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What could this "white" build up on black airline tubing be?

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I bought the black air line tubing and it works. My concern is this "white" build up that seems to only affect the tubing. I don't see it anywhere else inside my tank. It comes off easily when I'm cleaning but, builds back up quickly. I'm thinking mineral/calcium deposits like you find on the rim of the tank after a while? I do get that kind of build up on the rubber gray connectors on on my canister intake/output hoses. Insights always appreciated. 


Edited by Killie_fish_guy_662
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4 minutes ago, Fish Folk said:

Yes, much clearer. Agreed ^^^ biofilm would be my first guess. Is the tank a pretty recent setup? 


8 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Could also be a biofilm, which is just another word for colonies of bacteria.

If that’s the case, then I’ll take it, thank you both! Also yes, it’s about 2 months old. 

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3 minutes ago, Manny said:

@Killie_fish_guy_662 Down here in Florida, I get this all over all my tubing. I believe it to either be hard water stains or biofilm buildup. Either way, it’s harmless. Good luck! 

I was thinking hard water too bc my house does have hard water. I have a big piece of driftwood that I thought softened the water while it’s releasing tannins. Oh well, piece of mind knowing it’s safe. Thank you!

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It is definitely not just you!!  Haha!  

Here's what my black airline tubing looks like in the school tank...mine might even be an algae + biofilm combo! 😅

That weird looking worm thing is a dog hair trapped under my background...one of these days I'll redo it!  And, this picture makes me realize how dirty my tank is!  Oh gosh...So much algae!  So much muck!!  😂


It's not an appealing look.  I haven't tried to clean the airline yet...I'm considering rubbing a wonder shell on it...I wonder if that would do anything in terms of biofilm prevention... 🤔🐚

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3 hours ago, Betsy said:

It is definitely not just you!!  Haha!  

Here's what my black airline tubing looks like in the school tank...mine might even be an algae + biofilm combo! 😅

That weird looking worm thing is a dog hair trapped under my background...one of these days I'll redo it!  And, this picture makes me realize how dirty my tank is!  Oh gosh...So much algae!  So much muck!!  😂


It's not an appealing look.  I haven't tried to clean the airline yet...I'm considering rubbing a wonder shell on it...I wonder if that would do anything in terms of biofilm prevention... 🤔🐚

Wow! Your tubing looks like mine, but in more advanced stages. I’ve been cleaning mine weekly. I think I may just let it go and see what happens. Beautiful snail btw!

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1 minute ago, CT_ said:

This happens to me too on air line and on suction cups.  I think there's some bacteria that like it for some reason.  My otos eat it and haven't died so I assume it's okay :classic_biggrin:

Haha! The first time I cleaned it, the particles went all over the tank. My fish began to eat it (looks like flakes) and I was like, I’m so sorry if I’m about to kill you all. Nope, they were all good! Phew 😅 

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8 hours ago, Killie_fish_guy_662 said:

Wow! Your tubing looks like mine, but in more advanced stages. I’ve been cleaning mine weekly. I think I may just let it go and see what happens. Beautiful snail btw!

Why, thank you!! 🤗 Her name is Figgy and she's a total wild card - she'll climb on anything!  In fact, she's climbed the tubing before...but she didn't make much of an impact on the biofilm. 

Weekly cleaning seems to manage yours well!  I haven't been able to convince myself to touch that tubing yet! 🤣

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4 hours ago, Betsy said:

Why, thank you!! 🤗 Her name is Figgy and she's a total wild card - she'll climb on anything!  In fact, she's climbed the tubing before...but she didn't make much of an impact on the biofilm. 

Weekly cleaning seems to manage yours well!  I haven't been able to convince myself to touch that tubing yet! 🤣

I don’t blame ya, does look a little gnarly.

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