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What is the best method for moving a pleco

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On 7/12/2022 at 12:19 PM, Various Vivaria said:

I just got a rubber lip pleco that is about 2.5 inches. I know that you are not supposed to net plecos but how else can I safely move it?

The rubberlips are pretty quick little guys!  Here is how I generally try to move fish and I do use a net for everything, including otos. This method makes it "easier" for the fish to safely go into the net and not get stuck.  You'll want to ensure for most catfish that you try to let them go in and out of the net easily without too much struggling.  Something like using your hand on the underside of the net to support them can be very helpful, especially for otos and corys. 

The other thing I do is I make sure the "fringe" or whatever it's called.  The seam on the net that has all of the exposed thread, I make sure that is on the outside of the net and not on the inside where the fish might easily get caught on it.


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Options… chase it into a cave. Pic up cave and all. 
place food in a breeder net 

chase it into a glass container food. 

To be honest except for my full grown long fin lemons 6 inches I bet them with coop nets. I’ve netted 100s of juveniles. Even sun adults. I have netted mom n dad in a pinch carefully releasing them slow to let them untangle from the net. I had no issues. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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I’ve netted loads of plecos over the decades and I’ve never had one be injured by netting.  Just don’t let them thrash in the net (they usually don’t) and release gently just letting them get themselves out of the net.  They are more likely to thrash if they’re a bit too big for the net.  Big ones, I sometimes see if I can coax them into a corner, then moving my hands very slowly I just pick them up.  It works surprisingly well sometimes, but not always.  A container is your friend for big guys.  Little ones, I cup my hand around them as I pull the net out of the water to limit any thrashing, then lower them back into the water kind of slow and just tip the net over since they are naturally inclined to swim downward.

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