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How do you use this gift?


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On 1/12/2023 at 3:25 AM, Cinnebuns said:

Someone just gifted you a $100 gift card to Amazon. You spend it all on aquarium stuff. What would you get?

I just did this! I bought:

 Food, a set of aquascaping tools, a couple of sponge filters, Prime, aquarium salt, Catappa leaves, Wonder shells, Knox gelatin for Snello(preparing to raise snails for future pea puffers) and a set of Microfiber towels  to use specifically for my aquariums!

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With so many possibilities, why can't I decide how to spend $100. worth of fun money?

  • Horticultural lava rock
  • Thrive Root Tabs, to supplement the EG  
  • a variety of foods and test kits that I wouldn't normally purchase
  • pluming parts and a pump adequate for the sandfall that want to build
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On 1/12/2023 at 5:50 AM, DaveO said:

I would give the gift card back and ask for cash. Then I would go to my LFS. Anything but Amazon.

Finally some one who also doesn’t like gift cards! I really don’t like getting them, sure they may seem like there is more thought put into them, but I’d rather not be limited on what I can buy 

Probably books (field guides) on fish

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On 1/12/2023 at 10:45 AM, MattyM said:

I'd buy something new to try, and some backup equipment (extra heater, filter stuff/media, meds, etc). 

Excellent idea!!  Thats slightly what I'm going with. I partially posted this to get ideas because I did get a $100 amazon gift card haha. I'm gonna try some new gravel. I didn't think about the backup equipment but that's smart too. I do have most of my backup equipment set but I should double check. I also know I'm lacking some meds!

On 1/12/2023 at 4:50 AM, DaveO said:

I would give the gift card back and ask for cash. Then I would go to my LFS. Anything but Amazon.

Haha. I don't disagree. My reaction was a little like "Is it rude to ask him to change this to ACO instead?" Haha

On 1/12/2023 at 5:40 AM, FLFishChik said:

So, I gotta ask because I haven't dove into this world much yet, am I missing something by not doing botanicals?  Should I research this more?  I've heard it used specifically with fish and bettas the most but other fish as well. I believe it's for anti-fungal maybe?  Also helps add tannins? Idk. I do have blue neocaridina shrimp and I am planning for a betta eventually. Idk if I have any need to keep any on hand for treatments tho maybe?

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On 1/12/2023 at 8:31 AM, Guppysnail said:

If you don’t have pumps or a python system for water change it’s so worth the spend. Especially if you are not a strong person (I am not ) I got my pumps and pond  hose on Amazon. 

You're not wrong I kinda would love to not have to haul buckets but then again I think I have to haul buckets haha. It's forced exercise!  Besides, I live in a small 1 bedroom apt so I don't have to walk far!  I have had times where I went back and forth hauling a bucket over 20 times tho. That was rough. But I do actually appreciate the incentive to exercise!

On 1/12/2023 at 10:03 AM, Tanked said:

a variety of foods

I was considering stocking up on foods eventhough I'm not low right now but I hesitate. I don't want them to go stale or bad by sitting too long so idk. 

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Currently had this happen and it's been a lot of back and forth.

A. Food on Amazon is extremely weird if they even have it. If they do, you better check price.

B. I did find some cheap manzanita and botanicals and then read where Someone nuked their bank because the batch had pesticides.  Buy that from a place you recognize.

C. Any sort of aquascaping tools may or may not be great. I have a really hard time with Amazon and quality....

Substrate is a great choice. Unfortunately the bag rips often and you have to go through the refunds which is why the prices can be nuts.

I found some mopani from fluval I'm eyeballing, new flashlight with colored lenses or that just lasts longer and can be charged via USB, silicone molds to make my own repashy tablets, meds that I should have on hand, but can't find locally, crafting supplies (plastic mesh), fishing line, suction cups, petri dishes, root tabs, things like that.  It's easier to trust and get equipment, but moreso just something slightly not for the hobby, but what we use all the time.

Sponge I need, super glue I did get, the rest is intended for an order of something that is a species I've never kept, but I can actually order it from the place I want just through Amazon.

On 1/12/2023 at 10:30 AM, Cinnebuns said:

You're not wrong I kinda would love to not have to haul buckets but then again I think I have to haul buckets haha. It's forced exercise!  Besides, I live in a small 1 bedroom apt so I don't have to walk far!  I have had times where I went back and forth hauling a bucket over 20 times tho. That was rough. But I do actually appreciate the incentive to exercise!

Still gives you the exercise, but maybe a taller bucket and a dolly to wheel it around.

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Consider where you spend your aquarium time that isn't enjoyable and invest in improving that. 

Are you still using a python? Stop siphoning and get a water pump. 

Do you need a nearby shelf for hand towels? Get a shelf and hand towels. 

Do you have backups for your airpump and filtration? If not, consider that. 

The important thing is to figure out what is taking your time and happiness. Be careful not to invest in something that is just another chore. 


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On 1/12/2023 at 1:25 PM, Cinnebuns said:

Excellent idea!!  Thats slightly what I'm going with. I partially posted this to get ideas because I did get a $100 amazon gift card haha. I'm gonna try some new gravel. I didn't think about the backup equipment but that's smart too. I do have most of my backup equipment set but I should double check. I also know I'm lacking some meds!

Haha. I don't disagree. My reaction was a little like "Is it rude to ask him to change this to ACO instead?" Haha

So, I gotta ask because I haven't dove into this world much yet, am I missing something by not doing botanicals?  Should I research this more?  I've heard it used specifically with fish and bettas the most but other fish as well. I believe it's for anti-fungal maybe?  Also helps add tannins? Idk. I do have blue neocaridina shrimp and I am planning for a betta eventually. Idk if I have any need to keep any on hand for treatments tho maybe?

I have betta ( and all my community fish come from dark water in their natural habitat) so I use it 1) to make fish feel more secure, 2) great for shrimp, snails and bottom dwellers to snack on the biofilm they produce, 3) anti-fungal properties are a bonus, but I do notice my Betta seem happier with the leaves in the water than without.


sometimes, I’ll make Catappa leaf tea to put in the tank if I don’t really want to stick leaves in. I just put 5 or 6 leaves in a mason jar, boil water in my tea kettle and fill the jar up, let the leaves steep for 24 hours athen pour the “tea” into a plastic jug and set in the fridge. I will then add it with a turkey blaster to my tank as needed. It’ll keep in the fridge for about a month 

Edited by FLFishChik
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On 1/12/2023 at 12:48 PM, Darax said:

Consider where you spend your aquarium time that isn't enjoyable and invest in improving that. 

Are you still using a python? Stop siphoning and get a water pump. 

Do you need a nearby shelf for hand towels? Get a shelf and hand towels. 

Do you have backups for your airpump and filtration? If not, consider that. 

The important thing is to figure out what is taking your time and happiness. Be careful not to invest in something that is just another chore. 


Great advice!

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On 1/12/2023 at 1:30 PM, Cinnebuns said:

You're not wrong I kinda would love to not have to haul buckets but then again I think I have to haul buckets haha. It's forced exercise!  Besides, I live in a small 1 bedroom apt so I don't have to walk far!  I have had times where I went back and forth hauling a bucket over 20 times tho. That was rough. But I do actually appreciate the incentive to exercise!

For me, the pond pump was less about not having to haul buckets, because I still do that anyway, but was about being able to put new water in the tank in a controlled way. The old way had me pouring water from a five gallon bucket over my hand and then inevitably annoying the fish, making a mess, and kicking stuff up off the substrate. With the pump, I can set the flow rate and direct the water where I want it to go.

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