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This is my 125 community tank.

It consists of:

10 bleeding heart tetra

8 Columbian tetra

8 skirt tetra

8 king blue tetra

4 sword tails

3 male bristlenose plecos

2 pearl gourami

1 male apistograma hongsloi

1 male black marble anglefish.

Going to add to those numbers on a few things.

Also looking too add something else that's not in the tank to it. Any suggestions? 


My intention right now is too add 3 more Columbian tetra

3 more king blue tetra

4 female sword tails and 3 platy

Maybe some hatchet fish?

Maybe some keyhole cichlids?

Let me know what you guys think!


Edited by BucketAquatics
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On 10/22/2023 at 10:20 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Nice tank! I’m surprised that it’s working out between the gouramis and the angelfish, but they do seem to complement each other color wise. 
It’s getting a bit crowded in there, so I’d go for just 3 more blue emperors, unless you feel that your filtration is capable of taking some more. 😅

It's loaded with hornwort, and various other plants. I'm very confident in it. Honestly though, I'm probably going to just up the numbers of what I have now. The gouramis are so infatuated with each other that they don't seem to think the angle even exists. Everything here gets along "swimmingly" 😅 lol the gourami are going to be moved to another tank with more pearls eventually, after that, I might put in something different.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did some rearranging, added some crypts and boesemani rainbow fish. Eventually planning on moving the big tetra to their own tank, rainbows to a 55, gonna put the apisto and the blue tetra in their own tank, might put the bristlenose in the tank with the big tetras. I have pictus catfish I want to put in here. I'm going to add larger south American cichlids to this tank eventually. Some electric blue acara and a couple other things along with the angelfish that's in there right now. I don't want more angels, this guy loaths his own kind, but, I've grown to love him and he gets on fine with everyone else in the tank now.any suggestions on what I could put in there with an angelfish some electric blue acara and pictus catfish? Must be plant friendly. I know that's limited, might do some keyholes but I want a little more color.


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