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Fish Wish Lish!


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Hi all! Thought this might be fun. 
How many of you have that one (or several!) fish? You really want it, but for whatever reason, you just don’t have it yet. It could be rare or expensive, or you could just lack the tank space needed. Whatever it is, what’s on your Fish Wish Lish™️

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top of the list for me is Bolivian ram, ive heard they have super fun personalities that i want to experience. I only have 1 tank though and it has a betta which would not work with the ram

next is Elegans cory, its a smaller cory that looks good. Only issue is space and cost, i think it was $13 a piece, and thats costly for me.


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To start off, I definitely have a few I could add!

I usually don’t care about color too much, but Betta Macrostoma are the exception. They simply look amazing, and their colors pop in blackwater. Plus, they’re mouthbrooders, and have pretty goofy looking faces. If I get a chance (and the money!) I definitely want to buy a couple.

A second on this list would be the catfish Physopyxis lyra. I found out about these after doing research for a doradid (Talking/Spiny catfish) that could live in a smaller tank. I never see them in stock, but one day I would love to try and breed them. 

Lastly for now, some day I would love to own an Oscar. I know, a bit too common for some, but my dream setup with them would be a 200+ g “biotope-esque” tank with a wild type Oscar, and plenty of seed pods, driftwood, and leaves to move however they’d like. Not super likely to happen, but definitely something I’d aspire to have.

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On 11/8/2023 at 4:15 PM, GoofyGarra said:

top of the list for me is Bolivian ram, ive heard they have super fun personalities that i want to experience. I only have 1 tank though and it has a betta which would not work with the ram

next is Elegans cory, its a smaller cory that looks good. Only issue is space and cost, i think it was $13 a piece, and thats costly for me.


Funnily enough, I have both! Bolivian rams are super fun, but if you do ever get them, just make sure to get them from a good source. I’ve had a few die because they weren’t being fed well enough at the store. As for the Elegans cory, they’re pretty interesting. They have great color, but mine hide constantly despite their shoal of 6, and I haven’t noticed any of the midwater swimming they’re known to do. I’m trying to breed mine, but they’re either a bit too young, or a bit too shy. They only cost me 5 USD (lucky!) so if I see them again at my LFS, I’ll definitely pick up a few more.

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On 11/8/2023 at 4:20 PM, Zeaqua said:

They only cost me 5 USD (lucky!) so if I see them again at my LFS, I’ll definitely pick up a few more.

its possible they are cheaper then what i said. Ive only seen them at one of my LFSs which is much more expensive then the other one. Chances are if i found them at the other LFS they would be cheaper.

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Oh man there's a few that really would be sweet to have.  Blue gularis killifish comes to mind.  If you haven't seen them, they're stunning.  I've had discus in the past but would do it differently than before, I was young and dumb then.  Frontosas are a bucket list for sure.   Each of them have a limiting factor.  Blue gularis is extremely difficult to find, discus are difficult due to my tap water parameters, and frontosas require 200 plus gallons

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On 11/8/2023 at 1:15 PM, Zeaqua said:

Lastly for now, some day I would love to own an Oscar. I know, a bit too common for some, but my dream setup with them would be a 200+ g “biotope-esque” tank with a wild type Oscar, and plenty of seed pods, driftwood, and leaves to move however they’d like. Not super likely to happen, but definitely something I’d aspire to have.

That is my dream setup too! Amazon biotopes are my favorite and if I could get a larger tank with a group of Oscars and 1000 neons id be salivating 


Speaking of Amazon, centipede knife fish have managed to elude me. Was going to do a tank for them in college but couldn’t track them down and of course when I was taking a long break with this hobby, walked into ACO and there was a school of 20 of them!


Maybe if we cross paths again I might attempt that setup again. Shoaling knifefish are a rare sight in the aquarium 

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Mine is certainly either the L260, which I can't justify as most of my tanks have quite gentle flow, or all manner of rams, due to my needing space. I love Bolivian rams. I love GBRs. I love GBR morphs. I love SA cichlids. I don't have the space (mentally or physically) for that many fish. Luckily we have angels at work that I can enjoy so I'm not entirely losing out on SA cichlid appreciation.

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for about 5 years i have been trying to get 6 T barb or spanner barbs.  I have yet to find any fish store that can get them captive bred.  Everywhere i go online only sells them wild caught and i don't want to buy any wild caught fish.  That is probably my #1 fish i want right now.

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On 11/8/2023 at 10:29 PM, JE47 said:

I'd love to own some N class endlers or green neon tetras

Didn’t even know N class was a thing! Seems super interesting.

On 11/8/2023 at 10:10 PM, Rewcolee1 said:

Mine has always been an L046 (Zebra Pleco). Some day I’ll have one, but upwards of $400 for 1 fish is crazy.😜 

I’ve been considering setting up a Xingu biotope for these guys. Of course, they’re way too expensive, but maybe eventually!

On 11/8/2023 at 6:30 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

That is my dream setup too! Amazon biotopes are my favorite and if I could get a larger tank with a group of Oscars and 1000 neons id be salivating 


Speaking of Amazon, centipede knife fish have managed to elude me. Was going to do a tank for them in college but couldn’t track them down and of course when I was taking a long break with this hobby, walked into ACO and there was a school of 20 of them!


Maybe if we cross paths again I might attempt that setup again. Shoaling knifefish are a rare sight in the aquarium 

I actually wonder, if fed well enough would an Oscar leave neons alone? As for the knife fish, I’ve never heard of them, but they seem very unique! If you ever get the right setup for them, they seem like a cool fish to try out.

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On 11/8/2023 at 1:02 PM, Zeaqua said:

Whatever it is, what’s on your Fish Wish Lish™️

Basically cost.

If I could wave a magic wand....

-20-25 wild caught or F1 tiger barbs

-20-25 melon barbs

-amano shrimp

-flash pleco breeding project

-a Bolivian ram


-5-8 more otocinclus

-2 rubberlip plecos


Everything but the ram and flash pleco would be for the 75G and it's purely about the cost.

Sidenote, I would also love to have some barbs from Greg Sage.

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On 11/12/2023 at 3:53 AM, reefhugger said:

Oh those are lovely.  My water won't permit it, so please share some photos.

Will do! Most likely in my journal, and once they’re in their forever home. 

One of the dudes at the LFS was like, “just so you know, they’re super sensitive. I started with 7 and now only have 4”. So far, so good for me though. I counted 11 (of 12) last night when I fed them, and I’m pretty confident the 12th one was just behind all the moss. Fingers crossed they do well for me! I’m stoked to see them in the cube in a week and a half or so. 

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On 11/12/2023 at 11:28 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Will do! Most likely in my journal, and once they’re in their forever home. 

One of the dudes at the LFS was like, “just so you know, they’re super sensitive. I started with 7 and now only have 4”. So far, so good for me though. I counted 11 (of 12) last night when I fed them, and I’m pretty confident the 12th one was just behind all the moss. Fingers crossed they do well for me! I’m stoked to see them in the cube in a week and a half or so. 

Those were on my list too, but I tend to like bomb proof fish. Cute though! 

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