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Anyone else likes mutt guppies?

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I dont know about you but I love mutt guppies. Sure they might not have perfect colors like the ""pures"" but i still love em. I love all the color combinations you can have and all the possible mix you can get by breeding them. If you got any mutts feel free to show them I would really like to see what kind of combinations everyone made.

(ps Sorry if the tank looks a bit dirty in the pic i gave these males to my brother but hes not as.....fish obsess like us. Hes more of a car guy)


Edited by giantlumberjack
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9 hours ago, giantlumberjack said:

Ohh love the coloration on them. What kind of food are you using here?

Foods, oh so many.

Tetra Flake

50/50 mix of extreme krill and spirulina (ground to guppy size)


Frozen brine shrimp, spirulina, and blood worms

In a random combination and not all on the same day

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@giantlumberjack, I feel 'mutt guppies' are indeed under-rated.  It's one thing to raise a very particular strain of any type of fish, but am always fascinated and intrigued at the the random colorations, styles & simplicity of breeding of the 'mutt guppy'.  Plus, they are not usually 'picky' eaters.  Most if not all of the many fish foods types I have are accepted by these fish. 

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I have mutts breeding right now. My first fry are about one month old and one of them has pink steaks on his back like nothing I've seen before. I suspect another color will cover it eventually but since the parents are blue, green, black, it was a huge surprise. I do love surprises.

I've been eyeing a strain of imported green dragon mosaics, but I'm torn. I used to breed rabbits. Started with mutts and every liter was a fun surprise. Graduated to a stable breed and got bored almost immediately. Better rabbits sure, but not fun anymore.

Since fish are mostly just for fun for me, I might just stick with the mutts. 

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Someone correct me if im wrong but didn't most ""pure"" fish strain start out as mutts? I find the idea of creating new ""types"" really fun. Like making something other might not have seen before.

Only problem is how to make sure the gups dont breed out of control. Kind of hard to separate males and females from each other at a young age.

Edited by giantlumberjack
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1 minute ago, giantlumberjack said:

Someone correct me if im wrong but didn't most ""pure"" fish strain start out as mutts? I find the idea of creating new ""types"" really fun. Like making something other might not have seen before.

Some strains (guppies) are man made. Some occur naturally due to geographic isolation (pseudomugil). The natural strains should probably not become mutts. But making a strain really breed true is hard. I think that's why people get upset about mutts. They are undoing the lifetimes of work to stabilize a strain. Still, mutts are fun. And there are enough guppy strain breeders that I doubt my mutts threaten the ability to keep pure lines in the world.

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1 minute ago, Brandy said:

Some strains (guppies) are man made. Some occur naturally due to geographic isolation (pseudomugil). The natural strains should probably not become mutts. But making a strain really breed true is hard. I think that's why people get upset about mutts. They are undoing the lifetimes of work to stabilize a strain. Still, mutts are fun. And there are enough guppy strain breeders that I doubt my mutts threaten the ability to keep pure lines in the world.

Uh i did not know that. Is there a list somewhere of all the types?I always thought most guppy colors were man made.  I doubt the guppies i had where 100 % pure. But still dont breeders usually get rid of the ""bad"" frys? I dont know why someone would be mad if let say I use one of these ""bad"" guppies to give my mutts more colors.

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32 minutes ago, giantlumberjack said:

Uh i did not know that. Is there a list somewhere of all the types?I always thought most guppy colors were man made.  I doubt the guppies i had where 100 % pure. But still dont breeders usually get rid of the ""bad"" frys? I dont know why someone would be mad if let say I use one of these ""bad"" guppies to give my mutts more colors.

Sorry, I think that was unclear! There are other types of fish like cichlids and various rainbows that are natural strains. They can interbreed but they haven't for thousands of years because they were in different rivers or whatever. Crossing those lines can be controversial. 

Guppies are totally man made strains I think. Crossing those strains, imo, only becomes problematic if you are dishonest about it. If you get a mutt that looks like a blue Moscow you shouldn't sell it as a blue Moscow because it's offspring could be any random color, which could mess up someone else's project. That's really true of any mixed fish, we should just be honest about what they are.

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I do wish there was a really great chart of guppy genetics, and strains. The best one I have found is here...


Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

i would just upload it, but it's a PDF and I can't put a PDF on the forum. In any case it isn't super useful for breeding mutts because it turns out guppy genetics are pretty complicated!

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16 hours ago, Lynze said:

Here are a few of my favorites from my mutt tank.20200704_092715.jpg.b83f343a4a0938ba72e442f6a6d064e0.jpg


Oh man those 4 are beautiful, do you know what kind of combo you did to get them?

Also i know its not a guppy but still wanted to show off this possible sword/platy hybrid. Though you can see my yellow female in the second image. Sadly did not get her ""good side"".

Will try to get more images of my guppies if s interested.



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This is a mutt strain I fell in love with mixing blue moscows with a random female and am trying to breed into a more consistent line.  I've had decent success with first generation as about half were this characteristic. I am now in the middle of a big summer tub project to breed these using the first gens.  I have a ton of fry but only the oldest are coloring out so far.  I def see some carrying the coloring which is exciting but don't know what percentage yet.  Hoping I can keep breeding it out to a pretty consistent line.  I need to get more pictures of them.


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Those are pretty good varients. I like them. Hope you guys are successful in your breeding endeavors.

I'm hoping that my yellow female from the image up is pregnant but its been a few weeks and she seems small so i think my betta killed my male before he had a chance to impregnate her.

You guys think i have a good chance to get more yellows if i mix my ""volcano"" mutt with her? 

Also just something I was wondering. For those of you who seperate your sexes. How long do you wait before you make them breed again? I was able to finally fully seperate them and had the females drop the last of the frys a few months ago but I would like to have them breed again at some point before they die out. Got any tricks to keep them from breeding out of control?

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