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Which Shrimp goes well with 2 big angels


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Hi Everyone, 

40 gal planted tank, with injected CO2 and etc.

pH from 6,8 going down to 5.5 in the middle of the day. 

About 7 neons, 8 lemon tetras and about 8 Harlequin AND 2 Angels of about  2.5 inches.

Weeks ago I tried to put 5 small Red Cherry Shrimps and I am 99% sure my angels did eat them. 

Is this normal ? Do you think the problem is I bought too small shrimps or these Angels will eat them anyways?

Maybe bigger Cherry or Amanos?

thank you 



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On 8/24/2023 at 7:18 PM, Marcelo said:

Weeks ago I tried to put 5 small Red Cherry Shrimps and I am 99% sure my angels did eat them. 

You just have to change up the technique a little bit.  Angels are notorious for eating shrimp.  Have a tank to the side, get a colony going, then add in your cull shrimp over time.  Once you see them doing alright, then you can add in more, but they have to have a foothold. 

Starting with 5, you lose 2-3 and you might not have any females left.  If you have them in a side tank, grow the colony for a few months, then you'll have 50+.

The angels will always go after them though.  Even amanos can be angel toys, unfortunately. 

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Adult angels will wipe out a shrimp colony. I had a 40 breeder that I would throw culls into, there was a lot of them in the tank, and I picked up at a club auction a bag with six sub adult angels cheap to grow out and then take to a later bigger auction. Anyways, by the time I took them to the later auction, all the shrimp in the tank had been picked off. This tank was not heavily planted, but I would say medium load of plants, and the angels were fed a couple of times a day so they also got plenty of other foods. 

I would not risk having any shrimp with angelfish except for any culls that you would pull out of other shrimp tanks. 

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My angel has eliminated all traces of the healthy colony of yellow shrimp that existed in the tank before he went in. The tank is very densely planted--so much so that the angel has to navigate and contort himself around plants if I skip more than 3 weeks of plant thinning-- and also loaded with cholla wood which I thought would give the shrimp sufficient places to hide. Nope.

It may be that there are enough shrimp in there somewhere to resurrect the colony when he moves out, but visually, there are no shrimp in the tank. I used to see the large adults regularly. Then occasionally. Then never. 😞

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On 8/26/2023 at 6:05 PM, Marcelo said:

Looks like I have to decide what I want : donate these 2 angels or forget shrimps 🙂.     

Personally I vote for  shrimp. Shrimp are so amazing to keep and watch. Totally love them!

However, just know that the other fish in your aquarium, even though they are nano, will also snack on the shrimp babies and could pick at the adults causing them to die.

In have only had success with keeping shrimp in a community tank with fish when the shrimp were in overwhelming numbers (think hundreds, an overpowering hoard, a total shrimp-pocolypse!) and there was also a lot of vegetation and rock-work for the babies to hide in.

Fish would eat them all the time, but their numbers seemed completely un-impacted.

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On 8/26/2023 at 6:21 PM, tolstoy21 said:

In have only had success with keeping shrimp in a community tank with fish when the shrimp were in overwhelming numbers (think hundreds, an overpowering hoard, a total shrimp-pocolypse!) and there was also a lot of vegetation and rock-work for the babies to hide in.

Fish would eat them all the time, but their numbers seemed completely un-impacted.

I've had good luck with adding guppies to tanks with modest numbers of shrimp.

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