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About a month ago I set up a 75, with eco complete, then planted about 20 plants. About a week later, I added 5 harlequin rasboras, 5 brilliant rasboras and 2 medium angels. I’ve stayed on top of testing water every few days and changing water accordingly. I feed every other day. My water is very cloudy. I’ve been doing 50% water changes daily over the last three days. I put a hob filter last week but the tank just clouds up regardless. The picture is right after a water change.


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I have had the exact same thing happen recently with Eco-Complete (and other substrates). Everything clears up if given enough time.

In the aquarium below there were no water changes during the period from November 1 until now. The clarity of your water is mostly not related to filtration or water changes. It mostly has to do with light, nutrients and how mature and stable the aquarium is.

November 1, 2020


November 14, 2020


December 1, 2020


January 1, 2021 (today)


My advice is to be patient.

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Often water changes contribute to cloudy water because the nutrient consuming part of the aquarium ecosystem doesn't have a chance to clear out all the nutrients before the next water change. Not always, but that is probably what @MickS77 had in mind when he recommended waiting longer between water changes. I have had aquariums that took between 1 - 3 months from the time they were established until the time the water clarity finally stabilized at clear.

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There has been only one time I couldn not get that to clear--I had inadvertantly introduced a yeast strain to the tank. Long story, largely irrelevant.

Most of the time it will clear on it's own, and your tank is new. If it doesn't in about a month, and you are getting crazy over it, I found a uv sterilizer will ALSO solve this issue.

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I just ordered a UV sterilizer, it gets here Monday. It kills me that a dirted tank I started a week earlier is crystal clear. And it has just as many fish and plants and is half the size. I'm never using eco complete again.


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I don’t know what caused it. Mine is a 75 with 15 fish under an inch long and 2 medium angels. Also 20-25 plants. My 55 is 5 years old, with pea gravel, assorted cichlids and plants. It never has been cloudy. And my 29 is a dirted, with a sand cap and is well planted, it had a slight algae problem in the beginning but was never cloudy.

Today I looked down into my cloudy rain and couldn’t make out the bottom. It’s getting worse!!!!

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Whew, @TomO, you've been through it with this tank. I've got one that is green. It clears a bit with total darkness, but as soon as I run the lights for an hour or so, it starts getting muddy again. I totally understand your frustration. I'm hoping the sterilizer helps!

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On 1/6/2021 at 1:49 PM, Colu said:

It could be free floating algae bloom I have problems for  month just put fluval  UV cleariser  hopefully work

I have one coming Monday. This is a pic from a couple minutes ago, 6 days from the last water change.


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  • 4 weeks later...

All great information.  I set up a 20 gal tank in December 2020.  It was clear and then turned cloudy.  My HOB filter has a sponge, filter floss and filter medial rings.  Would it help to add a sponge filter in the tank as an extra filtration?   I am sure as mentioned in this forum that when I cleaned the tank and substrate it did not help.  I will just have to wait for it to clear up.  

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