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What would you do with an empty, leaky ten gallon tank?

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Back in March, my ten gallon tank developed a slow leak, so I hastily bought a new one and recreated it. I cleaned out the old one and all has been well since.

But now I have the old, leaky ten gallon tank. I know I can remove the old silicone and reseal the tank, but I don't really want to do that. For one thing, I don't have any place for another tank of any size. For another, lazy and wasteful though it sounds, if I did need or want another 10 gallon, I could just buy one for $10-20, so resealing such a small tank doesn't really seem worth it.

So I guess it's just destined for the recycling bin, but before it goes, I wanted to see if any of the clever, creative folks here have any good ideas about what I can do with it.

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Me personally I either give it away to someone much more ambitious than I am, use it as a basket catch all for fish stuff though I have way to many of those to begin with or take it to the Salvation Army with a sign that says needs resealed for others to put their effort and creativity to. 

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Test the true carrying capacity of the bottom glass. Supposedly 15 to 20 lbs per gallon. We had a discussion here about this a couple of months ago. I almost had a “hold my beer moment” and crawled in. Not saying this is a constructive idea at all. But… how many moments do you actually have that like this?


eh, for free at a fish club would probably be best 

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I was gonna post what billipo said.  Its perfect for a germinator, you can use it outside and flip it upside down (with small gap at the bottom for air circulation and finger room) and hey-presto instant baby greenhouse.   

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If it were a larger tank, I’d say “Repair it!” However, if it’s “only” a 10g, I wouldn’t bother trying to fix it to hold water.

What I might do (depending on where the damage is), would be to use it as a terrarium instead of an aquarium. 

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