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Betta tank setup - Help, please


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I am looking to buy a 5 gallon tank for a betta. I have to buy on Amazon (on a budget.... and friend gave gift card--nice!).

I am looking at the Tetra Crescent Aquarium Kit, Curved-front tank with LED lights.  Also, PULACO 25W Small Aquarium Betta Heater with Free Thermometer Strip, SACKORANGE 2 LB Aquarium Gravel River Rock - Natural Polished,. Are these good choices?

I would like to cycle with fish-in (or in a short period of time, if fish-in is a NO-NO for bettas).  I know I need a product for that as well as test kit. Recommendations?

Lastly, I have a filtered water system at home which filters out everything, including chlorine, as well as all minerals. Is this acceptable or do I need to use tap and then just remove chlorine.?

I appreciate the help. I had my order in the Amazon cart and then found your forum. I want to give my new yet-to-meet betta the best home I can afford.



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I wouldn't do a tetra tank. I have had and have seen from others very negative things about there tanks. I had a 10 gallon that decided to one day burst, and my entrie bedroom floor was coverd in water. (thankfully I was home for lunch, and most of the fish survived). 

Here are some appropiate size tanks I suggest:

1) https://www.amazon.com/Hygger-Temperature-Display-Aquarium-Starter/dp/B07XR7CLXY/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=5+gallon+tank&qid=1612740497&sr=8-6 

2) https://www.amazon.com/Aqueon-MiniBow-SmartClean-Technology-Gallon/dp/B08LKC4NLB/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=5+gallon+tank&qid=1612740497&sr=8-9 

3) https://www.amazon.com/Marineland-ML90609-Portrait-Aquarium-5-Gallon/dp/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=5+gallon+tank&qid=1612740497&sr=8-2

All of these tanks are under the $80 mark. I would suggest out of all these the first option. All though it is 4 gallons and not 5 gallons, its close enough.

If your looking for a way to test the water in your tank I would suggest one of the two:
1) The cheaper route, the tetra easy test strips: https://www.amazon.com/Tetra-EasyStrips-Aquarium-Strips-100-Count/dp/B0053PQWEU/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=tetra+test+strips&qid=1612740712&sr=8-2

2) The more expensive but better testing kit:  https://www.amazon.com/API-FRESHWATER-800-Test-Freshwater-Aquarium/dp/B000255NCI/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=api+master+test+kit&qid=1612740752&sr=8-1 

You can find the first option at your local walmart. (Well at least where I live all the walmarts sell them)

everything else seems fine. Keep in mind all of the tanks I suggested comes with a filter. The 3rd option may have to high of flow for your betta so you may wanna put a filter intake sponge for the outake.


Yes the filter you have for your tap water is fine. Just make sure there isn't any amonia in the water by testing the tap water. If you want to do a fish in cycle, I would suggest fritz zyme, or firtz turbostart. 

Edited by James Black
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I would use your tap water but treat it  with seachem prime your better of doing a fish less cycle I add small amounts of fish food every day and  then I wait till my ammonia and nitrites are at zero and my nitrate are between 10-20 before adding fish 

Edited by Colu
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So much fun!!!  Welcome to the forum! 👋😆

I would DEFINITELY get a kit - they come with all sorts of handy stuff (depending on the kit...mine included a lid with a light, a filter, water conditioner, and some cycle bacteria!).  I'd also be sure to get a 25W heater and a digital thermometer (sometimes they come in bundles on the Amazon!  I've got this one.) and a gravel vacuum/siphon.

This may not be to your taste (it's pretty standard looking), but the kit I have is: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0173I55IS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 - it had pretty much everything I needed (minus the heater, the thermometer, and the gravel vacuum).

As for the gravel, I loooove river rock and what you've picked is beautiful...but you may want to consider going with something that has a smaller particle size.  I know the poo can get trapped between and under the rocks because the space between the rocks is pretty big...so it'll be hard to vacuum it out.  If the particles are smaller, it's harder for the poo to get trapped between...it just kind of rests on top and it's easier to vacuum away when you water change  (But I am new to the hobby, and others may know better than me!).

I used mostly Amazon and the Co-Op to outfit my tank.  I haven't gotten my betta yet, but if you'd like to see what I grabbed and the results so far, check out this thread: 

Can't wait to see your results and your new betta buddy!!!  Please post pics! 


Edited by Betsy
Added a link for a heater + digital thermometer bundle!
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Yup, you should be fine with a 5g, but I wouldn't put anything else besides the betta in there except maybe 1 or 2 ramshorn snails. 

Please don't try to cycle your tank with your betta in it. Just get some API quick start or other kinds of bacterial culture, put a little fish food in there, make sure the microbes are turning ammonia into nitrite and the nitrite to nitrate before adding fish. It will only take a few days to a couple weeks at the most, and it'll ensure the health of your aquarium. If you're super impatient, you can probably add a couple inexpensive snails after dosing with the maximum amount of quick start or stability or whatever you choose. Just don't be surprised if some don't make it.

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I recommend the API liquid test kit, but a lot of people prefer the Tetra test strips due to ease of use (I think they must be quite a bit more expensive). Feed sparingly. I used Fritz bacteria starter (I have tried 3 different brands and that one seemed to work the best), and tested every day or even twice a day, at least for ammonia and nitrite. I added the initial dose per the instructions, then a little bit more every day and with every water change until cycled. Good luck - I am planning my own betta tank and can't wait until it's all ready for an occupant! Luckily I have other aquariums and am cycling the new filter in one of them.

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Just a note on the aquarium you listed:

I bought two of those Tetra Crescent tanks and they crappy, the plastic scratches easy and the filter they provide takes up too much room (I replaced with a sponge filter and nano USB pump)....oh and the lid will fall in the tank lol. 

This tank is a bit more expensive but it is a curved edge glass with hidden filter compartment. 



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