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Root Tabs for Amazon Sword


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Hey everyone,

My Amazon Swords were not looking too good, so a few weeks ago I gave each of them a single root tab. I am seeing a bit of a rejuvenation but not as much as I would like. Should I wait a while before using more root tabs or go ahead and provide the Amazon Swords with more root tabs now? I used Flourish tabs.

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ive had a few amazon swords just sort of hangin' on for a few years. started with easy green, and it maybe gave them a little perk up, then a few weeks ago i put 2 co-op root tabs  in the substrate with each plant, and it perked them right up. i havent used the flourish ones, but id take a shot at adding another.

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You could put another one on the opposite side of the first one you put in. I have several swords and I start out putting one tab under and when I start to see some growth xing in, I add another. I have a large red flame sword in my 93 cube display tank that I actually put four tabs under each month. I do bi-weekly water changes on the tank, so each time I do, I put two tabs under it, which seems to work good for it.

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Are the plants new? They may be melting back and converting. Otherwise sword plants use a lot of root tabs. When small maybe one a month is ok, but 3-4 months later they're probably eating closer to 6 root tabs a month. You can't really over fertilize with root tabs, unless you let them get above the substrate. 

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1 hour ago, Cory said:

Are the plants new? They may be melting back and converting. Otherwise sword plants use a lot of root tabs. When small maybe one a month is ok, but 3-4 months later they're probably eating closer to 6 root tabs a month. You can't really over fertilize with root tabs, unless you let them get above the substrate. 

Do you space them out or push six in at one time. I have a couple of large Amazon’s that are struggling currently. I’ve been putting a couple of tabs a month in the substrate, but I think I need to increase how many I use or put them in more often. 

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On 11/24/2020 at 9:24 PM, Paul said:


Definitely good advice.  With plants, aquatic or otherwise, you have to learn to adjust one thing and then just wait. Plants don’t turn around overnight.  It could take a few weeks before you notice any change at all after putting in root tabs. Resist the urge to make additional changes until some time passes and you’ve spent time observing your plants.

And as Cory stated, put a bunch of root tabs in. Don’t be shy on using them. I put 6 to 8 under large swords and replace those every 3 ish months. 

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I purchased a Red Melon Sword about a month ago.  Planted it with 2 root tabs close. I am bad as I can't remember how many I have added in the general vicinity since.  I am using EasyGreen but struggling with how much Nitrates to keep in my water.

Most of the tall leaves have melted and been trimmed. The new growth looks good but then changes to reddish but see through like they are dying.



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@Tami Root tabs, root tabs root tabs. Your Melon sword looks way better than mine and I'm injecting CO2!

I'm sure I need to insert more root tabs. I'm having a challenge with this though. I need more roots to hold the plants in, as when I insert the root tabs, the plants up root - Ugh!

As others have said, gentle persistent care is what plants need.

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

my sword today - the leaves just fell off when I moved them around 😔 hope it comes back, there are a bunch of tabs around it and i lowered my light setting to fight off algae. before and now. I keep my nitrates around 30 and the fish are happy, turn air off at night so CO2 can build up... still learning and not giving up

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On 11/25/2020 at 11:55 AM, Cory said:

Are the plants new? They may be melting back and converting. Otherwise sword plants use a lot of root tabs. When small maybe one a month is ok, but 3-4 months later they're probably eating closer to 6 root tabs a month. You can't really over fertilize with root tabs, unless you let them get above the substrate. 

6 tabs a month?! Ok then, I need to up my game! I have a massive sword who has really appreciated the root tabs, but Im still only doing about 1 a month (and that's more than what I was initially using; I was proud of myself for upping the dose lol) 

I suppose crypts, crinums, and other root feeders are not as voracious?

Either way, its a great excuse for another Co-op order. 😉

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