quitest options are canisters 

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27 minutes ago, GreenWrld said:

Also it seems a lot of peoples standard of quiet is different. I got the Seachem Tidal 110 because I saw youtube videos saying they are very quiet yet mines making 55+ db. from my research it seems the quitest options are canisters 

I would go with a canister filter I love them but some people don’t because they are a pain to clean 

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I have a cascade 1200. The pump is quite noisy, more so than my hobs. It's a pretty cheap canister filter, it works well but it's noisy. It could just be my specific filter, you may have better luck than me or they might all be like that.  If you try it, post your results up. My quietest filter is my whisper 20 hob.

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5 minutes ago, ererer said:

I have a cascade 1200. The pump is quite noisy, more so than my hobs. It's a pretty cheap canister filter, it works well but it's noisy. It could just be my specific filter, you may have better luck than me or they might all be like that.  If you try it, post your results up. My quietest filter is my whisper 20 hob.

Thanks for the input. I will compare the noise level of the canister using the sound meter app on my phone once it arrives. 

Anyone have the Sun-Sun canisters? I'm hoping I wont have to just buy the fluval at the end of the day due to the price tag. 

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I had the same problem with my hob. I just decided to run a sponge filter the motor for the air pump is noisy but I was able to fix this by purchasing acoustic noise canceling materials and putting them on the bottom top and sides of a plastic tub. I then drilled a bole in the side for the airline tubing. This plan is not perfect and I can still hear some noise but it does the job especially sense I sleep 2 feet from it everynight.

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3 minutes ago, AquaAggie said:

Look At the Co-Op usb air pump. I have seen plenty of people running large sponge filters in 75+ gallon tanks and they are silent

I'm in Canada, so I cant order from the Co-Op, also i have large fish and would like to have superior mechanical filtraion. Once the borders open up I could drive down and use the mini usb air pump for my 20 gallons however

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My internal filter is pretty quiet - I can't hear it. From what I understand about them, they're all quiet.

I can't really recommend mine, without reservation, because it took some modifications to make it safe for shrimp and small fish.


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11 minutes ago, Frank said:

My internal filter is pretty quiet - I can't hear it. From what I understand about them, they're all quiet.

I can't really recommend mine, without reservation because it took some modifications to make it safe for shrimp and small fish.


ye maybe I will get an internal filter. I wouldnt have an issue as all my fish are large and I don't have shrimp. Problem would be it taking space in the tank which wouldn't be ideal since the 55 gallon is only 12 inches front to back. I'll look into them for sure tho.

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Hands down, Eheim. I have 2 2215 and a pro4. All silent. I have two tidals, pretty noisy. There's a trick you can do to them. Grab some food grade silicone. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CAWWSQU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_WKMZZP9X2XSC7PNJ291D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Take off the motor assembly and pull off the impeller. Lubricate the shaft, place the impeller back and move it up and down a few times. I find after about 3 applications, the lubricant holds for months.

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