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Best Scape - Nerm Week 2022

Hello everyone! This is the thread for the "Best Aquascape" aquascape competition, please glance over this post before making your entry.

Best Scape | 2022  NERM Week Fish Photo Comps Explanation

This is the best aquarium in terms of appearance . The submitted tank/body of water is the aquarium that you feel is the best setup you have, mostly in terms of appearance. 3D backgrounds and solid colour backgrounds are permitted. Please do not include any other type of background


Please submit one picture of the full setup. You may include up to 3 separate files that highlight certain characteristics of your setup.

Best Scape Rules and Guidelines:

Stay within the guidelines of the forum.

The setup must be your own.

The setup must be a suitable environment for your animals.

3D and solid colour backgrounds are permitted, however all others are not.

Invalid Posts:

If your post does not comply with our rules/ guidelines you will be private messaged for the post to be fixed. If the post has not been fixed by Wednesday at noon, your post becomes invalid. Any members post thats does not comply with our rules/guidelines will receive a private message.

Best of luck to all! 

Edited by FlyingFishKeeper
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29 G Betta Community Tank 


Detail Photos

1. Fish exploring rocks and wood (right)


2. Betta swimming through red root floaters 


3. Detail of background "Snart" (snail trail art in algae) 


Hardscape: driftwood and found rocks 

Aquatic Plants: amazon sword, cardinal plant, dwarf four leaf clover, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Cryptocoryne undulata, Ludwigia peruensis, red root floaters, crested java fern, duckweed, red dwarf lily

Emersed plants: peace lily, polka-dot plant, purple knight, pothos 

Animals: mystery snails, nerite snails, panda cory cats, albino cory cats, blue velvet shrimp, amano shrimp, half-moon dumbo betta 

Miscellaneous/Hardware: sand and scattered gravel over eco-complete and soil, two emersed planters (shower soap racks), hygger full spectrum light, sponge filter, HOB, heater, plain black background with algae 

Edited by Darth Mollusk
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This is my first planted tank so I hope you like it. 🙂922F8D6A-8BD0-43F5-8C4A-3E1C1465A130.jpeg.4fc1e7f9cf1fb6413a85fd49420877a5.jpegDA1681DF-CB97-40D1-A42C-1C4F9B51DB6B.jpeg.48eb9ce9a1922edd986066d9df036e43.jpegC99F4CFE-E361-4E85-9FC2-EFEBD6975552.jpeg.bb38e1413cd31ac777682632150d05b8.jpeg

-10 gallon tank

-all easy plants(elodea, limnophila sessiliflora, Java fern, anubias, buce, Christmas moss, crypt parva, crypt lutea, S repens, floating plants)

-6 golden white cloud minnows 

-1 stiphodon goby

- 3 nerite snails 

-all real wood and rock

-fluval planted substrate and sand

Edited by Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics
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Here's my 29 gallon. First planted tank. Changed back to a plain background to hopefully meet guidelines. Hornwort, duck weed, anubius, dwarf sag, micro sword, crypt lucens, crypt wendtii red, crypt tropica. Some hydrocotyle tripartita. Little bit of java fern and moss. Probably a couple plants I'm forgetting. Real rocks and sticks. Sponge filter back right. 

Currently has 8 white clouds minnows and a decent group of cherry shrimp.

Pics of the full tank, a little closer shot of fish in the middle area, and a nice shrimp on a rock.




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This is my first go into bigger tanks - 20 gal UNS 90L.  Hope you enjoy, I’ve had a lot of fun researching and building  this one.

Plants: Rotala, Java fern, Buce, Anubia, Amazon Frogbit, Crypts, Swords

Stock: Plakat Betta, Panda Corys, BN Pleco, Ramshorn snails

Hardscape: Seriyu stones, Mopani wood, coarse sand capped over UNS Controsoil

Equipment: Coop medium sponge filter, Dymax SlimFlo 500




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I absolutely don't expect to win, but I do want to encourage participation!

I don't think it's fair to show my tank without showing the chaos that it's been through (photos in my journal). I tried to clean the glass as best I could, but I always miss some.  There is algae, there likely will be for a while on this one, but it is newly planted.  I turned the lights on, scared a pleco and he tossed the  Hygrophilia Pinnatifida in the back left up into the water. Please ignore!

I'll be really excited when this one grows in!



Edited by nabokovfan87
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This is a 55G and it will hopefully have a bunch of German blue rams swimming around. I have a breeding pair in here now, patiently I’m waiting. 
Filtering with a HOB and a sponge filter. I have 2 other airstones running as well. Jungle vallisneria, bacopa caroliniana, and a bunch of crypts. I don’t have the lights to grow actual carpeting plants so I used crypts for that.CFD612E4-7E26-4E68-9F9F-9D4C0A50B07A.jpeg.2c72bb0ac9796beb691aa535c1082855.jpeg




this has a lot of growing to do but I’m very happy with how it is coming together.

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On 7/12/2022 at 11:10 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

Unfortunately, this tank is a bit underdeveloped, but why not try! 

75 gallon.



A variety of texture, color, shape, size, and height  What's not to like?   I don't see underdeveloped here.

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60 gal rimless tank. Trying to be biotopy, not really working with the tannins.

Plants: Water lettuce, duckweed. Can't really have plants because the headstanders eat them. 

Stock: Marbled headstanders, rummy nose tetras, pencilfish, sterbai cories






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On 7/13/2022 at 12:41 PM, SandBkeeper said:


My favorite photo, nice photography work!  ORD, but I'll add it tomorrow. 🙂   There is a thread we had where people were taking their photos and running them through a watercolor filter.  Would love to see this one over there!


On 7/13/2022 at 12:41 PM, SandBkeeper said:


Such a cool shape to the tank, especially for this scape.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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20220712_214053.JPG.1f14f816010eb11dfb4eacb4cdee478b.JPGThis is my 8.3 gallon tank that was the first tank I built myself to fit onto my kitchen countertop lol. Everything I put in there can be removed and no plants are planted in the actual substrate because I'm growing out some fry in it.

The pictures show the whole tank, one nerite snail living in there, and my dwarf anchor catfish that is in there. And all real plants and wood.

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