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TJ _isme

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I have a 29 gallon tank full of guppies, they have all been super healthy until now I found 529 of them had puffy white lesions and I am prettY sure it is ick, i was only able to get pictures of one of them, sorry for the low quality images





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On 5/18/2024 at 2:52 AM, TJ _isme said:

I have a 29 gallon tank full of guppies, they have all been super healthy until now I found 529 of them had puffy white lesions and I am prettY sure it is ick, i was only able to get pictures of one of them, sorry for the low quality images





That not ich  Could be columnaris that's a gram negative bacterial infections that spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 and can kill in 24hr to 7 days depending on the strain the most effective treatment is kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan start treating straight away 


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I’ll check my parameters in a minute but I found another guppie who had it





Water parameters: ph:7.8.

 Hardness I believe it’s pretty neutral (I don’t have tests but the tap water is hard but I have a filter that is sopposed to make it soft so it doesn’t damage the pipes but it need to be replaced so the hardness is neutral to hard)

temp: 77 F


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The hardness is a good guppy thing. Assuming you’re softening filter doesn’t make it too soft. If it is columnaris it may have spread. So maybe you just treat their whole tank without quarantine. Hopefully curing everyone 

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I agree with the other on Columnaris. I noticed that in all three pictures of the second guppy, his mouth is open. I believe that a stuck mouth is one of the signs of Columnaris. The website I linked above say that

"In columnaris guppy fish mouth appears swollen, scaly, and discolored. This infection spreads internally and externally."

Can your fish still move their jaws and eat? When one of my guppies passed away from Columnaris, it was lethargic in the morning. In the afternoon that same day, his mouth was stuck open, and he couldn't get any food during feeding time that day. If your guppies are still active and eating, then they will be in a better state than mine was in, especially since you are going to treat them.

The website also talks about more symptoms and causes, so it might be worth checking out if you want to learn more about Columnaris.

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On 5/18/2024 at 7:40 PM, Guupy42 said:


I agree with the other on Columnaris. I noticed that in all three pictures of the second guppy, his mouth is open. I believe that a stuck mouth is one of the signs of Columnaris. The website I linked above say that

"In columnaris guppy fish mouth appears swollen, scaly, and discolored. This infection spreads internally and externally."

Can your fish still move their jaws and eat? When one of my guppies passed away from Columnaris, it was lethargic in the morning. In the afternoon that same day, his mouth was stuck open, and he couldn't get any food during feeding time that day. If your guppies are still active and eating, then they will be in a better state than mine was in, especially since you are going to treat them.

The website also talks about more symptoms and causes, so it might be worth checking out if you want to learn more about Columnaris.

Thanks this helps a lot, the infected ones are very lathargic, they bacicly only lay on the bottom of the tank and they don’t eat 😞

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Posted (edited)

Poor guppies. I hope they get better.

The others haven't mentioned it yet, but you will probably want to quarantine the sick guppies. Columnaris is contagious. As long as you have a proper quarantine tank and they are strong enough. You don't want to stress anyone out and make their condition worse than it already is. We'll see what the others say about quarantining your fish. @Tony s, @Colu?

Edited by Guupy42
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On 5/19/2024 at 12:54 PM, Tony s said:

Right. At this point I’d do the whole tank. Or they could end up chasing it around 


On 5/19/2024 at 12:54 PM, Tony s said:

Right. At this point I’d do the whole tank. Or they could end up chasing it around 

Thank you, I am trying to get the medicine as soon as possible, once I get it I will treat the whole tank to make sure it’s gone👍

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Posted (edited)
On 5/18/2024 at 1:14 AM, Colu said:

Wouldn’t it be over dosing if I used the jungle tabs every day?


@Colu would it be overdosing if I used the jungle tabs everyday?

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Posted (edited)
On 5/23/2024 at 1:06 AM, TJ _isme said:

@Colu would it be overdosing if I used the jungle tabs everyday?

The amount of nitrofurazone in jungal fungus clear fizz tabs is under dosed so dosing it daily isn't going to overdose your fish 

Edited by Colu
Stupid autocorrect
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On 5/22/2024 at 7:21 PM, Colu said:

The amount of nitrofurazone in jungal fungus clear fizz tabs is under dosed some dosing it daily isn't going to overdose your fish 

Thank you this helps a lot 

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