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I have them a couple hours to get used to the new tank. Figured I would check the parameters while waiting and I'm glad I did. Close to 100 nitrates. So I did a 50 water change. That should knock a pretty good dent in it. Waited until just now and offered some grindal worms. Everyone has some. And a teeny pinch of crushed flake with bbs. All a success. Now they know there will be good things to eat here. Going to stop staring and let them get more comfortable in there new surroundings.

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@TeeJay have you checked out @jwcarlsons Apistopolooza thread? It would be the funniest thing ever if you bred yours by accident while he's been eagerly waiting for his to get all lovey-dovey. 

On 4/28/2023 at 6:18 PM, Guppysnail said:

Poor little boy. He thinks he is boss. 🤣 wait till the girls lay eggs. He will promptly be taught otherwise. At least he feels like a king at least once. 

Mine likes to boss the female around a bit; but gets payback when the kids arrive 😂

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It's been a week now since the new apistos arrived. They are adjusting very well and getting along well together. Getting a bit more used to me when I come to there tank. The still like to hide quite a bit but that's ok. Any foods I have offered they eat well. Flake micro pellets or grindal worms. 

I have some apisto caves on the way. They are very peaceful and just enjoy hanging out and slowly cruzing around the tank. 



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The new crew of cpds have been in the shrimp tank for two weeks now on quarantine. They are doing awesome. I have no fears if sickness disease or stress. Getting from a local breeder I didn't really have any concerns after the first night. But in the main tank they will be going in one of my cpds was still a little smaller than they are. So I wanted to give that oncle a little more time to grow.

And im dreading the tear up in the shrimp tank I'm going to have to do to get the little buggers out 😆 if only they were like the killis and pretty much swim right into the net 

As well last night I found at least one of the new blue jelly shrimp fully berried. So they are doing good as well. Hopefully won't be long until we have some shrimplets. It's so crazy how bright yellow there belly's of  eggs are. So awesome.




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The time to become very concern is once she lay eggs; generally speaking borelli are fairly peaceful and the male is usually not overtly aggressive towards females when they are not ready to breed (unlike some other species); however she can be a little fire cracker once she has laid eggs and despite her small size she knows how to seriously damage or kill the male so that is the time you have to be most careful. Given the small size of your aquarium you might consider removing him once she has eggs/frys.

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Finally got the apisto caves in that I ordered. I think the clay pots were to tall and didn't feel safe enough as the actual apisto caves do.

So I got 3 of them a put one on each side and one in the back middle. Each one has its own little "privacy yard" if you will. That way when mom has little ones to bring out she can in a safer area as to not be seen by the other 2. 







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The new apisto trio is adjusting very well. There starting to come out more and getting used to me sitting by there tank. No issues with eating. And they will accept flakes and pellets. And if course grindal worms. If they breed that would be awesome but if not I won't mind. I'm enjoying having a new fish to watch and learn from. 

The only time I ever had cichlids before this was almost 25 years ago and that was convicts. These guys are a fun change of pace 

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I was totally staring at this thread earlier wondering how things were going.  Nice!

On 5/5/2023 at 6:13 PM, TeeJay said:

If they breed that would be awesome but if not I won't mind. I'm enjoying having a new fish to watch and learn from. 

That's the spirit!  Having this mindset makes things really fun for me.  "Observe and report" so to speak and figure out what you learn along the way.

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My apistos have become my favorite fish to watch.  They're really interesting, relatively active, and curious little things.  They're not quite as 'beggy' as other cichlids I've had like oscars and discus.  But they do seem to get used to you being around.  

Good looking fish! 🙂

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On 5/5/2023 at 9:09 PM, jwcarlson said:

My apistos have become my favorite fish to watch.  They're really interesting, relatively active, and curious little things.  They're not quite as 'beggy' as other cichlids I've had like oscars and discus.  But they do seem to get used to you being around.  

