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Everything posted by Zeaqua

  1. I always check these updates out, despite being on the other side of the country. Always a bit curious to see what’s in stock!
  2. Hi all! On occasion, after certain fish have bred, I bring the offspring to my LFS. Usually, I just use a large Tupperware to transport them, but I was wondering what all of you do! I feel bags might be a tad more professional, but it would definitely be a waste, especially for only a 20 mile or so drive., although this November, I’m traveling to the All Aquarium Catfish con, so if you have a method of transporting fish over longer distances, those would definitely be of use as well!
  3. Hi all! Recently, in one of his fish room updates, Cory mentioned that he and Dean had been interested in the Red Whiptail Catfish. I had been considering these, so I did a bit of research. A lot of articles that I had found seemed slightly unreliable, and many possibly had anecdotal evidence. Some said that they were super easy to breed, and others said that they were fairly difficult. So I wanted to ask, if you've bred these guys, how did you do it, and what were your experiences with them like?
  4. I’d definitely recommend getting more pygmies, possibly from a different source. They are a lovely fish, but really don’t do well at all in small groups.
  5. Hi all! Just bought some Limia perugiae, as I’ve wanted to try some wild type Livebearers, and I put them into a 40 breeder. Previously, I had guppies in the same tank, and it’s fairly heavily planted, so I haven’t been able to get them all out yet. Should I be worried about my Limia hybridizing with them?
  6. I don’t think they are elegans, but I definitely think that they are in the lineage.
  7. I haven't kept cherry barbs, but she has eggs, its almost certain that she will lay them on her own, or absorb them. Probably nothing to worry about!
  8. In my experience, they will often stay parallel to each other, and facing opposite directions. Moved a pair into a 20, and I always see them like that.
  9. I usually change about 3x a week, but since this started, I’ve been doing it once or twice daily. I haven’t changed water for a day bc of the meds I put in.
  10. Hi all. About a week ago, I lost a few Pleco fry, and soon after many, MANY more had passed. I was devastated. I had assumed I had an ammonia spike, so I did several water changes, and afterwards, ammonia tested at 0. Still, I lost plenty of Plecos. At the time of writing this, nearly all of the fry have died. Yesterday, I noticed a white patch on the tail of one, and assumed it was columnaria, which I had experienced with neon tetras before, so I dosed API general cure. Today, I noticed all of the plecos have nearly translucent tails, and here are some photos. Any advice would be appreciated. My parameters seem fine, with 25ppm nitrate (with plants), 7.6 ph, and at 76f.
  11. Sorry about the very late reply! I took some time to get a picture, and when I wasn’t able to as the cories are so elusive, I forgot about this thread. Here’s a picture! Very interesting! With closer inspection from the picture, it may be possible that the cories simply have flesh-colored eyes on one side, or that they are hollow. Either way, do thing that those affected are half-blind, as they do not react to my movement when facing that way, while the rest of their school does. They’ve nearly always been in a species tank (with the exceptions of shrimp and snails) but I have kept them with small endler’s and tetras in the past.
  12. Yeah, definitely feels like it might not be intentional, especially considering there was no announcement anywhere else.
  13. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you hatch/raise them so far? I’ve gotten a few spawns, but no luck with hatching.
  14. Yep, here’s a screenshot! I sorted by newest in all items. I also found it interesting that there was a limit of 1 for both that and the hairgrass tissue culture, so i think either one or both may be a mistake. Super curious about if this was intended, or if not, how this happened.
  15. Hi all! I was shopping on the website today, and I noticed that the co-op is now selling Burmese Red Neon badis without any information on the page. Does aquarium coop now sell live fish, or is this a strange bug? I thought that this may be some sort of test, but I thought I’d ask here.
  16. About 20 ppm nitrate, 0 ammonia or nitrite. PH 7.5, water is kept at around 76. Feed a mix of BBS, nano pellets, and frozen daphnia. I feed once daily, not too much. I use a medium coop sponge filter. Yep, the eye is completely gone. Not to be graphic, but there is simply a hollow eye socket covered in scales/skin, seemingly completely healed, or without injury in the first place. I have no clue what it could be apart from those two options.
  17. Hi all! The first fish I have ever kept in this hobby were Pygmy Corydoras. I had quickly fallen in love after ordering them about 2 years ago, so I bought another shipment from AquaHuna. I noticed after receiving them that one had a missing eye. I named it Popeye, and didn’t assume anything was wrong. I had a few successful breeding attempts, and went on with keeping them. This went on until recently, I noticed that there were actually multiple Popeyes. A few of the younger generations also had singular missing eyes. Could this be a genetic deformity? The only tankmates I had kept them with up until this point were a few cherry shrimp and the occasional endless fry to grow out. I doubt that they could be the culprits, so if this is genetic, should I stop breeding? I’ll try to post some pics when I see the lil guys.
  18. Took me far too long to update this, but I finally got to see my bumblebee catfish! It turns out they are VERY gregarious, and will come out whenever I put food near its cave.
  19. Hi all! I have a 5 gallon cube tank, and up until now I’ve used a cheap Amazon light. The plants are barely able to grow, and because of that, the glass is always covered in algae. The easy led is a bit too big for me, so do any of you have good recommendations for a tiny tank?
  20. Also should mention that I have a cute little colony of bristlenose fry in a 10 (and by little I mean 50+!) and I plan to upgrade one of the 10s to a 29. Right now, I’m planning on a heavily planted breeding tanks for halfbeaks and some catfish. Still unsure if that’s what I want for the final tank, so any stocking ideas would be appreciated!
  21. Hey all! Just decided on a whim to start a journal! I’ve been wanting to start writing outside of class, and this seems like a fun way to start! Right now, I have two 10 gallons, a 20, and a 40 breeder. I have too many fish to count, but some notable ones are a beautiful pair of Bolivian rams, a colony of Pygmy Corydoras and about 12 and a half trillion endler fry. I just painted the back of the 20, and it looks great! I’ll see if I can post on occasion and show a few pictures now and then!
  22. Interesting! I've never heard of A. eunotus, but I wouldn't be shocked if a wholesaler got ahold of one and accidentally labelled it as another species. As for the darker one, I completely agree that It's probably an A. cacatuoides. Super curious about what the other could be! Guess I shouldn't be expecting fry anytime soon!
  23. Hi all! A while back, I bought a pair of apistos sold as “cacatuoides” from a chain store. Now that they’re closer to adulthood, I’m starting to have doubts on their species. Here are a few photos! I do believe the darker one is a cacatuoides male, bc of his fins, huge mouth, and occasional color. The other, I have no idea. It is occasionally bright yellow with a black line down its side, or as shown here, a brown-yellow with blue dots on the face, faint black bars on its flank, and yellow fins. Any help would be appreciated!
  24. Hi all! I have a group of C. elegans that I've been trying to breed. One of the females looks about to burst, but I'm wondering if the endler's i have with them will eat their eggs. Have any of you had experience with this?
  25. Hi all. A few days ago, I bought a panda Cory from my local pet store. It didn’t seem like it was doing great, so i decided to see if I could get it back to health. Well today, I notice it not moving and upside down. Assuming it’s dead, I tried to fish it out, but it scooted away. Right now I have it in a specimen container with an air stone. Could meth. blue, salt, or some other med help it? Amonia/nitrite are at 0, nitrate is at 10ppm. Ph, 7.2 water is at 76f. Thanks for any advice I may get.
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