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My 75 Gallon Amazon inspired tank

Jungle Fan

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I've been reluctant to introduce Amano's back into my tanks since they are all occupied by Bolivians now.  Low tech and not as well planted as yours with Co2.  Seriously thinking of trying Co2 in my 40 gallon breeder and will read up on it more.

Kudo's to you for your beautiful display tank.   

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the Bolivian Rams don't even pay attention to the Neocaridinas in this tank, they swim right beside them and they happily get along, some of my Amanos even live in the same cave with a pair of the Rams. I have to admit I was a little apprehensive at first too, so many had told me that the Rams would decimate all shrimp but as it turns out this is one of the most peaceful community tanks I've ever set up. Now as you said it could be that it is really just due to plant and root density but the ferocity of Bolivian Rams is exaggerated in my experience and largely just based on their instinct to protect their eggs and fry while breeding.

I would definitely recommend setting up CO2 in a 40 gallon tank. You will be amazed how much better your plants grow, even low light species, and how much effect the better growth of the plants has on diminished algae growth.

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19 minutes ago, Jungle Fan said:


the Bolivian Rams don't even pay attention to the Neocaridinas in this tank, they swim right beside them and they happily get along, some of my Amanos even live in the same cave with a pair of the Rams. I have to admit I was a little apprehensive at first too, so many had told me that the Rams would decimate all shrimp but as it turns out this is one of the most peaceful community tanks I've ever set up. Now as you said it could be that it is really just due to plant and root density but the ferocity of Bolivian Rams is exaggerated in my experience and largely just based on their instinct to protect their eggs and fry while breeding.

I would definitely recommend setting up CO2 in a 40 gallon tank. You will be amazed how much better your plants grow, even low light species, and how much effect the better growth of the plants has on diminished algae growth.

do you think i could keep 1-2 Bolivian rams in a 20 long?(30x12x12 inchs)

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I've heard different recommendations over the years from 20 to 30 gallons as minimum size. I've successfully kept them in a 30 gallon when I first got them sometime in the early 1970s, never tried anything smaller but I've seen claims that they could do fine in a 20. I just generally tend to want to give them a bit more space but a long might work.

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One more picture of the stumps on the left that are completely covered with Java fern, and Anubias. If you look closely you can make out a few of my Blue Velvet shrimp that photo bombed the picture, also on the left barely a glimpse of the baby Red Flame sword behind the stumps, right next to the CO2 diffuser.


Edited by Jungle Fan
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What you are seeing with your shrimp is pretty normal for color varieties. The blues all came form red generations ago, and sometimes you will have red show up, unless you do some culling. The red and white striped ones you are seeing aren't crystal shrimp, they are red rilli neos, Crystal shrimp are an entirely different genus, Caridina. The tank is great looking, I like the bigger groups of cardinals and rummynose tetras. 

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