Good looking fish! 🙂

This seems to be both  dependent upon species and scaping; i have had some species where the male never accepts people - or at least haven't after several years. While the females generally seem more bold again exact behavior depends upon species.

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Forgot the coffee this morning so why don't we have tea time with Teejay shall we?

The new cpds have been with me for 3 weeks now. They have done excellent. So last night when I fed them I decided to try and catch some to transport over to the 20 long. We all know they are fast as grease lighting. So I grabbed a shrimp net and held it into the open are of the tank where I feed them at for a few mins before I added food. As they started eating I was able to nab up 3 and got them over to there new home. Within 2 mins off adding them they were zooming around with there new friends. 

I figure 3 is enough to add at once so I left the other 5 in the shrimp tank. That gives me a total of 8 in the 20 long. The best I can tell I think I have 5 female and 3 male in the 20. But it's so hard to tell with how fast they are. 

The new pink flamingo crypt I added to there tank 3 weeks ago already has a new bright pink leaf! I typically keep my tank lights slid to the back half of the tank. But for this tank I have been keeping it slid to the front of the tank since the flamingo is there. As well the majority of the other crypts that I planted in there a few months ago are all growing very well. So happy with the way this tank is taking shape.

I also added a piece of cholla wood to the left side of the tank on top of one of the rock caves. Seems like an odd place for it to be but I like the way it looks. So now the blue jellies have a good wad of java moss and cholla to hide the shrimplettes in. I don't believe I have lost any of the 17 that I started with 3 weeks ago so I hope to have a nice colony going by the end of summer.




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On 5/9/2023 at 9:12 AM, TeeJay said:

Forgot the coffee this morning so why don't we have tea time with Teejay shall we?

It's fiiiiine I got enough for the both of us. 😂

On 5/9/2023 at 9:12 AM, TeeJay said:

The new pink flamingo crypt I added to there tank 3 weeks ago already has a new bright pink leaf! I typically keep my tank lights slid to the back half of the tank. But for this tank I have been keeping it slid to the front of the tank since the flamingo is there. As well the majority of the other crypts that I planted in there a few months ago are all growing very well. So happy with the way this tank is taking shape.

Crypts and Buce are plants I need to try. It's so awesome to see the success and to see the plant doing so well! Nice work.

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Going to send off another group of killis for a new forever home in just a few minutes. Thee numbers are not huge but I want to keep there population under check. For a few reasons. 1st I'm I need to move one of the apistos from there tank if and when they do breed I have a tank to move to.

Second I know lemony is old enough to breed now and I figure Luna is only a few months behind him on that scale. This way I know I won't get to overcrowded overnight when these happen. Because we know they will and I like to have options when the time arises. After that it's water change time. 

Since I run 2 sponge filters and 2 hob filters on this tank the water changes could go longer than 7 days. I do my best to keep them on that schedule. But sometimes adulting gets in the way and I may have to stretch it to 10 days. But it's been set up for15 months and always stays well balanced. But I don't let that lull me into a false sense of security.

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That is a great way to approach it. The thing I found with leadt killi is as a small group their number stay pretty even and steady. As the group gets larger the numbers multiply exponentially until it seemed like I could not get out in front of the population boom. 

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On 5/10/2023 at 2:55 PM, Guppysnail said:

That is a great way to approach it. The thing I found with leadt killi is as a small group their number stay pretty even and steady. As the group gets larger the numbers multiply exponentially until it seemed like I could not get out in front of the population boom. 

I figure every 4-6 weeks I can ship off another dozen or so. That seems about what I get to a rehoming size in that period of time. Of course I'm sure there are still more hiding in the guppy grass. But I also know Mr platy gets his share of tiny killi snacks I'm sure 

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I have these Golden Least Killifish now and I think they’re pretty cool little fish that don’t need lots of space, and seem perfect for a little no tech nano tank. My question is are yours active? I expected them to behave like Endlers or guppies but mine are the opposite, they tend to hang in the water column or just swim around slowly. They’re not skittish at all but they do often find a little dark corner to hide in. 

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