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Jungle val not growing tall

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Against what many people say, Vallisneria is not really a low light, but a moderate to high light plant if you really want it to thrive and grow tall in my experience. Generally aquarium kit lights are the bare minimum, just enough so you can see your fish but not to effectively grow plants, although Java fern, and Anubias are so resilient they can even thrive under those conditions.

If you want better plant growth I'd recommend looking at the selection of lights on the Aquarium Co-Op web site. On my small plant holding tank I'm using a Fluval Plant 3.0 and it works.

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I've had some jungle val in my 75 gal for about 5 weeks - It is spreading VERY nicely (tons of new plants on runners - it's more than doubled), but wasn't even half way up the water column.  I had been running my lights (nicrew skyled +) on 60% for 10 hours a day (+30 min ramp up/down) since I didn't want bad algae.  Last week I decided to try 100% intensity for 9 hours (+ 30min ramp up/down) and the jungle val has really taken off.  My other plants look to be doing better as well.  I think I may be starting to get a little BBA (i've removed the leaves where I've seen it) so may have to reduce the lighting duration, but am trying daily Seachem Excel (low dose so the val doesn't melt) and 1/2dose 2x/week easy green along with root tabs.  The first day after increasing the light I started to have pearling - and I didn't have it prior.  

Edited by sreding
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A lot of folks find that vallisneria (including jungle) to be slow inititially.  In my own personal experience over the years, I have found for myself it typically takes 1 to 4 months to get established before it goes bonkers in growth and spreading. Now I also want to say some people have success early on with vallisneria, within a few weeks. Typically before mine really take off, they have to get a good root structure going.  Once the roots are well and established, then the plant has always taken off for me.

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1 hour ago, Juan colin said:

How many watts would you guys recommend for a 37 gallon and does anyone know how many watts the light petsmart 37 gallon kit has?

I don't think watts is how lights are usually measured now. More accurate factors such as par and light spectrum are what are important. However, it can be alot of information to take it when you dig into it. I would do some research on this forum to see what people would have success with.

The stock lights on those aquariums don't do justice to the beautiful inhabitants of your tank as far as showing off their colors IMO. They aren't very bright and don't cover a wide color spectrum. Keep in mind if you go with another light you will likely need to look for a lid for your aquarium as well.

I use a Finnex Planted+ 24/7 HLC. It allows you to set custom lights for different times of day, much like some Fluvals. However, this kind of customization can take some time and patience to dial in. A good quality "on/off" light hooked up to an outlet timer works just fine.

Sorry for long winded reply, just wanted to address your question about lights.

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Yes, there are different types of Val and some stay shorter.   It took longer than I thought it would for mine to take off as well.  I only have the Topfin light that came with my aquarium kit at purchase. But once that Val gets going—now I have to take the machete to it to keep it where I want it!  I just harvested a five gallon bucket of plants out of my 55 with bushy root structure and five foot long leaves! 😁  I am trying to think of some kind of Val salad or sushi recipes to deal with the harvest.  Any ideas?

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  • 3 years later...

I purchased 5 Vals about 2 months ago.  Four of them disappeared completely within a few days.  The only one I have left is about 3" when I planted it and it's still the same, with no new growth at all.  I use root tab fertilize and use medium to high light on for 9 hrs. a day.  Tank is 65 gal planted tank.  Co2 injection.

All my other plants including Swards and Anubias etc.  They are all growing just fine.

Can someone give me some advise.  

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